Thomas Alva Edison was an American hero in his own time. Edison was a  перевод - Thomas Alva Edison was an American hero in his own time. Edison was a  английский как сказать

Thomas Alva Edison was an American

Thomas Alva Edison was an American hero in his own time. Edison was a self-made man. He taught himself most of what he knew. And his inventions made life easier for people everywhere.
As a boy, he was full of curiosity. He never stopped asking questions about how different things were made or how they worked. For every question, he made experiments to find the answer. By the time he was 12, he was an expert in chemistry and physics.
Thomas Edison may have been the world's great est inventor. He was granted more than one thou sand patents. His inventions and improvements on other people's inventions made possible many of the thing's which we take for granted1 in modern life.
Edison invented an electric bulb for home and office use. The electric bulb was much easier to use and gave much more light than gas lights or kero sene lamps.
Edison improved early models of the telegraph, telephone and film camera and projector. His most unusual invention, however, was the phonograph. The first words which Edison recorded to be played back on his machine were "Mary had a httle lamb" — the beginning of a popular nursery rhyme which every English and American child knows by heart. The people who heard the phonograph for the first time in 1877 were amazed. They could not believe that a machine could "speak".
Edison was interested in many subjects. Through out his life he studied literature, medicine and mu sic, as well as science.
Once somebody asked Edison how it felt to be a genius. He answered: "Genius is one percent inspi ration and ninety-nine percent perspiration".
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Thomas Alva Edison was an American hero in his own time. Edison was a self-made man. He taught himself most of what he knew. And his inventions made life easier for people everywhere.As a boy, he was full of curiosity. He never stopped asking questions about how different things were made or how they worked. For every question, he made experiments to find the answer. By the time he was 12, he was an expert in chemistry and physics.Thomas Edison may have been the world's great est inventor. He was granted more than one thou sand patents. His inventions and improvements on other people's inventions made possible many of the thing's which we take for granted1 in modern life.Edison invented an electric bulb for home and office use. The electric bulb was much easier to use and gave much more light than gas lights or kero sene lamps.Edison improved early models of the telegraph, telephone and film camera and projector. His most unusual invention, however, was the phonograph. The first words which Edison recorded to be played back on his machine were "Mary had a httle lamb" — the beginning of a popular nursery rhyme which every English and American child knows by heart. The people who heard the phonograph for the first time in 1877 were amazed. They could not believe that a machine could "speak".Edison was interested in many subjects. Through out his life he studied literature, medicine and mu sic, as well as science.Once somebody asked Edison how it felt to be a genius. He answered: "Genius is one percent inspi ration and ninety-nine percent perspiration".
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
thomas value has been added: the alva edison was an american hero in his own time. edison was a self-made man. he taught himself most of what he knew. and his inventions made life easier for people a boy, he was full of curiosity. he never stopped asking questions about how different things were made or how they worked. for every question, he made experiments to find the answer. by the time he was twelve, he was an expert in chemistry and physics.thomas edison may have been the world's great is the inventor. he was granted more than one thou sand patents. his inventions and improvements on other people's inventions made possible many of the thing's which we take for granted1 in modern life.the edison remarkable an electric bulb for home and office use. the electric bulb was much easier to use and gave much more light than gas lights or kero sene lamps.the edison improved early models of the telegraph, telephone and film camera and projector. his most unusual invention, however, was the phonograph. the first words which edison recorded to be played back on his machine was "mary had a httle lamb" is the beginning of a popular nursery rhyme which every english and american child knows by heart. the people who heard the phonograph for the first time in 1877. amazed. they could not believe that a machine could "speak".edison was interested in many subjects. through out his life he set literature, medicine and mu sic, as well as science.edison once somebody asked how it felt to be a plot. he answered: "genius is one percent inspi ration and ninety - nine percent perspiration".
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