Добрый день. Уважаемый mr. Berners-Lee, выготовы всегда выслушать и на перевод - Добрый день. Уважаемый mr. Berners-Lee, выготовы всегда выслушать и на английский как сказать

Добрый день. Уважаемый mr. Berners-

Добрый день.

Уважаемый mr. Berners-Lee, вы
готовы всегда выслушать и найти оптимальный путь решения проблемы практически каждого, кто обратился к Вам. И, надо отдать Вам должное, вы многим помогли решить проблемы в сфере образования и социального благополучия. Ознакомившись с историей вашего фонда, историей его создания, восхищаюсь вами и вашей работой.
В любое время социальная поддержка молодежи, это очень важный аспект развития общества, но поскольку в нашей стране социальная политика почти отсутствует (на мой взгляд), стремящимся к своей цели молодым людям, очень трудно чего либо добиться, из за коррупционной составляющей. Многим очень трудно получить достойное образование, а без достойного образования, исключается возможность нормального уровня жизни.
Я прошу у вас помощи, я думаю вы можете решить мою проблему, я хотел всегда посвятить свою жизнь детям и воспитанию, хотел стать педагогом, но количество мест в вузе оплачиваемых из государственного бюджета слишком мало. Оплачивать свое обучение я не смогу, мы живем вдвоем с матерью, она инвалид. Те суммы которые требуются для обучения являются для нас не посильной ношей. В образовательном кредите мне тоже отказали, поручитель не надежен, имущество под залог слишком дешево. Сейчас решается мое дальнейшее будущее, в котором есть два вектора развития. Это ждать помощи из вне, а я писал в разные инстанции и министерства, но везде ответили отказом или формальными формами, либо начать попрошайничать, пытался устроиться на множество подработок, но накопленных денег всё равно не хватает. Я думаю что для такого профессионала как вы, помочь мне будет не слишком обременительно.
В дальнейшем, Вы можете быть уверены, что каждая детская улыбка подарит Вам моральное удовлетворение от Вашей непростой работы, а Ваши старания и усилия – это инвестиция в достойных и счастливых граждан ближайшего будущего.

Курилов Виктор Александрович
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Good afternoon. Dear Mr. Berners-Lee, youalways ready to listen and find the optimal solution to the problem of almost everyone who wrote to you. And, you've got to hand it to you, you many helped solve problems in education and social welfare. After reviewing the history of your Fund, the history of its inception, admire you and your work. At any time, social support of youth, this is a very important aspect of the development of society, but because in our country there is almost no social policy (in my opinion), seeking its target young people, it is very difficult to achieve anything due to corruption. Many find it very difficult to get a good education, but without a decent education, the possibility of an adequate standard of living. I ask you to help, I think you can solve my problem, I wanted to always devote his life to children and education, wanted to become a teacher, but the number of places at the University from the State budget paid too little. Pay for my training I wont, we live together with her mother, she is disabled. The amounts required for teaching are not feasible in practice. Educational loan I too refused, the guarantor is not reliable, property bail too cheap. Now solved my future, in which there are two vector development. It is waiting for help from outside, and I wrote to different institutions and ministries, but everywhere refused or formal forms, or start begging, trying to get a lot of unemployed, but the accumulated money is still not enough. I think that for such a professional like you, help me to be not too burdensome. In the future, you can be sure that every children's smile gives you moral satisfaction from your challenging work and your diligence and effort is an investment in a decent and happy citizens in the near future. Kurilov Viktor Aleksandrovich
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Good afternoon. Dear mr. Berners-Lee, you are always ready to listen and find a best way to solve the problem of almost everyone who spoke to you. And we must pay tribute to you, you helped solve many problems in the field of education and social welfare. After reviewing the history of your fund, the history of its creation, admire you and your work. At any time, social support of young people, this is a very important aspect of the development of society, but because in our country there is almost no social policy (in my opinion), tending to their young target people of something very difficult to achieve, because of the corruption component. Many very hard to get a decent education, and without a decent education, exclude the possibility of a normal standard of living. I ask for your help, I think you can solve my problem, I always wanted to dedicate his life to the education of children and wanted to become a teacher, but the number of seats in the the university paid from the state budget is too small. To pay for his studies, I can not, we are living together with her ​​mother, she invalid. The sums required for the training is not feasible for us to load. In the educational loan I also refused, the surety is not reliable, property bail too cheap. Who decided my further future in which there are two vectors of development. It is waiting for help from outside, and I wrote to various authorities and ministries, but all refused, or formal form, or to start begging, trying to get a lot of podrabotok, but saving money is still not enough. I think that for such a professional as you, help me not to be too burdensome. In the future, you can be sure that every baby smile will give you moral satisfaction from your work difficult, but your efforts and the efforts - is an investment in a decent and happy citizens near future. KURILOV Viktor

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Good afternoon. Lord Dear Mr. Better facilitate communication among physicists around , you
are ready to listen to and to find the optimal solution to the problem in almost every, who have appealed to you. And, we must pay tribute to you,You many have helped to solve the problems in the field of education and social well-being. After reading the history of your fund, history its establishment, admire you and your work.
At any time, social support for young people, this is a very important aspect of development of the society, but also because in our country's social policy almost absent (in my view), seeking to its goal, young people whoIt is very difficult to achieve by either, because of the corrupt. Many are very difficult to get a decent education, and without a decent education, is excluded for the normal standard of living.
I ask your assistance, I think you can solve my problem, I would like always to devote their lives of children and their upbringing, I would like to become a birthday,But the number of seats in the higher paid from the state budget is too low. To pay for their training I will not be able, and we live together with her mother, it was disabled.The amounts which are required for the training are for us not unaffordable burden. In the educational loan i too have denied, tenor is not reliable, the property on bail is too cheap.It is now being addressed in the further future, one in which there are two vector of development. This is to wait for assistance from the outside, and I wrote in different courts and the ministry, but refused or formal forms,Or to begin to beg, tried to get employment in the many unemployed, but accumulated money is still not enough. I think that for such a professional as you, to help me will be not too tiring.
In the future, you can be sure that each child smile gives you moral satisfaction from your difficult work,And your endeavors and efforts - this is an investment in a decent and happy citizens of tomorrow. Zaitsev and O. I. lord Viktor Alexandrovich
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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