Говорят, мужчины с марса, а женщины с венеры. Я считаю что это так и е перевод - Говорят, мужчины с марса, а женщины с венеры. Я считаю что это так и е английский как сказать

Говорят, мужчины с марса, а женщины

Говорят, мужчины с марса, а женщины с венеры. Я считаю что это так и есть, мы очень разные и делаем все совершенно по разному. Это касается и стиля шоппинга.
О мужчинах принято думать, что они не очень любят ходить по магазинам и делают это редко. В результате этого вся торговая система от дизайна упаковки, рекламы товаров до оформления интерьера магазина направлена в первую очередь на покупательниц-женщин.

Женщинам действительно больше нравится совершать покупки: спокойно пройтись по магазинам, посмотреть товары, сравнить качество и цены, примерить выбранные вещи и, наконец, заплатить за покупки. Большинство покупок приходится совершать женщинам, и обычно они делают это с удовольствием.

что касается мужчин то чаще всего сложно привлечь их внимание к чему-нибудь, что они не собирались покупать. Обычно они не любят спрашивать, где находится отдел с нужным им товаром, да и вообще не любят задавать вопросов продавцам.

Вы можете увидеть мужчину, который решительной походкой направляется в нужную секцию, берет какую-то вещь и почти сразу идет ее оплачивать, не испытав никакой видимой радости по поводу покупки. Если мужчина берет какую-то вещь в примерочную, то единственная причина, по которой он ее впоследствии не купит, это то, что она ему не подошла по размеру.

Если же женщины примеряют выбранные вещи, даже если они на них идеально сидят, это еще не значит, что покупка будет сделана. Женщина может отказаться от нее по каким-либо другим причинам.

Женщинам нравится проводить время в магазине, рассматривая товары. Женщины могут пойти в магазин просто ради того чтобы поднять себе настроение, мужчины же ходят в магазин только когда им что то необходимо.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I believe that this is the case, we are very different and do everything completely differently. This is also true for shopping style. About men taken to think that they don't really like to go shopping and do it rarely. As a result, the entire trading system from package design, advertising of goods to the Interior of the store is aimed primarily at women shoppers.Women really like to shop: shopping safely, view products, compare quality and prices, try selected stuff and, finally, to pay for purchases. Most of the purchases have to make women, and usually they do it with pleasure.with regard to men the most often difficult to attract their attention to something that they did not intend to buy. They usually don't like to ask where is the Department with the goods they needed, and generally don't like to ask questions to sellers.You can see a man who is sent to the appropriate gait strong section takes a thing and almost immediately goes to pay for it, not having any apparent joy at the purchase. If a man takes some sort of thing in the fitting, then the only reason that it subsequently does not buy, is that it has not approached in size.If the same woman try on selected things, even if they fit, it does not mean that the purchase will be made. A woman may abandon it for other reasons.Women like to spend time in the store, looking at products. Women can go to the store just for the sake of having to cheer yourself up, men go to shop only when they need something.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I believe that this is the case, we are very different and we do everything completely differently. This also applies to shopping style.
On the men made ​​to think that they do not like to go shopping and do it rarely. As a result, the whole trading system from design, advertising and packaging of goods before clearance store interior aimed primarily at buyers of women. Women are really more like shopping: easy to go shopping, to see the goods, compare the quality and price, try on selected items and, finally, pay for a purchase. Most women have to make purchases, and usually they do it with pleasure. As for the men is often difficult to attract their attention to something that they did not intend to buy. They do not like usually ask, where is the department with the necessary goods, and in general do not like to ask questions to the seller. You can see a man who is determined gait is sent to the correct section, it takes a thing and almost immediately goes to pay for it without suffering no visible joy on the purchase. If a man takes some thing in the dressing room, the only reason that he did not subsequently buy it, that's what she did not came up in size. If the women try on selected items, even if they are perfect sit, this is It does not mean that the purchase is made. A woman can give it up for any other reasons. Women like to spend time in the store, looking at the goods. Women can go to the store just in order to cheer up, men do go to the store only when they are what is needed.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
they say men are from mars, women are from venus. i think it is, we are very different and are completely different. the style of shopping.the men made to think that they don"t like to go shopping and do it often. as a result, the trading system of packaging design, advertising products to the interior of the store, so customers actually see themselves primarily aimed at women.women really like shopping, easy shopping, to see goods, to compare the quality and price, try these things and, finally, to pay for the purchase. the majority of purchases are from women, and they usually do it with pleasure.with regard to the men that are often difficult to draw their attention to something that they didn"t want to buy. they usually don"t like to ask, where is the unit to fit their product, and don"t like to ask questions of the sellers.you can see a man who is strong in the step section, takes some thing and almost immediately goes to her to pay, without any apparent joy about the purchase. if a man takes some thing in the changing room, the only reason he subsequently doesn"t buy it, because she didn"t fit in size.if women take on these things, even if they are a perfect fit, it doesn"t mean that the purchase is made. a woman can abandon it for other reasons.women like to spend time in the store, with the goods. women can go to the store just to make myself feel better, men go shopping just when they need it.
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