Greetings.I know you have been already seek and tired from this kind o перевод - Greetings.I know you have been already seek and tired from this kind o английский как сказать

Greetings.I know you have been alre

I know you have been already seek and tired from this kind of messages.
But as a lot of this year’s applicants, I couldn’t submit my application due to a server error.
Error on my user page began to appear after attempt to complete Leadership & Influence question (by copy-pasting from my Notes, not typing directly). Refreshing the page and even switching the browser didn’t help. As well as attempts to submit any other field. My recent error number was: 3515893. Text: “Oops – it looks like an error has occurred. Please click the link below, quoting the following error reference: 3515893”.
After a LOT of attempts I left a message on the Official Chevening Facebook Page (screenshot’s attached) and got an advice: «Hi Annette - We've had a lot of traffic to the application system in the last few hours. To help you apply we have taken away the need to upload documents and you can go ahead and submit without uploading your references. Please take off any supporting documents you have attached and submit your application. We will contact you later on in the week to request them. Good luck!».
I’m thankful for an answer but it didn’t help. Actually, I wasn’t able nor to submit, nor to upload any documents as well. My account seemed to be dead. Just like my hopes to participate this year.

I can see a lot of applicants faced the same problem.
If there is still some chance to complete an application without technical issues, I would like to know, what I should do.
Anyway, thank you for your time and patience.
There is a lot of work to do this year and you do it great.

Anette Pavlenko
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Greetings.I know you have been already seek and tired from this kind of messages.But as a lot of this year's applicants, I couldn't submit my application due to a server error.Error on my user page began to appear after attempt to complete Leadership & Influence question (by copy-pasting from my Notes, not typing directly). Refreshing the page and even switching the browser didnt help. As well as attempts checkbox to submit any other field. My recent error number was: 3,515,893. Text: "Oops-it looks like an error has occurred. Please click the link below, quoting the following reference error: 3515893 ".After a LOT of attempts setting I left a message on the Official Chevening Facebook Page (screenshot's attached) and got an advice: Hi Annette-we've had a lot of traffic to the application system in the last few hours. To help you apply we have taken away the need to upload documents and you can go ahead and submit without uploading your references. Please take off any supporting documents you have attached and submit your application. We will contact you later on in the week to request them. Good luck! ".I'm thankful for an answer but it didn't help. Actually, I wasnt able nor to submit, nor to upload any documents as well. My account seemed to be dead. Just like my hopes to participate this year.I can see a lot of applicants faced the same problem.If there is still some chance to complete an application without technical issues, I would like to know, what I should do.Anyway, thank you for your time and "patience".There is a lot of work to do this year and you do it great.Sincerely,Anette Pavlenko
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I know you have been already seek and tired from this kind of messages.
But as a lot of this year's applicants, I could not submit my application due to a server error.
Error on my user page began to appear after attempt to complete Leadership & Influence question (by copy-pasting from my Notes, not typing directly). Refreshing the page and even switching the browser did not help. As well as attempts to submit any other field. My recent error number was: 3515893. Text: "Oops - it looks like an error has occurred. Please click the link below, quoting the following error reference: 3515893 ".
After a LOT of attempts I left a message on the Official Chevening Facebook Page (screenshot's attached) and got an advice:« Hi by Annette - We've had a lot of traffic to the application system in the last few hours. To help you apply we have taken away the need to upload documents and you can go ahead and submit without uploading your references. Please take off any supporting documents you have attached and submit your application. We will contact you later on in the week to request them. Luck Good! ».
I'm thankful for an answer but it did not help. Actually, I was not able nor to submit, nor to upload any documents as well. My account seemed to be dead. Just like my hopes to participate this year. I can see a lot of applicants faced the same problem. If there is still some chance to complete an application without technical issues, I would like to know, what I should do. Anyway, thank you your time and for patience. There is a lot of work to do this year and you do it great. Sincerely, Anette Pavlenko

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
greetings. i know you have been a powerful and tired from this kind of messages. "but as a lot of this year's applicants, i couldn't submit my application due to a server error.
error on my user page began to appear in order to complete leadership & influence question (by copy pasting from my notes, not typing directly). Refreshing the page and even switching the browser didn't well as attempts to submit any other field. my recent error number was: 3515893. text: "oops, it looks like an error has occurred. please click the link below, quoting the following error reference: 3515893 ". after a lot of what i left a message on the official Chevening facebook page (screen shot 's attached) and got an advice:"hi annette - we 've had a lot of traffic to the application system in the last few hours. to help you apply we have taken away the need to upload documents and you can go ahead and submit without uploading your references. please take off any supporting documents you have attached and submit your application. we will contact you later on in the week to request them. good luck!
".i 'm thankful for an answer but it didn't help. all this time, i wasn't able nor to submit, nor to upload any documents as well. my account seemed to be dead. just like my hopes to participate this year.

i can see a lot of applicants faced the same problem. if there is still a chance to complete an application, technical issues, i would like to know, what i should do.
anyway,thank you for your time and reception staff. there is a lot of work to do this year and you do it good. Sincerely

Anette Pavlenko
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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