Заболевание это крайне неприятное и очень заразное, поэтому профилактические меры могут сэкономить много нервов как питомцу, так и его владельцу. Как только Вы приобретаете собаку, срочно проверяйте ее на наличие паразитов, чтобы, в случае чего, сразу оказать ей помощь.
Но самое важное в профилактике лямблиоза – гигиена. Во время прогулок внимательно следите за своим питомцем, держите его подальше от подозрительных грязных участков и водоемов, старайтесь сократить контакты с другими животными (в особенности – с бездомными).
Оберегайте любимца от стрессов, ведь постоянное напряжение негативно влияет на работу иммунной системы, а ослабленный иммунитет – причина развития лямблиоза. Причиной стресса для собаки может стать даже резкая смена диеты. Изменение рациона должно происходит постепенно.
Полезны также различные процедуры, стимулирующие функционирование иммунной системы, например, прием витаминов.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The disease is extremely unpleasant and highly contagious, so preventive measures can save a lot of nerves as the pet and its owner. Once you purchase a dog, immediately check for parasites to, in which case, direct assistance.But the most important in the prevention of giardiasis-hygiene. During walks carefully watch your pet, keep it away from suspicious sites and dirty water, try to reduce contact with other animals (especially with the homeless).Protect your pet from stress because constant voltage affects the immune system, and immunosuppression-cause of giardiasis. Cause of stress for the dog can become even an abrupt change in diet. Modified diet should occur gradually.Different procedures are also useful to stimulate the functioning of the immune system, for example, taking vitamins.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The disease is very unpleasant and highly contagious, so preventive measures can save a lot of nerves as a pet and its owner. Once you get a dog, immediately check it for parasites to, in which case, just to help her.
But the most important in the prevention of giardiasis - hygiene. During walks carefully watch your pet, keep it away from suspicious sites and dirty waters, try to reduce the contact with other animals (especially - with the homeless).
Keep the pet from the stress, because the DC voltage adversely affects the immune system, a weakened immune system - the cause of giardiasis. The reason for the dog's stress can be even abrupt change in diet. Diet changes should take place gradually.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
illness is a very unpleasant and very contagious, so that preventive measures can save a lot of nerves as your pet and its owner. when you buy a dog, to check for parasites to, in which case, immediately to assist.but the most important is the prevention of skin health. walks carefully watch them, keep him away from the suspicious diseased sites and water, and reduce the contact with other animals (in particular with the homeless).be a pet's stress and constant stress affects the immune system, and a weakened immune system are the development of skin. cause of stress for dogs can become even a change of diet. changing the diet must happen gradually.useful as various procedures enabling the functioning of the immune system, for example, the intake of vitamins.
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