во время летних каникул сара и джимми решили заработать немного денег  перевод - во время летних каникул сара и джимми решили заработать немного денег  английский как сказать

во время летних каникул сара и джим

во время летних каникул сара и джимми решили заработать немного денег . они пришли к фермеру и спросили, нет ли у него работы для них. фермеру была нужна помощь в саду. он попросил собрать гусениц с капустной грядки. он объяснил, что гусеницы поедают капустные листья и портят урожай. фермер пообещал заплатить, как только дети закончат работу. сара и джимми взяли ведра и отправились в сад. капустная грядка оказалась такой огромной, что дети что дети расстроились. они поняли, как тяжело будет заработать эти денньги. сара и джимми приступили к работе. это было просто ужасно! гусеницы извивались, когда дети дотрагивались до них. им потребовался целый час, чтобы закончить первый ряд. и повсюду вокруг них были капустницы. неожиданно саре в голову пришла замечательная идея. Джимми гусеницы появляются из яиц, не так ли? - спросила она. Джимми кивнул. А откуда появляются яйца? - снова спросила она. Бабочки их откладывают, - ответил Джимми. Правильно, - сказала сара. - Значит, если мы избавимся от бабочек, больше не будет ни яиц, ни гусениц. Джимми согласился с сестрой. Так почему бы нам не избавиться от бабочек? - спросила Сара. Но как? - удивился Джимми
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
during the summer holidays by Sarah and Jimmy decided to earn a little money. they came to farmer and asked whether he works for them. the farmer was looking for help in the garden. He was asked to collect caterpillars with infested beds. He explained that the caterpillars eat the cabbage leaves and spoil the crop. the farmer promised to pay as soon as the kids finish their work. Sarah and Jimmy took a bucket and went to the garden. Cabbage Garden was so vast that kids that kids were upset. they realized how hard it will be to earn these reception. Sarah and Jimmy started to work. It was just awful! caterpillars are slithering around, when children from playing with them. It took them an hour to complete the first row. and everywhere around them were cabbage butterflies. suddenly Sarah came up with a great idea. Jimmy the caterpillars emerge from the eggs, right? -She asked. Jimmy nodded. And where do eggs? She asked again. Butterfly they lay, Jimmy replied. Correctly, "said Sarah. So, if we get rid of the butterflies, the more there will be neither eggs nor caterpillars. Jimmy agreed with her sister. So why don't we get rid of the butterflies? Sarah asked. But how? -surprised Jimmy
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
during summer vacation, Sarah and Jimmy decided to earn some money. they came to the farmer and asked if he had any work for them. farmer needed help in the garden. he asked to collect caterpillars from the cabbage patch. He explained that the caterpillars feed on cabbage leaves and spoil the crop. the farmer promised to pay as soon as the children finish the job. Sarah and Jimmy took the bucket and went to the garden. cabbage bed was so huge that children that children are upset. they understand how it will be difficult to make these denngi. Sarah and Jimmy started to work. it was just awful! caterpillar wriggled when children touch them. it took them an hour to complete the first row. and all around them was cabbage. Sarah suddenly came up with a great idea. Jimmy caterpillars emerge from the eggs, do not you? - She asked. Jimmy nodded. And where there are eggs? - She asked again. Butterflies lay their - Jimmy said. That's right, - said Sarah. - So if we get rid of the butterflies will no longer be any eggs or larvae. Jimmy agreed with her sister. So why do not we get rid of the butterflies? - Sarah asked. But how? - Jimmy was surprised
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
during the summer holidays, sarah and jimmy decided to earn a little money. they came to the farmer and asked him if he"s working for them. the farmer needed help in the garden. he asked me to collect caterpillars sour patch. he explained that the caterpillars eat the leaves of brassicaceae and ruin the harvest. the farmer promised to pay after the children finished the job. sarah and jimmy took the bucket and went into the garden. cabbage greenhouse was so great that the children that the children were upset. they understood how hard it will be to make these денньги. sarah and jimmy began to work. it was just terrible! caterpillar wreathed when children touch to them. it took them an hour to finish the first row. and all around them were капустницы. suddenly there came up with a great idea. jimmy the caterpillars emerge from the eggs, aren"t you? she asked. jimmy nodded. where are the eggs? again she asked. butterflies and their lay, "said jimmy. right, said sarah. so if we get rid of the butterflies, there will be no more eggs and caterpillars. jimmy agreed with my sister. so why don"t we get rid of butterflies? asked sarah. but how? - surprised jimmy
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