ты сказал, что хочешь приехать в Россию. Я никогда не делала приглашен перевод - ты сказал, что хочешь приехать в Россию. Я никогда не делала приглашен английский как сказать

ты сказал, что хочешь приехать в Ро

ты сказал, что хочешь приехать в Россию. Я никогда не делала приглашения иностранцам. Я знала что это возможно, но очень сложно. И я стала узнавать как можно сделать визу для тебя. Я изучила информацию на сайте консульства России, узнала какие документы нужны. Я спрашивала моих друзей, которые работают в туризме как это можно сделать. Тен, я не даже не могла подумать что сделать визу в Россию для иностранца так сложно! В России все страны мира разделены на три категории. Для граждан стран первой категории въезд в Россию разрешен. Возможен любой тип визы. Оформление требует много времени и различных документов. Но это возможно. Для граждан стран второй категории въезд в Россию возможен, но с ограничениями (Countries included in the list of countries of migration risk and countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Russia) . Возможный тип визы - только деловая (исключение - воссоединение семьи). a private person cannot do invitation. only an organization that is interested in cooperation. This is a business or employment visa. Приглашение может сделать только юридическая организация, которая приглашает иностранца на работу. Или подготавливает деловой визит иностранца в составе группы. Всю ответственность за иностранца несет приглашающая организация. Для граждан стран третьей категории въезд в Россию невозможен.
Бутан входит в список стран второй категории... У меня был шок! Почему Бутан находится в Countries included in the list of countries of migration risk? Кому из бутанцев придет в голову эмигрировать в Россию? Зачем? Это полный бред! Почему нельзя приехать в гости? И самое страшное, что я ничего не могла изменить. Бессилие - это ужасное чувство. Я хотела бороться за тебя, но не могла... В мире есть два больших зла - государственные границы и деньги. Я ненавижу их!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
you said that you want to come to Russia. I never made invitations to foreigners. I know that this is possible, but very difficult. And I started to learn how to make the visa for you. I have examined the information on the website of the Russian consulate, to learn what documents are needed. I asked my friends who work in tourism as it can be done. Ten, I couldn't even think that make visa to Russia for the foreigner so hard! In Russia, all countries of the world are divided into three categories. For citizens of countries in the first category are allowed entry into Russia. Can have any type of visa. Registration requires a lot of time and various documents. But it is possible. For the second category of entry into Russia is possible, but with restrictions (Countries included in the list of countries of migration risk and countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Russia). The possible type of visa-only business (with the exception of family reunification). a private person cannot do invitation. only an organization that is interested in co-operation. This is a business or employment visa. An invitation can make only legal organization that invites foreigners to work. Or preparing a business trip of a foreigner in the group. The alien bears full responsibility for the host organization. For citizens of the third category of entry into Russia is impossible.Bhutan is the second category ... I had a shock! Why Bhutan is located in Countries included in the list of countries of migration risk? Some of the Bhutanese people would emigrate to Russia? Why? This is complete nonsense! Why can't I come visit you? And the worst thing that I could change nothing. Impotence is a horrible feeling. I want to fight for you, but not to ... There are two big evil-State borders and money. I hate them!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
you said you wanted to come to Russia. I've never done invitations to foreigners. I know that this is possible, but very difficult. And I began to learn how you can make a visa for you. I studied the information on the website of the Consulate of Russia, to find out what documents are needed. I asked my friends who work in tourism as it can be done. Ten, I do not even think that she could not do a visa to Russia for foreigners so hard! In Russia, all countries of the world are divided into three categories. For the citizens of the first category are allowed to enter Russia. Chance of any type of visa. Registration requires a lot of time and various documents. But this is possible. For the citizens of the second category of entry to Russia is possible, but with restrictions (Countries included in the list of countries of migration risk and countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Russia). Possible type of visa - only business (exception - a family reunion). a private person can not do invitation. only an organization that is interested in cooperation. This is a business or employment visa. Invitation can be done only legal organization that invites foreigners to work. Or prepare a business visit of a foreigner in the group. All responsibility for the foreigner is a host organization. For the citizens of the third category of entry to Russia is impossible.
Bhutan is on the list of the second category ... I was in shock! Why Bhutan is in Countries included in the list of countries of migration risk? Who among Bhutanese come to mind to emigrate to Russia? Why? This is bullshit! Why can not you come to visit? And the worst thing that I could not change. Impotence - it's a horrible feeling. I would fight for you, but could not ... In the world there are two great evils - borders and money. I hate them!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
You said that you want to come to Russia. I have never done an invitation to aliens. I know that this is possible, but it is very difficult. And I had to learn how you can make visa for you.I have reviewed the information on the site consulate general of Russia, has learned what documents are needed. I asked my friends, who are working in tourism as this can be done. Trends,I do not even have to think about what to do visa to Russia for the alien so difficult! In all the countries of the world are divided into three categories. For citizens of the countries first category entry in Russia is allowed. You can either type visa.The decor is time-consuming and various documents. But it is possible. For citizens of the countries the second category entry in Russia is possible,But with limitations (countries included in the list of countries of migration risk and countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Russia) . A possible type visas - only business (exception - family reunification). a private person cannot do invitation. only an organization that is interested in cooperation.This is a business or employment visa. An invitation can only do legal organization, which invites an alien to work. Or prepares a business visit an alien in a group.The entire responsibility for the foreigner is inviting the Organization. For citizens of the countries third category entry in Russia is not possible.
Bhutan is included in the list of countries the second category ... I was shocked!Why Bhutan is located in countries included in the list of countries of migration risk? To whom the Bhutanese people will come to a head to emigrate to Russia? Why should I? This is a complete first thing! Why not come to the guests? And the worst,That I am not able to change. impotence - this terrible feeling. I would like to fight for you, but could not ... In the world there are two large evil - state borders, and money. I hate them!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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