конечно, как и в любом фильме, у «Хоббита» есть отклонения от книги. Н перевод - конечно, как и в любом фильме, у «Хоббита» есть отклонения от книги. Н английский как сказать

конечно, как и в любом фильме, у «Х

конечно, как и в любом фильме, у «Хоббита» есть отклонения от книги. Например, совсем не ясно, откуда взялся Азог – главный враг гномов, а особенно Торина Дубощита на протяжении всего фильма, так как в книге его и в помине не было. И не понятно, почему Торину Дубощиту уделяется так много внимания, потому что в той же книге о нем, в общем, ничего особенного и не говорится. Там он просто один из гномов, которые идут за сокровищами, охраняемыми огнедышащим драконом Смоугом. В фильме же Джексон решил отправить отряд гномов в Эребор, для того, чтобы они изгнали Смоуга из гномьего царства, и вернули себе, таким образом, утраченный дом.

Несмотря на это, в фильме есть огромные достоинства, такие как: отличная атмосфера окружающего мира, великолепная музыка, которая частично взята из трилогии (многие говорят, что лучше было бы не использовать ее, но я так не считаю) и забавный юмор, который иногда разбавляет серьезные моменты, что тоже очень мне понравилось.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
of course, as in any film, the Hobbit is a deviation from the book. For example, it is not at all clear where did Azog is the main enemy of the Gnomes, and especially Torina Duboshhita throughout the film, as in the book, his trace was not. And it is not clear why Torinu Duboshhitu is given so much attention, because in the same book about it, in General, nothing special and not stated. There he is simply one of the Dwarfs, which go beyond the treasures protected by fire-breathing dragon Smougom. In the movie the same Jackson decided to send a detachment of dwarves in the Lonely Mountain, so they drove Smouga from blames Kingdom, and thus regained their lost home.Despite this, the film has enormous advantages, such as: great atmosphere surrounding world, great music, which is partly derived from the trilogy (many say that it would be better not to use it, but I don't think so) and funny humor that sometimes dilutes the serious moments that I liked too.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Of course, as in any film in "The Hobbit" is a deviation from the book. For example, it is not clear where it came from Azog - the main enemy of the dwarves, and especially Thorin Duboschita throughout the film, as in the book and it did not exist. And it is not clear why Thorin Duboschitu paid so much attention, because in the same book about it, in general, nothing special, and not say. There, he's just one of the dwarves who go treasure protected by a fire-breathing dragon Smougom. In the film, Jackson decided to send a detachment of dwarves in Erebor, so that they are expelled from the Dwarven kingdom Smouga and regained thus lost home.

Despite this, the film has enormous dignity, such as the great atmosphere of the world, great music, which is partly derived from the trilogy (many say
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
of course, as in any film, of the hobbit is a deviation from the book. for example, it is not at all clear how took azog is the main enemy of the dwarves of thorin oakenshield, and especially throughout the film, as in the book, he didn't even exist. and i don't see why thorin oakenshield paid so much attention, because in the same book about him, anyway, nothing special, and don't say. there is just one of the dwarves, who are a treasure hunter, protected a dragon смоугом. in the film, jackson decided to send a team of dwarfs in erebor, in order that they drove смоуга of of dwarven kingdom and restored, thus lost the house.despite this, the film has enormous advantages, such as: the great atmosphere of the world, wonderful music, which is partly taken from the trilogy (many say that it would be better not to use it, but i don't think so), and funny, humor, sometimes разбавляет serious moments, so i like it.
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