В ходе данной курсовой работы мы произвели ознакомление с понятиями в области управления предприятием, производительностью труда, факторами и резервами роста производительности труда.
В аналитической части проведен анализ динамики основных технико-экономических показателей работы предприятия, анализ динамики производительности труда, анализ использования фонда рабочего времени. Был произведен расчет влияния изменения производительности труда и численности рабочих на выпуск товарной продукции.
Повышение производительности труда - один из объективных экономических законов, присущих каждой общественно-экономической формации. По мере накопления людьми опыта, знаний, раскрытия законов природы, овладения ими и их использования происходит последовательное повышение производительности труда.
В ходе работы были сделаны следующие выводы:
1. Наблюдается рост выручки от реализации продукции. На предприятии наблюдается также рост балансовый прибыли, которая составляла в 2005 году 313959 тыс. руб., в 2006 году 655983 тыс. руб., а в 2007 уже 4947781 тыс. руб., следовательно, было принято решение о покупке основных фондов так как износ основных фондов переносится не сразу, а постепенно.
2. Абсолютное изменение ПТ в 2006 году по сравнению с 2005 г составило 7400660,6 тыс. руб., при этом наибольшее влияние на это изменение оказало увеличение часовой выработки на 43,01%, а наименьшее - изменение среднего числа дней, отработанных одним рабочим (уменьшение) на 1,5%.
3. Абсолютное изменение ПТ в 2004 году по сравнению с 2003 г составило 4688330,09 тыс. руб, при этом наибольшее влияние на это изменение оказало увеличение часовой выработки на 29,5%, а наименьшее - изменение среднего числа дней , отработанных одним рабочим (уменьшение) на 11,1%.
4. Абсолютное изменение ПT в 2007 году по сравнению с 2005 г составило 12088990,696 тыс. руб., при этом наибольшее влияние на это изменение оказало увеличение часовой выработки на 185,3%, а наименьшее - изменение среднего числа дней на 12,4%.
5. Имеющиеся трудовые ресурсы сборочного цеха ОАО «ФЛИК-М» использует недостаточно полно. В среднем одним рабочим отработано по 237,2 дней вместо 238,2, в связи, с чем сверхплановые целодневные потери рабочего времени составили на одного рабочего 1 день, а на всех – 1682 дня.
6. Из всех целодневных потерь рабочего времени особое внимание уделяется потерям рабочего времени в результате прогулов. В 2005 г. предприятие уволило 10 человек за нарушение трудовой дисциплины. Проводились мероприятия по сокращению прогулов, выяснялись причины невыходов на работу и других нарушений.
7. Будь средняя разрядность запланированной 4-ой, а не фактически 3-ей и режим работы, то выработка на рабочего составляла не 1298,49, а 1384,63, следовательно, повысилась бы производительность труда
В проектной части разработаны пути повышения эффективности использования трудовых ресурсов, совершенствование системы оплаты труда, в частности разработаны предложения по премированию работников, предложения по совершенствованию системы повышения мотивации персонала и их эффективность.
В целом работа предприятия заслуживает положительной оценки в наше тяжелое время. Коллектив предприятия тоже неплохо трудится, не взирая на трудности. Предприятие имеет солидный производственный потенциал и резервы для роста.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
During this coursework we have to familiarize with the concepts in the field of enterprise management, productivity, factors and reserves of productivity growth.In the analytical part of the analysis of the dynamics of the main technical and economic indices of the enterprise, productivity analysis, analysis of the use of the Fund of working time. The calculation was made of the influence of changes in productivity and the number of workers on commodity output.Improving productivity is one of the objective economic laws of each socio-economic formations. As more people experience, knowledge, disclosure laws of nature, mastering them and use them sequentially increasing productivity.In the course of the work of the following conclusions were drawn:1. There has been an increase in revenues from the sale of products. At the enterprise there is also growth in the balance sheet profit, which was in the year 2005 313959 thous. rub., in 2006 year 655983 thousand. rub., and in 2007 4947781 thousand already. rub., therefore, it was decided to purchase fixed assets as depreciation of fixed assets is transferred immediately, but gradually.2. Absolute change FRI in 2006 compared to 2005, amounted to $ 7400660.6th. rub., with the greatest impact on this change had increased the time a 43.01%, and the lowest-change in the average number of days worked by a worker (decrease) to 1.5%.3. Absolute change FRI in 2004 compared to 2003, amounted to $ 4688330.09th. USD, with the greatest impact on this change had increased the time a 29.5%, and the lowest-change in the average number of days worked by a worker (decrease) at 11.1%.4. Absolute change PT in 2007 compared to 2005, amounted to $ 12088990.696th. rub., with the greatest impact on this change had increased the time a 185.3%, and the lowest-change in the average number of days to 12.4%.5. the available labor resources Assembly shop of OJSC "FLICK-m uses inadequate. On average, one working on worked 237.2 days instead of 238.2, in connection with which offers whole day amusement over the loss of working time per worker amounted to 1 day and the all-1682 days.6. of all the daily losses of working time, special attention is paid to the loss of working hours as a result of truancy. In 2005, the enterprise dismissed 10 people for violation of labor discipline. Activities to reduce absenteeism, explored the reasons for absenteeism and other violations.7. Whether the average bit depth planned 4-Oh and not actually 3 s and mode of operation, the output of a worker was not 1298.49, but 1384.63, therefore, would be improved productivityIn project part designed to enhance the efficient use of human resources, improvement of the system of remuneration, in particular proposals to award workers, proposals for improving staff motivation and their effectiveness.In General, the company was positive in our troubled times. The company works well, too, in spite of the difficulties. The company has considerable production capacity and room for growth.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
During the course of this work, we have made acquaintance with the concepts in the field of business management, productivity, factors and reserves of labor productivity growth.
In the analytical part of the analysis of dynamics of the main technical and economic parameters of the enterprise, analysis of the dynamics of labor productivity, an analysis of the use of production time. It was calculated the impact of productivity changes and the number of workers to produce marketable products.
Productivity improvement - one of the objective economic laws inherent in every socio-economic formation. With the accumulation of people experience, knowledge, laws of nature, disclosure, mastering them and using them is a sequential increase of labor productivity.
In the course of the following conclusions:
1. There is a growth in revenue from sales. The company has also seen the growth of the balance sheet profit, which was in 2005 313959 thousand. Rub., In 2006 655 983 thousand. Rub., And in 2007 already 4,947,781 thousand. Rub., Therefore, it was decided to purchase of fixed assets as the wear fixed assets is transferred immediately, but gradually.
2. Absolute change in the PT in 2006 compared to 2005 amounted to 7,400,660.6 thousand rubles, with the greatest impact on this change has had an increase in output per hour, 43.01%, and the smallest -.. Change in the average number of days worked by one worker (decrease ) by 1.5%.
3. Absolute PT change in 2004 compared to 2003 amounted to 4,688,330.09 thousand rubles, with the greatest impact on this change has had an increase in hourly production by 29.5%, while the smallest -. Change in the average number of days worked by one worker (decrease) 11.1%.
4. PT Absolute change in 2007 compared to 2005 was 12088990.696 thousand rubles, with the greatest impact on this change has had an increase in hourly output at 185.3%, while the smallest -.. Change in the average number of days of 12.4%.
5. Available labor resources of the assembly shop of "Flick-M" used insufficiently. On average, one worker worked out at 237.2 instead of 238.2 days, in connection with which the above-plan tselodnevnym loss of working time per worker accounted for 1 day, and all - day in 1682.
6. Of all tselodnevnym loss of working time, special attention is paid to loss of working hours due to absenteeism. In 2005, the company dismissed 10 people for violation of labor discipline. Measures were taken to reduce truancy, to ascertain the reasons for absenteeism and other violations.
7. If the average word length of the planned 4th, but not actually the 3rd and mode of operation, the output per worker was not 1298.49 and 1384.63, therefore, labor productivity would be increased
in the design of the developed ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources, improving the system of remuneration, in particular, has developed proposals on awarding employees, proposals to improve the system for improving staff motivation and efficiency.
overall, the company deserves a positive assessment in our difficult time. The company team works well, too, in spite of the difficulties. The company has a solid production capacity and reserves for growth.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
during the course of work, we made the introduction to the concepts in the field of enterprise management, productivity factors and reserves growth in productivity.in the analytical part of the analysis of the dynamics of the main techno economic performance of enterprises, analysis of the dynamics of productivity, analysis of the use of fund of working time. had been calculated the impact of productivity and the number of workers on commodity output.productivity is one of the objective economic laws of every social and economic strata. as more people experience, knowledge of the laws of nature, form and their use is the consistent increase in productivity.the main conclusions were as follows:1. there has been an increase in the revenue from the sales of the product. the company has also increased the balance sheet profit, which was 313959 thousand in 2005. 655983., 2006). ., and in 2007 was 4947781 thousand. . therefore, it was decided to purchase the core as the bottom core is not immediately, but gradually.2. the absolute change in pt in 2006 compared with 2005 to 7400660,6 thousand. 2.2 with the greatest influence on this change would increase the time a 43,01%, and the smallest change of the average number of days worked by a working (decrease) of 1.5%.3. the absolute change in pt in 2004 compared with 2003 amounted to 4688330,09 thousand. rube, with the greatest influence on this change would increase the time a 29.5%, and the smallest change of the average number of days worked by a working (decrease) by 11.1%.4. the absolute change in the пT in 2007 compared with 2005 to 12088990696 thousand. 2.2 with the greatest influence on this change would increase the time a 185,3%, and the smallest change of the average number of days to 12.4%.5. the labour assembly shop of the "flick" uses sufficiently. on average, one working refined on the 237,2 days instead of 238,2, in connection with which сверхплановые целодневные loss of working time was for one working day, and all days, 1682.6. of all the целодневных loss of working time, particular attention is given to the loss of working time as a result of absenteeism. in 2005. the company fired 10 persons for violation of labor discipline. activities to reduce absenteeism, identified the causes of невыходов at work and other violations.7. if the average parity planned 4th and not, in fact, the 3rd and the operation mode, the output working was not 1298,49 and 1384,63, therefore, would enhance the productivityin the design of the developed ways to
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