Я не знаю, почему я плачу.
2.Не успел он подойти к двери, как встретил своих школьных друзей.
3.Я знаю, что они вам сказали, что все будет хорошо.
4.В машинку был вставлен лист бумаги, на котором кто-то учился печатать.
5.Когда я вошел, они сидели в гостиной. Старший брат решал кроссворд, мама –
вязала, другие – читали.
6.Он чувствовал себя неловко в присутствии этого человека.
7.За последнее время он сильно изменился, не правда ли? Я не заметила.
8.Я не знаю, когда мы опять встретимся.
9.Том и Ник здесь. Они с утра ждут телефонного звонка от Джона.
10.Джейн и Джон шли по грязи, взявшись за руки.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I don't know why I was crying. 2. No sooner had he come to the door, I met high school friends. 3. I know that you said that everything will be fine. 4. In the Clipper was inserted a sheet of paper, where someone studied print. 5. When I came in, they were sitting in the living room. The elder brother of crossword, mom- knitting, others have read. 6. He felt uncomfortable in the presence of that person. 7. recently it has changed a lot, isn't it? I have not noticed. 8. I don't know when we shall meet again. 9. Tom and Nick here. They am waiting for a phone call from John. 10. Jane and John walked through the mud, holding hands.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I do not know why I'm crying.
2.Do not before he had come to the door, I met my high school friends.
3. I know what they told you that all will be well.
4. In the typewriter a piece of paper has been inserted, in which someone -That went to print.
5. When I came in, they sat in the living room. The elder brother decided crossword mother -
knitting, others - read.
6.They felt uncomfortable in the presence of this man.
7.Za Recently he has changed a lot, is not it? I did not notice.
8. I do not know when we'll meet again.
9.Tom and Nick here. They are waiting in the morning phone call from John.
10.Dzheyn and John walked in the mud, holding hands.
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