В квартире есть мебель? - Да, есть стол, диван, два кресла, несколько  перевод - В квартире есть мебель? - Да, есть стол, диван, два кресла, несколько  английский как сказать

В квартире есть мебель? - Да, есть

В квартире есть мебель? - Да, есть стол, диван, два кресла, несколько стульев и книжный шкаф. В доме центральное отопление, но внизу есть также камин. На верхнем этаже просторная ванная комната, в ней большое зеркало и туалетный столик. Квартира темная. В ней мало окон, окна выходят в сад, и мало света. В гостиной много мебели: диван, несколько кресел, много стульев, в углу телевизор. В холодильнике есть что-нибудь? - Ничего нет. В комнате никого нет, но кто-то есть на кухне. В доме есть телефон? - Да, есть, он на стене. Я знаю много английских и американских песен. В комнате деда много интересных вещей. Мало семей имеют много детей. Сколько у нас хлеба? - Много. Что находится справа и слева от окна? В вазе цветы, а воды нет.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the apartment there is a furniture? -Yes, there is a table, sofa, two armchairs, a few chairs and a bookcase. Central heating, but at the bottom there is also a fireplace. On the top floor there is a spacious bathroom, her large mirror and vanity. The apartment is dark. Little Windows, Windows overlook the garden, and a little light. In the living room a lot of furniture: sofa, a few chairs, lots of chairs in the corner of the tv. In the refrigerator have anything? -Nothing. The room is unoccupied, but someone is in the kitchen. The House has a phone? -Yes, there is, it's on the wall. I know many British and American songs. In a room of his grandfather a lot of interesting things. Few families have many children. How many of us bread? -A lot. That is to the left and right of the window? Flowers in a vase, and there is no water.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I have furniture in the apartment? - Yes, there is a table, a sofa, two armchairs, a few chairs and a bookcase. The house has central heating but at the bottom there is also a fireplace. On the top floor is a spacious bathroom, a large mirror and a dressing table in her. The apartment is dark. In her little windows, the windows overlook the garden, and a little light. The living room is a lot of furniture: a sofa, a few chairs, lots of chairs, a TV in the corner. In the fridge there anything? - There is nothing. The room is empty, but there is someone in the kitchen. The house has a phone? - Yes, there it on a wall. I know a lot of English and American songs. The grandfather's room a lot of interesting things. Few families have many children. How many of us bread? - A lot of. What is the right and the left of the window? The vase of flowers, and there is no water.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the apartment has furniture? - yes, there is a desk, two chairs, a sofa, a chair, and a bookcase. in the house of central heating, but there is also a fire. on the upper floor is a spacious bathroom with a large mirror and dressing table. the dark. in her little windows, windows facing the garden, and a little light. in the living room a lot of furniture: sofa, a chair, a chair in the corner of the tv. in the fridge, is there anything? - nothing. in the room no one, but there is someone in the kitchen. the house have a phone? - yeah, he"s on the wall. i know a lot of british and american songs. in the other room a lot of interesting things. few families have many children. how much bread? - a lot. that is to the left and right of the window? the flowers in the vase, and there is no water.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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