Я люблю читать книги, журналы,иногда газеты. Потому что там много поле перевод - Я люблю читать книги, журналы,иногда газеты. Потому что там много поле английский как сказать

Я люблю читать книги, журналы,иногд

Я люблю читать книги, журналы,иногда газеты. Потому что там много полезных и интересных вещей которые приходятся мне в жизни. Мой любимый журнал Oops. В нём я могу прочитать интересное про моду, путешествия по разным странам, так же та есть гороскоп, тесты и интервью со звездами. Еще мне очень нравятся журналы про музыку - "Music.ru". Там рассказывается про известных исполнителей, так же часто с журнал в подарок я получаю диск с самими лучшими песнями группы или певца про которого рассказывается в этом выпуске. И я не люблю кулинарные журналы. Потому что часто там написание плохие рецепты. Много моих друзей так же любят читать журналы про спорт. Там они читают интервью спортсменов про то как они добились своего успеха и так же там есть зарядка которую разработал спортсмен про которого был этот выпуск.
Но чаще всего я читаю книги, ведь они намного интереснее журналов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I love to read books, magazines, newspapers sometimes. Because there's a lot of useful and interesting things that occur to me in life. My favorite magazine Oops. In it I can read the interesting thing about fashion, travel to different countries, just that there are horoscope, tests and interviews with the stars. I really like magazines about music-"Music.ru." It tells about famous artists, as often with the magazine as a gift I get disk with the best songs of the band or singer who describes in this release. And I don't like cooking magazines. Because often there's writing bad recipes. A lot of my friends just love to read magazines about sports. There they read the interview the athletes about how they achieved their success and there have charging that developed the athlete who had this issue.But more often than not, I read the books, because they are much more interesting magazines.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I love to read books, magazines, newspapers sometimes. Because there is a lot of useful and interesting things that came into my life. My favorite magazine Oops. In it I can read interesting about fashion, traveling to different countries, as well she has a horoscope, tests and interviews with the stars. I also really like the magazines about music - "Music.ru". It tells about famous artists, as often with the magazine as a gift I get a CD with the best songs by the band or singer of whom described in this issue. And I do not like cooking magazines. Because often there is bad writing prescriptions. A lot of my friends just love to read magazines about sports. There they read an interview athletes about how they achieved their success and as there is a charging developed athlete of whom was this issue.
But most of all, I read books, because they are much more interesting magazines.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I love to read books, magazines,sometimes newspapers. Because that's where a lot of useful and interesting things that occurred in the life of me. My favorite Oоps log. In it i can read interesting about fashion,Travel to different countries, for example, is the there is a kiss, tests and interviews with stars. Yet I do love magazines about music - "Music.ru". There explains how about well-known artists,As often with the magazine as a gift i get a disc with the best singing group or singer ABM treaty which explains in this release. And I don't like cooking magazines. Because that is often there write bad recipes.Many friends in the same love to read magazines about sports. There, they read an interview about the athletes as they have achieved their success, and the same is there a charge which has developed an athlete ABM treaty which was this release.
But more often than not i am reading books, because they are much more fun magazines.
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