Я и дальше хочу тебе верить, но на словах ты мне говоришь одно, а вижу перевод - Я и дальше хочу тебе верить, но на словах ты мне говоришь одно, а вижу английский как сказать

Я и дальше хочу тебе верить, но на

Я и дальше хочу тебе верить, но на словах ты мне говоришь одно, а вижу и чувствую я совсем другое. Я пыталась разобраться в этом самостоятельно и две недели не говорила тебе об этом, при этом испытывала очень неприятные чувства. А когда я поняла, что без тебя мне в этом не разобраться, я сказала, что у меня к тебе есть очень важный и долгий разговор. Мы договорились с тобой поужинать, а когда ты сказал, что мы будем не вдвоем я очень сильно расстроилась, но не от того, что не хочу общаться с твоими друзьями, наоборот, я очень этого хочу. Чтобы ты понял, что это не мой каприз я тебе приведу пример. Я очень была рада, что ты пригласил меня в "Библиотеку". Когда ты написал сообщение о том, чтобы я пришла к тебе в бар, я в это время лежала в постели в полуобморочном состоянии с очень сильными болями в животе, плюс к этому меня сильно тошнило, потому что начались месячные. Но я так обрадовалась, что ты решил меня ввести в свой круг друзей, для меня это было так важно, что я выпила таблетки, постаралась привести себя в чувство и, конечно же, приехала даже в таком состоянии. Я также была очень рада и благодарна тебе, что ты пригласил меня к себе домой на вечеринку, потому что прекрасно понимала, что тебе не просто далось это решение, что, несмотря на то, что ты очень умеешь скрывать свои истинные чувства и не показывать их людям, для самого себя тебе это будет тяжело. Для меня это было тоже тяжело, но я справилась. И была настроена и дальше вести себя так же хорошо, как бы трудно мне это не было.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I want you to believe, but the words I say one thing and see and feel I'm completely different. I tried to understand this yourself and two weeks is not told you about it, it was a very unpleasant feeling. And when I realized that without you I do not understand, I said that I have for you is very important and a long conversation. We agreed with you for dinner, and when you said that we are not together I was very upset, but not because I do not want to communicate with your friends, on the contrary, I really want to. You realized that it's not my whim I'll give an example. I was very glad you invited me to "library". When you wrote a post about how I came to you in the bar, I was lying in bed in a poluobmoročnom condition with severe abdominal pain, plus I was very nauseous, because first period. But I am so glad that you decided to introduce me to your circle of friends, for me it was so important that I drank a pill, has tried to cast himself in a sense and, of course, came even in this State. I also was very happy and thankful to you you're invited me to his house for a party, because it is well understood that you don't just was given the decision that, in spite of the fact that you can hide your true feelings and do not show them to people, to you it will be hard. For me, it was too hard, but I managed. And was set to continue to behave as good as would be hard for me it wasn't.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I continue to want to believe you, but the words you tell me one thing, but I see and feel completely different. I tried to understand this yourself two weeks and did not tell you about it, while experiencing a very unpleasant feeling. And when I realized that without you I do not understand this, I said that I have for you is very important and a long conversation. We agreed to have dinner with you, and when you said that we are not alone I am very much upset, but not the fact that I do not want to communicate with your friends, on the contrary, I really want this. You to understand that this is not my whim I'll give you an example. I was very glad you invited me to the "Library". When you write a message saying that I have come to you in a bar, this time I was lying in bed in a semiconscious state with very severe abdominal pain, plus I was very sick, because he started menstruating. But I'm so glad that you decided to introduce me to your circle of friends, for me it was so important that I drank tablets, tried to bring himself to his senses and, of course, came even in this state. I was also very glad and grateful to you that you invited me to his home for a party, because it was well aware that you are not just the decision was given, that despite the fact that you really know how to hide their true feelings and show them people for himself to you it will be hard. For me it was too hard, but I managed. And was set to continue to behave as well as difficult to me it was not.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I further want to tell you to believe, but the words I say one, and I see and feel I have quite another. I have tried to understand this on their own and two weeks is not spoken unto thee about this,If this had a very unpleasant feelings. And when I realized that, without thee unto me in this does not understand, I said that I have to get you there is a very important and a long conversation. We have agreed with you dinner,And when you said that we will not be two people I am very much stuck, but not from the fact that do not wish to communicate with friends, I pray you, on the contrary, I am very this, I would like to. To ensure that you understand that this is not my hair i tell you let me give you an example.I was very pleased that you invited me to the "library". When you wrote a message that I had come to you in the bar, I am at this time was in bed полуобморочном condition with very strong pain in the abdomen,Plus I've been feeling sick, because that began monthly. But I was dreaming, that I decided I have to enter in their wide circle of friends, for me, it was so important that i hovering pill,She has tried to bring in a sense of and, of course, arrived even in such a condition. I was also very pleased and grateful to you, that you have invited me to their home to the party, because it is well understood,That you are not simply an easy one this is a decision that, in spite of the fact that you are a very hell to hide their true feelings, and do not show their people, for itself you this will be difficult. For me, it was too heavy,But I accomplished. And it was set up and continue to do so in so far as good as would have been difficult to me, this is not it.
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