1. Автомобиль самый распространенный транспорт во многих странах, где построены хорошие дороги. 2. Путешествие на самолете занимает намного меньше времени, чем на поезде. 3. Рейс был задержан по причине плохой погоды в аэропорту прибытия. 4. Этот гонщик приобретет всемирную славу после нескольких пoбед подряд станет чемпионом 5. Авиакомпания не дала согласие на изменение стоимости билетов на рейсы, хотя терпела убытки. 6. У этого водителя есть вредная привычка говорить по мобильному телефону во время езды, а это строго запрещается правилами дорожного движения. 7. Мы опоздали, так как машина сломалась по дороге, и мы долго искали станцию техобслуживания. 8. Автобус был переполнен в час пик, и я не смог сесть в него со всем своим багажом. Пришлось взять такси. 9. Нет ничего лучше, чем кататься на велосипеде по лесным тропинкам, особенно если велослед приспособлен для этого. 10. У этой марки автомобиля очень хорошая репутация благодаря его надежности и безопасности. 11. я никак не могу избавитья от вредной привычки превышать скорость на шоссе, и меня уже несколько раз штрафонали .12. Моя семья в конце концов пришла к согласию по поводу того, какой автомобиль купить для летних путешестния, и скоро мы отправимся в поездку
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. The car is the most common transport in many countries where constructed good roads. 2. Travel by plane takes much less time than by train. 3. Flight was delayed due to bad weather at the airport of arrival. 4. This racer will gain world fame after several consecutive pobed will win 5. The airline did not give consent to the change in the cost of tickets for flights, although suffered losses. 6. The driver has a bad habit of talking on a cell phone while driving, and it is strictly forbidden to traffic rules. 7. We missed, because the machine broke down on the road, and we've been looking for station maintenance. 8. Bus was crowded at rush hour, and I couldn't get into it with all his luggage. Had to take a taxi. 9. There is nothing better than riding a bike through the forest, especially if velosled is adapted for this purpose. 10. This car brand very good reputation thanks to its reliability and security. 11. I can't izbavit′â from harmful habits exceed the speed on the highway, and I already have several times štrafonali. 12. My family eventually came to an agreement about what kind of car to buy for summer putešestniâ, and soon we will go on a trip
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. The car is the most common transport in many countries, where good roads are built. 2. Traveling by plane takes much less time than by train. 3. The flight was delayed due to bad weather at the destination airport. 4. This driver acquires worldwide fame after several consecutive pobed will win 5. The airline did not give consent to the change in the cost of tickets for the flights, although the losses suffered. 6. This driver has a habit to talk on a cell phone while driving, and it is strictly prohibited to traffic regulations. 7. We're too late, as the car broke down on the road, and we've been looking for a car repair shop. 8. The bus was crowded at rush hour, and I could not get into it with all his luggage. I had to take a taxi. 9. There is nothing better than to ride a bike along the forest paths, especially if velosled adapted for this purpose. 10. In this car brand is very good reputation thanks to its reliability and safety. 11. I can not deliverance from harmful habits exceed the speed on the highway, and I was already several times shtrafonali .12. My family eventually came to an agreement about what kind of car to buy for summer puteshestniya, and soon we will go on a trip
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