Ученик второго класса Александр всегда поподал в неприятные ситуации.  перевод - Ученик второго класса Александр всегда поподал в неприятные ситуации.  английский как сказать

Ученик второго класса Александр все

Ученик второго класса Александр всегда поподал в неприятные ситуации. Он был невезучий. Но он и подумать не мог,что то,что произошло с ним во время безобидной детской игры изменит все его взгляды на мир.
Саша со своим другом андреем после уроков пошли прогуляться на речку. Было очень холодная погода,но мальчиков это не остановило.  Прийдя на место мальчики от скуки стали бросать в воду камушки. Они соревновались,кто кинет дальше. Все мы в детстве так играли,но школьники перешли все границы. Андрею  посчитал это занятие слишком детским и предложил выйти на лёд и кинуть корягу. Мальчики вновь соревновались на дальность. Андрей кинул первый. Коряга зацепилась за его рукав, он потерял равновесие и упал вместе с корягой. лёд под ним треснул и он провалился.  Дети были напуганы. Саша быстро осознал,что нельзя медлить и сттвл спасать мальчика. Это было очень сдожно. Мальчик чуть сам не ушел под воду. Однако, он спас друга. Андрей весь промок, замерз. Его одежда замерзала прямо на нём так,что был слышен треск.  Дети боялись ,что их накажут или они серьёзно заболеют. К счастью, все обошлось. Учителя хвалили сашу. Я ни о чем не думал в тот момент,я был в шоке и жутко напуган. Я понимал,что у меня мало времени. После этого оба мальчика стали избегать опасных игр и осознали как важно беречь себя и св жизнь

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Second grade pupil Alexander always popodal in unpleasant situations. He was unlucky. But he could not think what happened to him during a harmless child's play will change all his views of the world.Sasha with his friend Andrew after school went to take a walk on the river. It was very cold weather, but this did not stop boys. Coming into place boys from boredom hurled stones into the water. They have a contest to see who will drop further. All of us at childhood so played, but students have crossed all boundaries. Andrew found this lesson too childish and invited to go out on the ice and throw a snag. Boys again competed at a distance. Andrew threw first. SnagIt stumbled for his sleeve, he lost his balance and fell, along with the snag. the ice underneath it cracked and it failed. The children were scared. Sasha quickly realized that you can't procrastinate and sttvl to save the boy. It was very sdožno. A little boy is not itself went under water. However, he was saved by a friend. Andrey all ducking, froze. His clothes got frozen right on it so that the crack was heard. Children were afraid that they will be punished or they seriously sicken. Fortunately, everything worked out. Teachers praised her. I didn't think about anything at that moment, I was shocked and terribly frightened. I realized that I have little time. After that both the boy became avoid dangerous games and realized how important it is to protect yourself and life
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The pupil of the second class, Alexander always popodaet into trouble. He was unlucky. But he could not have imagined that what happened to him during a harmless children's game will change all his views of the world.
Sasha and his friend Andrei after school went for a walk to the river. It was very cold weather, but that did not stop the boys. Arriving at the place of boredom the boys began to throw stones into the water. They competed, who will throw next. We all played as a child, but the students have passed all limits. Andrew thought this occupation is too childish and offered to go on the ice and throw a snag. Boys again competed on the range. Andrew threw the first. Snag caught his sleeve, he lost his balance and fell with driftwood. the ice cracked beneath him and he fell. The children were scared. Sasha quickly realized that one can not procrastinate and sttvl to save the boy. It was very sdozhno. The boy almost did not go under the water. However, he saved another. Andrew was wet, cold. His clothes froze right on it so that was heard a crash. Children were afraid that they would be punished or are seriously ill. Fortunately, everything worked out. Teachers praised Sasha. I did not think about anything at that moment, I was shocked and terribly frightened. I knew that I had little time. Then the two boys began to avoid dangerous games and realized how important it is to protect yourself and the life of St.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
apprentice, second class alexander always поподал in unpleasant situations. he was unlucky. but he had no idea what happened to him during the defenseless child games will change his views on the world. "sasha with my friend after school and went for a walk to the river. it was very cold weather, but the boys didn't stop.  прийдя to place boys bored and began to throw rocks in the water. they competed.who has more. we are all in a child's play, but students crossed the line. andrei  посчитал this class too childish and offered to go on the ice and get log. the boys once again competed in the range.andrey stood first. коряга clung to his arm, he lost his balance and fell together with the корягой. the ice cracked under him and he failed.  дети were scared. sasha quickly realizedthat you cannot wait and сттвл to save the boy. it was very сдожно. boy, i almost went under the water. however, he saved the other. andrey got all wet, cold. his clothes cold so easily right on it so that there was a crack. дети feared that they will be punished or seriously ill. fortunately, all right. the teacher praised sasha. i didn't think anything at that moment, i was shocked and terribly scared. i realized that i don't have much time.after that, the boys began to avoid the dangerous games and realized how important it is to take good care of yourself and sv life

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