Для завоевания парня-Стрельца, девушке-Стрельцу не придется потратить  перевод - Для завоевания парня-Стрельца, девушке-Стрельцу не придется потратить  английский как сказать

Для завоевания парня-Стрельца, деву

Для завоевания парня-Стрельца, девушке-Стрельцу не придется потратить слишком много времени. Этот мужчина сразу же почувствует в женщине-Стрельце родственную душу. Его будет манить и ее внешность, и темперамент, и чувство юмора и взгляды на жизнь. Этот бурный роман может начаться с первой же минуты знакомства. У женщины-Стрельца и мужчины-Стрельца множество точек соприкосновения. У них отличное взаимопонимание и сильное сексуальное влечение друг к другу.

Единственное, от чего стоит предостеречь женщину-Стрельца, так это от демонстрации своей независимости, кстати сказать, весьма преувеличенной. Да, женщина-Стрелец действительно свободолюбивая амазонка, но мужчина-Стрелец по натуре не охотник. Его оттолкнет самостоятельная, соблюдающая дистанцию женщина-Стрелец.

Если вам действительно дорог этот мужчина, и вы хотите завоевать его, то будьте искренни, и ни в коем случае не делайте вид, что эти отношения и он сам Вам совершенно не нужны. Искренность в чувствах – лучшая политика в отношениях с мужчиной-Стрельцом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
For the conquest of guy-girl-Sagittarius, Sagittarius will not have to spend too much time. The man immediately feels in a woman-Sagittarius soulmate. It is enticing and its appearance, and temperament and sense of humour and Outlook on life. This turbulent love affair may start from the first minute. The woman-Sagittarius and Sagittarius men plenty of common ground. They have a great understanding and strong sexual attraction to each other.The only thing which is worth to warn a woman-Sagittarius, so this is a demonstration of its independence, by the way, very exaggerated. Yes, woman-Sagittarius really loving Amazon, but man-Sagittarius by nature is not a hunter. It would exclude independent, respectful distance woman-Sagittarius.If you really roads this man, and you want to win it, be sincere, and never pretend that these relationships and you absolutely do not need. Sincerity in feelings-the best policy in relations with a man-Sagittarius.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
To gain a male Sagittarius girl Sagittarius do not have to spend too much time. The man immediately feel in a woman-Sagittarius soul mate. He tempts her appearance and temperament, sense of humor and outlook on life. This whirlwind romance can begin from the first minute dating. The woman and the man-Sagittarius-Sagittarius are many points of contact. They have a great understanding and a strong sexual attraction to each other. The only thing is to warn a female Sagittarius, so this is a demonstration of its independence, by the way, is quite exaggerated. Yes, a woman is really freedom-loving Sagittarius Amazon, but the man Sagittarius by nature not a hunter. His alienate independent, tailgating female Sagittarius. If you really roads this man, and you want to win it, be sincere, and in any case, do not pretend that this relationship and he did not need you. The sincerity of feelings - is the best policy in a relationship with a male Sagittarius.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
For conquest guy-Sagittarius, girl-Стрельцу will not have to spend too much time. The man immediately feel a woman-Стрельце ftp-folder per capita. It will be young green leaves in Kaisho no Mori Forest and its appearance, and idiosyncrasies,And his sense of humor and outlook on life. This tumultuous roman can begin with the first same minutes exploring. The Sagittarius and men-Sagittarius many points of contact.They have a good understanding of, and a strong sexual attraction to each other.The only Lord, from what is caution woman-grape wine, so this is from demonstrating its independence, I think we,A very exaggerated. Yes, the woman-Igla is indeed Amazon's libertarian, but a man-Igla in kind is not hunter. His musicians self, respectful distance a woman-Igla.

If you are indeed roads this man, and you want to win it, but be honest, and in no case do not view that these relations and he himself you do not need it.Sincerity in feelings is the best policy in the relations with the man and unreliable.
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