Столетия после путешествия Колумба городские канавы Европы все еще слу перевод - Столетия после путешествия Колумба городские канавы Европы все еще слу английский как сказать

Столетия после путешествия Колумба

Столетия после путешествия Колумба городские канавы Европы все еще служили общественным туалетом, внутренности убитых животных и остатки туш выбрасывались гнить на улицах. Особой проблемой в Лондоне были т.н. "дыры для бедных" — "большие, глубокие, открытые ямы, куда складывались трупы умерших бедняков, в ряд, слой на слой. Только когда яма наполнялась до краев, ее засыпали землей." Один современник писал: "Как противна вонь, которая идет от этих ям, забитых трупами, особенно в зной и после дождя." Немногим лучше был запах исходящий от живых европейцев, большинство из которых рождались и умирали ни разу не вымывшись. Почти каждый из них имел на себе следы оспы и других деформирующих заболеваний, которые оставляли свои жертвы полуслепыми, покрытыми оспинами, струпьями, гниющими хроническими язвами, хромыми и т.д. Средняя продолжительность жизни не достигала 30 лет. Половина детей умирала не дожив до 10.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A century after the voyages of Columbus City ditches of Europe still have served public toilets inside killed animals and remains of the carcasses were thrown out to rot in the streets. A particular problem in London were the so-called "hole for the poor" is a "big, deep, open pits where the bodies of the dead were poor, in a row, layer on layer. Only when the pit filled to the brim, it showered Earth. "One contemporary wrote," How disgusting stench that comes from these pits, slaughtered corpses, especially in heat and after the rain. "a little better was the smell emanating from the living of Europeans, most of whom were born and died never vymyvšis′. Almost every one of them had the scars of smallpox and other distorting disease, which left their victims poluslepymi covered with pockmarks, decaying scabs, chronic ulcers, lame, etc. the average life expectancy was less than 30 years. Half of children die before they reach 10.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Century after Columbus' voyage urban ditches Europe still serve the public toilet, the insides of dead animals and the remains of carcasses were thrown to rot in the streets. A particular problem in London were the so-called "Holes for the poor" - "large, deep, open pit, where to put corpses of the poor, in a row, layer upon layer. Only when the pit was filled to the brim, it covered with earth." A contemporary wrote: "How disgusting stench that comes from these wells, slaughtered corpses, especially in the heat and after the rain." Slightly better than the smell was coming from the living Europeans, most of whom were born and died never vymyvshis. Almost every one of them had the scars of smallpox and other diseases deforming that left his victims half-blind, covered with pockmarks, scabs, rotting chronic ulcers, chromium, etc. The average life expectancy is less than 30 years. Half of the children dying before the age of 10.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Century after trip Columbus urban ditch Europe is still served as public toilet, the inside dead animals and carcasses discarded residue consider expedient in the streets. A particular problem in London were, etc..A.The hole for the poor" - "the large, deep, open-pit, where the dead bodies have evolved died poor, in a number, the layer in the layer. Only when Jma carest up to the edge, its been inundated since its inception land." One lesâ wrote: "As to smelly,Which is coming from these pits, Al Wahda strewn with corpses, especially in penny and after the rain." a little better was smell coming from living Europeans, most of whom come and go never вымывшись.Almost each one of them had the traces of smallpox and other distort diseases, which leave their victims полуслепыми, coated with оспинами, saint, гниющими chronic sores, хромыми, etc..The average life expectancy has not reached 30 years of age. Half of the children thrive not survive 10.
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