Аннотация: Данная курсовая работа называется «State Statutory deed of  перевод - Аннотация: Данная курсовая работа называется «State Statutory deed of  английский как сказать

Аннотация: Данная курсовая работа н

Аннотация: Данная курсовая работа называется «State Statutory deed of Russian Empire (1820) and its authors» Во-первых, внимание уделяется автору данного законопроекта НН Новосильцеву, а также императору Александру I, при котором проект был создан. Одну из ведущих ролей в данном исследовании играют предпосылки создания данного проекта конституции, а также анализ основных положений документа. Целью данной работы является анализ Государственной уставной грамоты Российской империи как примера законопроектной деятельности российской государственной власти в первой четверти XIX века в области государственного права. Исследование основывается непосредственно на тексте документа, а также на статьях и монографиях ученых на эту тему
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Abstract: This thesis is called "State Statutory deed of Russian Empire (1820) and its authors ' first, attention is given to the author of this Bill NN Novosil′cevu, as well as Emperor Alexander I; the project was created. One of the leading roles in this research are preconditions of creation of the project of the Constitution, as well as an analysis of the main provisions of the instrument. The aim of this paper is to review the State share of the Russian Empire as an example of legislative activities of the Russian Government in the first quarter of the 19th century in the area of right. The study is based on the text of the document, as well as on articles and monographs on this topic
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Abstract: This course work called «State Statutory deed of Russian Empire (1820) and its authors» First, attention is given to the author of this bill NN Novosiltsev and Emperor Alexander I, in which the project was created. One of the leading roles in this study play a background of this project constitution, as well as analysis of the main provisions of the instrument. The aim of this work is to analyze the State charters the Russian Empire as an example of legislative activities of the Russian government in the first quarter of the XIX century in the field of public law. The study is based directly on the text of the document, as well as articles and monographs on the subject of scientists
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Keywords: This heading the work is called the "State applying criteria tests devised deed of Russian Empire (1820) and its happier" in the first place, attention has been paid to the author this bill HH Новосильцеву, as well as emperor Alexander I,When the draft was created. One of the leading roles in this study play a prerequisite for the establishment of the draft constitution, as well as analysis of the main provisions of the document.The purpose of this work is the analysis of public statutory ratification of the Russian empire as an example puts off of activities of the Russian state in the first quarter of the nineteenth century in the areaLaw.The study is based directly on the text of the document, as well as the articles and monographs scientists on this topic
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