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Магнитные устройства памяти
Необходимость хранения больших массивов информации привела к использованию в запоминающих устройствах
известного в технике принципа записи сигналов на магнитную поверхность.
В качестве записывающей или считывающей головки используется специально сконструированный, чаще всего кольцевой, электромагнит с щелью, по обмотке которого пропускают импульсный ток. Считывание производится без разрушения хранящейся информации и может выполняться многократно.
Характерной особенностью магнитной записи является то, что она не нуждается в какой-либо промежуточной обработке и может быть воспроизведена немедленно. Запись легко может быть "стерта".
Такой процесс осуществляется отдельной стирающей головкой, через обмотку которой обычно пропускается ток высокой частоты..
При магнитной форме записи информации в целях увеличения ёмкости запоминающих устройств стремятся как можно полнее использовать рабочую поверхность носителя. Степень её использования определяется плотностью записи информации, т.е. количеством двоичных знаков, размещающихся на единице площади носителя. Плотность записи зависит от характеристик магнитного носителя, конструкции головки, величины зазора между
Хотя характеристики и конструкции запоминающих устройств, в которых используется магнитная запись, могут быть очень разными, в основе процесса хранения для каждого из них лежит запоминание 0 или 1 на небольшом участке магнитного материала. В каждом случае запоминающая среда динамическая, так как носитель информации перемещается относительно считывающего или записывающего устройства.
Запоминающие устройства с магнитной записью информации широко используется в качестве внешней памяти ЭВМ, что объясняется их большой ёмкостью при относительно небольших размерах, возможностью многократного применения носителя информации при стирании старой записи, большим сроком хранения записанной информации без её искажения, относительно высокой скоростью записи и воспроизведения информации.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Magnetic memory deviceThe need to store large amounts of information has led to the use in storage devicesknown in the technique of recording signals on a magnetic surface.As the recording or read head uses a specially-crafted, often circular electromagnet with a slit, on winding which allow impulse current. Reading is performed without the destruction of stored information and can be run multiple times.A characteristic feature of magnetic recording is that it does not need any intermediate processing and can be reproduced instantly. Record could easily be "erased".Such a process is carried out through the head, that a single winding which is usually skipped high-frequency current is. ..When the magnetic record form information in order to increase storage capacity to the fullest possible use of the working surface of the media. Degree of use is determined by the density of information, i.e. the number of binary digits located on the unit area of the media. Recording density depends on the characteristics of magnetic media, design head, the clearance between the Although the specifications and design of the storage devices that use magnetic recording, can be very different, the process of storage for each of them lies the memorization of 0 or 1 to a small area of magnetic material. In each case, the dynamic environment can, as the media moves on reading or recording device.Magnetic storage devices record information is widely used as an external memory the COMPUTER, due to their large size and relatively small size, the possibility of multiple use of media erasing old records, long term storage of recorded information without distortion on high speed recording and playback information.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Magnetic storage devices
need to store large amounts of information has led to the use of memory devices
known in the art of the principle of recording signals on a magnetic surface.
As the recording or reading head uses a specially designed, often circular electromagnet with a gap, which is passed through the coil pulse current. Reading is performed without destroying the stored information and can be performed repeatedly.
A characteristic feature of the magnetic recording is that it does not require any intermediate handling and can be reproduced immediately. Recording can easily be "erased."
This process is a separate erase head, through the winding which is usually high-frequency current is passed ..
In the form of a magnetic recording media in order to increase the storage capacity tend to make the fullest possible use of the working surface of the carrier. The degree of its use is determined by a recording density of information, ie number of binary characters which reside on a unit area of the carrier. The recording density depends on the characteristics of the magnetic carrier head design, the gap between the
structure and characteristics Although storage devices that use magnetic recording, may be very different at the base of the storage process for each of them is storing 0 or 1 on a small area of the magnetic material . In each case the storage medium is dynamic, as the storage medium is moved relative to the reading or recording device.
The storage device with magnetic recording media is widely used as an external memory of a computer, due to their large capacity with relatively small size, the possibility of multiple use the information carrier when erasing the old recording, long storage of the recorded information without distortion of its relatively high speed recording and reproducing information.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Magnetic devices memory
need to store large quantities of information has led to the use of the storage devices
known in technology of the principle of recording signals on the magnetic surface.
As a recording or read head is used a specially-crafted, often ring, solenoid with a slit, winding which pass current pulse.Reading is performed without the destruction of stored information, and can be performed repeatedly.
a characteristic feature of the magnetic recording is,That it does not need to be in any intermediate processing and can be played back immediately. Recording can be easily "erased" .
such a process is a separate erase head,Through the coil which is usually skipped high frequency current..
When a magnetic form record information in order to increase the storage capacity to as much as possible to use the surface of the media.The extent of its use is determined by density recording information, i.e. , number of binary digits, possibly on a piece of media. Recording density depends on the characteristics magnetic media,Head design, the gap between
while the characteristics and design storage devices, which are used in magnetic recording, can be very different,The process of storage for each of them is based on storing 0 or 1 on a small area magnetic material. In each case, storage environment dynamic,As the media moves on the reader or a recording device.
storage devices with magnetic recording information is widely used as an external memory computers,That is due to their high capacity at a relatively small size, the ability to multiple use of media while erasing old recording,Great for storage recorded information without its distortion, relatively high speed recording and playback information.
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