GOOD MORNING, MISS DOVEafter Frances Gray Patton Miss Dove ['mis ,(1av перевод - GOOD MORNING, MISS DOVEafter Frances Gray Patton Miss Dove ['mis ,(1av английский как сказать


after Frances Gray Patton
Miss Dove ['mis ,(1av] was a strict teacher. If a pupil wanted to leave the classroom to get a drink of water, Miss Dove just looked at him and said nothing. They were afraid of that look and they called her 'the terrible Miss Dove' though she never shouted at them or scolded them.
On that day forty children were sitting in her class at the Geography lesson. They heard the bell, but they did not move, they did not talk, they all waited in silence and looked at Miss Dove. Only after she had told them to close their books and go, they left the classroom quietly without shouting or running. A boy who had talked during the lesson was left in the room and had to write twenty times "I must not talk during the lessons".
The next lesson began. The pupils came into the classroom and took their places. Miss Dove gave them written work to do, because it was Tuesday, and on Tuesdays they always had some written work.
One of the boys pushed the girl who was sitting next to him. Miss Dove looked at him, and he stopped moving though she did not scold I him. Miss Dove looked at the boy but she did not see him. Instead of j him she saw his elder brother, Thomas Baker ['tDmas 'Ьеікз], who had sat in that place some six or seven years before. The war brought the children she had taught to different parts of the world. One was in Germany, another— in the jungle1 of New Guinea [nju: gini], a third one — somewhere in Africa. She did not know where all of them were. Though all of them had finished school many years before, she now saw them as they had been at seven, at ten or at twelve.
The pupil she thought about most often was Thomas Baker. The German planes had bombed his ship, and for many days he had lain on a raft2 without anything to eat and very little to drink. When they found him, he was almost dying. The newspapers wrote much about him in those days.
Randy [Yaendi] Baker put his hand up.
"Yes, Baker?" Miss Dove asked.
"I got a letter from Tom yesterday," the boy explained. "May I read it to the class?"
"Yes, certainly."
"But it's a long one."
"I'm sure it will be useful for everyone to hear the letter of such a brave man," explained the teacher.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
GOOD MORNING, MISS DOVEAfter Frances Gray Patton Miss Dove [' mis (1av] was a strict teacher. If a pupil wanted to leave the classroom to get a drink of water, Miss Dove just looked at him and said nothing. They were afraid of that look and they called her ' the terrible Miss Dove ' though she never shouted at them or scolded them.On that day forty children were sitting in her class at the Geography lesson. They heard the bell, but they did not move, they did not talk, they all waited in silence and looked at Miss Dove. Only after she had told them to close their books and go, they left the classroom quietly without Hillage or running. A boy who had talked during the lesson was left in the room and had to write twenty times "I must not talk during the lessons.The next lesson began. The pupils came into the classroom and took their places. Miss Dove gave them written work to do, because it was Tuesday, and on Tuesdays they always had some written work.One of the boys pushed the girl who was sitting next to him. Miss Dove looked at him, and he stopped moving though she did not scold, I him. Miss Dove looked at the boy, but she did not see him. Instead of j him she saw his elder brother, Thomas Baker [' tDmas ' ′eìkz], who had sat in that place some six or seven years before. The war brought the children she had taught to different parts of the world. One was in Germany, another is in the jungle1 of New Guinea [nju: gini], a third one is somewhere in Africa. She did not know where all of them were. Though all of them had finished school many years before, she now saw them as they had been at seven, at ten or at twelve.The pupil she thought about most often was Thomas Baker. The German planes had bombed his ship, and for many days he had lain on a raft2 without anything to eat and very little to drink. When they found him, he was almost dying. The newspapers wrote much about him in those days.Randy [Yaendi] Baker put his hand up."Yes, Baker?" Miss Dove asked."I got a letter from Tom yesterday," the boy explained. "May I read it to the class?""Yes, certainly.""But it's a long one.""I'm sure it will be useful for everyone to hear the letter of such a brave man," explained the teacher.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
the after Frances Gray Gray the Patton
the Miss Dove [ 'mis, (1av] WAS a strict teacher Have. The If a pupil wanted to a leave the classroom to the get a of drink of water, the Miss Dove just Looked AT HIM and Said nothing. For They Were Afraid of That look and for They Called HER 'the terrible of the Miss Dove' Though she by never shouted AT Them or scolded Them.
the On That day a forty children Were sitting in HER class AT the the Geography lesson. for They Heard the bell, But for They DID not the move, they did not talk, they all waited in silence and looked at Miss Dove. Only after she had told them to close their books and go, they left the classroom quietly without shouting or running. A boy who had talked during the lesson was left in the room and HAD to the write twenty times "I of a must not to talk DURING the lessons Insider".
of the the next lesson Began. of the Pupils CAME Into the classroom and took Their places. the Miss Dove Gave Them Written work to do, Because IT WAS on Tuesday, and on for They HAD the always Tuesdays Written some work.
the One of the boys Pushed the who the girl WAS HIM to the next sitting. Miss Dove looked at him, and he stopped moving though she did not scold I him. Miss Dove looked at the boy but she did not see him. Instead of j him she saw his elder brother, Thomas Baker [ 'tDmas' eіkz], who had sat in that place some six or seven years before. The war brought the children she had taught to different parts of the world. One was in Germany, another- in the jungle1 of New Guinea [nju: gini], a third one - somewhere in Africa. She did not know where all of them were. All of Them Though the finished HAD A school of MANY years the before, she now! Just as with SAW Them for They HAD Been AT seven, ten or AT AT twelve.
Of The pupil she Thought about are most often the WAS by Thomas of Baker. The German planes had bombed his ship, and for many days he had lain on a raft2 without anything to eat and very little to drink. When they found him, he was almost dying. Newspapers wrote much of The about HIM in Those days.
Of Randy [Yaendi] of Baker the put up closeup a His hand.
"Yes, of Baker?" Dove Asked the Miss.
"I of's got a letter-of Tom from yesterday," the boy Explained. "May I of the read IT to the class?"
"Yes, certainly."
"But IT's a a long one's."
"I of'm sure the IT will of the BE Useful for everyone to hear the letter-of such a brave the man," Explained the teacher Have.
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