Я был уверен, что он уже жалеет, что написал ей.
Мне показалось, что он утомлен, и я спросил его, чем он занимался.
У меня было впечатление, что он уже давно здесь.
Я кивнул и сказал да, чувствуя, что это именно то, что ей нужно.
Убедившись, что он ничего не сделает, чтобы помочь мне, я изменил свои планы.
Я подозревал, что она просто забыла сказать, что я жду.
Он знал, о чем она думает.
Я понятия не имею, знает ли она, что Фил будет здесь.
Кстати, Тед знает, что моя сестра приезжает завтра?
Он еще не знал, что будет делать в Нью-Йорке.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I was sure that he had spared, that wrote it.It seemed to me that he was tired, and I asked him what he was doing.I had the impression that he had been here.I nodded and said yes, feeling that this is exactly what she needs.Making sure that it won't do anything to help me, I have changed my plans.I suspect that she just forgot to say that I'm waiting for.He knew what she was thinking.I have no idea whether she knew that Phil will be here.By the way, Ted knows that my sister arrives tomorrow?He did not know, that will do in New York.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I was sure that he was sorry that he wrote to her.
It seemed to me that he was tired, and I asked him what he was doing.
I had the impression that he has already been here long.
I nodded and said, yes, feeling that it exactly what she wanted.
Make sure he does not do anything to help me, I changed my plans.
I suspected that she simply forgot to say that I'm waiting for.
He knew what she was thinking.
I have no idea, if she knew that Phil will be here.
By the way, Ted knows that my sister is coming tomorrow?
He did not know what he would do in New York City.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
I was sure that he had already spared no effort, that he had written it.
i thought that he was, and I asked him, what he was.
i was impressed that he had long been here.
i nodded and said yes, feeling that it is precisely this,That it needed to.
making sure that he did not do so, to help me, I changed my plans.
I knew, that she simply forgot to say that I'm.
he knew what she really thinks.
i i have no idea, whether she knew,That Phil will be here.
incidentally, Ted knows that my sister arrives tomorrow?
he still did not know, that will be done in New York.
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