Отдел продаж - выполнение основных функций связанных с коммерческой де перевод - Отдел продаж - выполнение основных функций связанных с коммерческой де английский как сказать

Отдел продаж - выполнение основных

Отдел продаж - выполнение основных функций связанных с коммерческой деятельностью компании. Продвижение продукции на потребительский рынок, определение плана мероприятий, контроль над их выполнением, общение и взаиморасчеты с поставщиками и клиентами, ведение документооборота.

Финансовый отдел - финансовый и бухгалтерский учет, оптимальное использование имеющихся активов, организация и контроль финансово-хозяйственной деятельности компании.

Отдел планирования и контроля - организация поставок, формирование цен, ведение плана-факта продаж, управленческой отчетности, контроль над взаиморасчетами с поставщиками и клиентами.

Отдел технического обеспечения - таможенное оформление грузов, обеспечение необходимых условий для нормального функционирования всех отделов компании, организация транспортировки грузов ж/д вагонами, контейнерами и автотранспортом.

Склад - организация погрузо-разгрузочных работ, хранение продукции, ведение складского учета, комплектация заказов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sales Department-implementation of the main functions related to the commercial activities of the company. Promotion of the products to the consumer market, the definition of an action plan, monitoring their implementation, communication and mutual settlements with suppliers and clients, conducting document circulation.Finance Department-finance and accounting, optimal use of existing assets, organization and control of financial and economic activity of the company.Division of planning and control, delivery, pricing, maintenance plan-fact sales, management reporting, control of the management of reciprocal payments with suppliers and customers.Technical support department-customs registration of cargoes, ensuring the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of all company departments, the Organization of transportation of cargoes by railway cars, containers and trucks.Warehouse-organization of loading and unloading, storage of products, inventory maintenance, equipment orders.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sales Department - core functions related to the commercial activities of the company. Promotion of products on the consumer market, the definition of an action plan, control over their implementation, communication and mutual settlements with suppliers and customers, maintaining workflow.

Finance Department - Finance and Accounting, the optimal use of existing assets, organization and control of financial and economic activity of the company.

Department of Planning and Control - the organization of supply, pricing, maintenance plan-fact of sales, management reporting, control of mutual settlements with suppliers and customers.

Technical support department - customs clearance, providing the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of all departments of the company, Organization of cargo transportation w / d cars, containers and vehicles.

Warehouse - organization of loading and unloading, product storage, maintenance of inventory control, order picking.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
sales - the core functions of the commercial activities of the company. promotion of products in the consumer market, the definition of the action plan, monitor their implementation, communication and out settlements with suppliers and customers, maintenance workflow.the financial division of finance and accounting, the optimal use of available assets, organization and control of the financial and economic activities of the company.division of planning and control is the supply, pricing, maintenance plan of sales, management accountability, control of the взаиморасчетами with suppliers and customers.division of technical protection, the customs clearance of goods, the provision of the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of all departments of the company, the transportation of goods by railway wagons, containers and vehicles.the organization of material handling, storage products, keeping stock records, completion of orders.
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