Профессия полицейский — это одна из наиболее важных, ответственных и д перевод - Профессия полицейский — это одна из наиболее важных, ответственных и д английский как сказать

Профессия полицейский — это одна из

Профессия полицейский — это одна из наиболее важных, ответственных и даже опасных профессий в мире. При помощи закона, полицейский должен охранять общественный порядок, задерживая правонарушителей, проводя разъяснительные беседы и, в случае необходимости, прибегая к более жестким методам.

Представители этой профессии следят за порядком на улицах, патрулируя территорию и задерживая людей, нарушающих закон, выезжают на места преступлений.
Милиционер должен быть физически выносливым, сильным, должен иметь хорошую реакцию, зрение и слух. Обязательны и некоторые психологические качества, например, принципиальность, отзывчивость, желание оказывать помощь людям, защищать их ценой собственного здоровья. Ответственность, способность логически мыслить и соблюдать спокойствие в сложных ситуациях также значительно повышает шансы стать успешным сотрудником и сделать себе карьеру.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The profession of police is one of the most important, responsible and even dangerous professions in the world. With the help of the law, police must protect public order, detaining offenders, conducting conversations and, if necessary, resorting to harsher methods.Representatives of this profession provide the order on the streets patrolling territory and arresting people who break the law, go to crime scenes. The policeman must be physically Hardy, strong, should have good reactions, vision and hearing. Are mandatory and some psychological qualities, such as integrity, responsiveness, and a desire to help people, to defend their price. Responsibility, the ability to think logically and to remain calm in difficult situations also significantly increases the chances of becoming a successful employee and make a career.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Profession policeman - this is one of the most important, responsible and even dangerous professions in the world. With the help of the law, the police must protect public order, detaining offenders, conducting explanatory conversations and, if necessary, resorting to harsher methods. The representatives of the profession keep order in the streets, patrolling the territory and detaining people who violate the law, go to the crime scene . A policeman must be physically hardy, strong, should have a good reaction, vision and hearing. Mandatory and some psychological qualities such as integrity, compassion, the desire to help people, to protect their own health cost. The responsibility, the ability to think logically and to remain calm in difficult situations also greatly increases the chances of becoming a successful employee and make a career.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the profession of police is one of the most important, responsible and even dangerous professions in the world. with the help of the law, the police need to protect public order, apprehending offendersthrough information and awareness raising sessions and, if necessary, by resorting to the more stringent methods.

of the profession are watching our streets by controlling territory and deterring people who violate the law.go out in the field.
the policeman should be physically выносливым, strong, must have a good reaction, eyesight and hearing. binding and some psychological quality, for example, commitmentresponsiveness, the desire to help people to protect them at the cost of his own health. responsibilitythe ability of logical thinking and calm in difficult situations also significantly increases the chances of a successful manager and make your career.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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