1. В этом зале очень хорошая акустика (acoustics); где бы вы ни сидели перевод - 1. В этом зале очень хорошая акустика (acoustics); где бы вы ни сидели английский как сказать

1. В этом зале очень хорошая акусти

1. В этом зале очень хорошая акустика (acoustics); где бы вы ни сидели, вы все услышите. 2. У нас были очень плохие места; если бы акустика в этом зале не была такой хорошей, мы бы ничего не услышали. 3. Как бы он ни был занят,. он находил время ходить в театр. 4. Как он ни занят, он находит время ходить в театр. 5. Что бы вы ни говорили, мне эта пьеса не нравится. 6. Врач сказал: «Как ни слаб больной, его надо оперировать». 7. Если бы не операция, больной, возможно, умер бы. 8. Сестра закрыла окно, чтобы шум не разбудил больного. 9. Врач сказал: «Больной теперь вне опасности. Но если бы случилось так, что у него опять поднялась температура, позвоните мне немедленно». 10. Когда бы вы ни пришли ко мне, я всегда буду рад вас видеть. 11. Приходите пораньше, чтобы я мог показать вам свои книги. 12. Машина остановилась, чтобы туристы посмотрели развалины старого монастыря. 13. Как бы темна ни была ночь, нам придется продолжать путь. 14. Как ни темна была ночь, туристы решили продолжать путь. 15. Если бы не звезды, которые так ярко светили, не было бы видно ни зги (to be pitch dark). 16. Я принес вам журнал, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. 17. Позвоните мне вечером, как бы поздно вы ни вернулись домой. 18. Нан деньте пальто, чтобы не простудиться. 19. Как бы он ни был взволнован час тому назад, сейчас он кажется совершенно спокойным. 20. Мне пришлось взять такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. In this room very good acoustics (acoustics); No matter where you sit, you're going to hear. 2. We had a very bad place; If the acoustics in this room has never been so good, we would not have heard anything. 3. No matter how he was busy. He found time to go to the theater. 4. As he is busy, he finds time to go to the theater. 5. What would you say, I don't like the play. 6. The doctor said: "no matter how weak the patient must be operated on." 7. If it were not for the operation, the patient probably would have died. 8. sister closed her Windows to noise awoke the patient. 9. Doctor said: "the patient is now out of danger. But if it happened that he had a fever again, call me immediately ". 10. When you came to me, I'll always be glad to see you. 11. come early so I can show you their books. 12. The vehicle stopped, the tourists looked at the ruins of an old monastery. 13. How dark the night, we will have to continue to path. 14. No matter how dark was the night, tourists have decided to continue the journey. 15. If it were not for the stars that shine so bright, there would be no dig (to be pitch dark). 16. I brought you a magazine that you read this article. 17. Call me tonight, how would you come home late. 18. Nas den′te coat so as not to catch a cold. 19. No matter how he was excited about an hour ago, and now he seems totally relaxed. 20. I had to take a taxi so as not to miss the train.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. In this room is a very good acoustics (acoustics); no matter where you sit, you will hear. 2. We had a very bad location; if the acoustics in this room was not so good, we would not have heard. 3. As much as he was busy ,. he found time to go to the theater. 4. Try as he is busy, he finds time to go to the theater. 5. What would you say, I do not like this play. 6. The doctor said, "No matter how weak the patient, it is necessary to operate." 7. If not for the operation, the patient may have died. 8. Sister closed the window, the noise did not wake the patient. 9. The doctor said: "The patient is now out of danger. But if it so happened that he had a fever again, call me immediately. " 10. Whenever you come to me, I'll always be glad to see you. 11. Come early so that I could show you my books. 12. The car stopped, so that the tourists looked ruins of an old monastery. 13. How would neither was dark night, we will have to continue. 14. No matter how dark was the night, tourists decided to continue the journey. 15. If it were not the stars that shone so brightly, it would not be seen nor DIG (to be pitch dark). 16. I brought you a magazine that you read this article. 17. Call me at night, no matter how late you go back home. 18. Nan dente coat, so as not to catch a cold. 19. As much as he was excited about an hour ago, now it seems quite calm. 20. I had to take a taxi, so as not to miss the train.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. In this room is a very good speaker system (vent); wherever you're sitting, you all will hear. 2. We had a very bad place; if the acoustics in this room had not been such a good, we would have heard nothing. 3. How would he neither was busy,.He has found the time to go to the theater. 4. As he is busy, he finds time to go to the theater. 5. No matter what you said, I do not like this play. 6. The doctor said: "As soon as the patient is weak, it must be used". 7. If it is not the operation,Sick, possibly, died. 8. Sister closed the window, so that the noise does not woken patient. 9. The doctor said: "The patient is now outside danger. But if it happened, that he had once again risen temperature, call me immediately".10. When would you not come to me, I will always be glad to see you. 11. Come surely enough, so that I can show you their books. 12. The machine stopped, to tourists watched the old ruins of the monastery. 13.As to dark the night, we will have to continue the path. 14. It was dark night, tourists have decided to continue the path. 15. If it is not in our stars, that are so bright mysterious tongues, would not have been seen a shipwreck is inevitable (to be pitch dark). 16. I brought you the log,To ensure that you have read this article. 17. Please call me in the evening, as well as to late you neither have returned home. 18. Nan деньте coats, so that is not of catching a cold. 19. How would he neither was excited an hour ago,Now it seems to be quite calm. 20. I had to take a taxi, not to miss the train.
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