Именно колледжи, которые делятся на более престижные и менее престижны перевод - Именно колледжи, которые делятся на более престижные и менее престижны английский как сказать

Именно колледжи, которые делятся на

Именно колледжи, которые делятся на более престижные и менее престижные, осуществляют набор студентов, то есть продолжают дело их социальной квалификации. Именно колледжи заняты воспитанием студентов.
В отличие от «краснокирпичных» университетов, Оксфорд и Кембридж имеют общую своеобразную черту – систему личных наставников, своего рода научных преподавателей, которые прикреплены к каждому студенту. Это очень дорогостоящая система, которые не могут себе позволить «краснокирпичные» университеты. Студент Оксфорда и Кембриджа ходит на факультет слушать лекции, индивидуальные занятия в колледже посвящаются каждой теме. Студенты сдают наставнику письменные работы, тот их проверяет и затеи они подобно обсуждают содержание работы.
Студенты воспитываются в духе классовой верности. Сначала это верность своему колледжу, затем верность клубу, концерну, парламентской фракции, своему классу. Главная цель обучения – воспитать человека, который бы продолжал традиции правящего класса. Выпускник Оксфорда и Кембриджа чувствует себя окруженным «сетью старых друзей», которые его всегда поддержат.
Эти университеты считают своей главной задачей воспитание человека, способного управлять страной. Именно это, а не учение, является главным.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It is the colleges, which are divided into more prestigious and less prestigious, recruit students, i.e. continue their social skills. It is the colleges are busy bringing up students.Unlike "krasnokirpičnyh" of universities, Oxford and Cambridge have in common a kind of hell-a system of personal mentors, a kind of academic teachers who are attached to each student. This is a very expensive system that could not afford to "krasnokirpičnye". Oxford and Cambridge student goes to the Faculty listen to lectures, individual classes in the College are dedicated to each theme. Students pass mentor written work, that their checks and they certainly like to discuss the content of the work.Students are educated in a spirit of class loyalty. It is faithful to its first college, then a loyalty Club, group, class, its parliamentary faction. The main objective of the training is to educate people who'd continued traditions of the ruling class. A graduate of Oxford and Cambridge feels surrounded by "old friends" network, which will support him always.These universities see their primary task of nurturing a person capable to govern the country. It is this, rather than doctrine, is the principal.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
That's colleges, which are divided into more prestigious and less prestigious, students perform a set, that is, continue the work of their social skills. That colleges are busy educating students.
In contrast to the "red brick" universities, Oxford and Cambridge have a common distinctive feature - personal mentor system, a kind of science teachers who are attached to each student. This is a very expensive system that can not afford the "red brick" universities. Oxford and Cambridge student attends the faculty to listen to lectures, individual lessons in college devoted to each topic. Students take written work mentor, one of their checks and the undertaking they like to discuss the content of the work.
Students are educated in the spirit of class loyalty. First, it is faithful to his college, then loyalty to the club, the concern, the parliamentary faction of their class. The main purpose of education - to educate a person who would have continued the tradition of the ruling class. A graduate of Oxford and Cambridge feels himself surrounded by "a network of old friends" who always support it.
These universities consider their main task of the human upbringing, capable of running the country. It is this, rather than teaching, is paramount.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the colleges, which are divided into the more prestigious and less prestigious, recruit students, have continued their social skills. the colleges are educating students.in contrast to the "краснокирпичных» universities, oxford and cambridge have a common line, a system of personal mentors, a kind of science teachers, which are attached to each student. this is a very expensive system, who can not afford to "краснокирпичные» universities. oxford and cambridge student goes to school to listen to lectures, individual classes in the college are for each subject. students pass master"s written work, that their checks and the applications they like discussing the content of the work.students are brought up in the spirit of class loyalty. first, it"s loyalty to his college, and loyalty to the club, the concern, the parliamentary faction of his class. the primary purpose of education is to have a man who would have continued the traditions of the ruling class. graduate of oxford and cambridge feels surrounded by a network of old friends who always support.these universities as its main task the education rights, capable of running the country. that is, not a message, is the principal.
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