Знаете ли вы, что в некоторых районах Южной Америки и Африки, где не было проведено электричество, можно было внутри жилища увидеть закрытые стеклянные банки, наполненные светляками! Такие «лампы» давали на зависть яркий свет
Did you know that in some areas of South America and Africa, where there was no electricity inside the housing could see a closed glass jars filled with glow worm! These "lamp" given the envy of bright light
Did you know that in some parts of South America and Africa, where there was no electricity, it was possible to see inside the home closed glass jars filled with fireflies! These "lights" were given to the envy of a bright light
did you know that in some parts of south america and africa, where there has been electricity, can be inside the home to see the closed glass jars filled with светляками! such "of the lamp" was given to the envy of a bright light