1. «Здравствуйте, здравствуйте, мой милый cousin! — кликнула она... —  перевод - 1. «Здравствуйте, здравствуйте, мой милый cousin! — кликнула она... —  английский как сказать

1. «Здравствуйте, здравствуйте, мой

1. «Здравствуйте, здравствуйте, мой милый cousin! — кликнула она... — как я рада вас видеть!” (Тургенев)2. «Как я рада, что вы приехали», — сказала Бетси. (Л. Толстой)3. Она [Долли] так рада будет тебя видеть. Она совсем одна, бедная (Л. Толстой)4. Герасим... казалось, был доволен, что ему был кому услуживать (to wait upon). (Л. Толстой)5. Поздравляю тебя, мой ангел, с новым образом жизни. Радуюсь, что он тебе понравился. (Пушкин)6....он стал расспрашивать брата о делах его; и Левин был рад говорить о себе, потому что он мог говорить не притворяясь. (Л. Толстой)7. «А я доволен тем, что посказал вам этот журнал», — говорил Лаврецкий... (Тургенев)8. «Я очень рада, что он меня терпеть не может», — говорила она о нем [Левине]. (Л. Толстой)9. Ко узнав, что Нарумов не инженер, а конногвардеец (horse-guardsman), она сожалела, что... высказала свою тайну ветреному Томскому. (Пушкин)10. Во все время дороги и Лемм и Лаврецкий мало говорили друг с другом: каждого из них занимали собственные мысли, и каждый был рад, что другой его не беспокоит. (Тургенев)
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. "Hello, Hello, my sweet cousin! — When it ... is how I am pleased to see you! " (Turgenev)2. "how to I'm glad you came," said Betsy. (L. Tolstoy) 3. She [Dolly] so will be glad to see you. It is all one, the poor (l. Tolstoy) 4. Gerasim... seemed to be satisfied with what it had to usluživat′ (to wait upon). (L. Tolstoy) 5. I congratulate you, my Angel, with the new way of life. I'm glad that you like it. (Pushkin) 6. ... and he began to question the Affairs of his brother; and Levin was happy to talk about himself, because he could speak not pretending. (L. Tolstoy) 7. "I am pleased that you poskazal this magazine," said Lavretsky... (Turgenev)8. "I am very glad that I can't stand it," she said about him [Levine]. (L. Tolstoy) 9. To learn that no engineer Narumov, and horse (horse-guardsman), she deplored that ... was her secret vetrenomu Tomsk. (Pushkin) 10. During all time of road and Lemme and Lavretsky little spoke to each other: each of them had their own thoughts, and everyone was happy that the other does not bother him. (Turgenev)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. "Hello, hello, my dear cousin! - She called it ... - I'm so glad to see you! "(Turgenev) 2. "I'm so glad you've come," - said Betsy. (Leo Tolstoy) 3. She [Dolly] will be so glad to see you. She is all alone, poor (Tolstoy) 4. Gerasimos ... seemed pleased that he had someone do a service (to wait upon). (Leo Tolstoy) 5. I congratulate you, my angel, with a new way of life. I am glad that you liked. (Pushkin) 6 .... he began questioning his brother about his affairs; and Levin was glad to talk about himself, because he could speak without hypocrisy. (Leo Tolstoy) 7. "I'm pleased that you poskazal this magazine," - said Lavretsky ... (Turgenev) 8. "I am very happy that he can not stand me" - she said about him [Levin]. (Leo Tolstoy) 9. To learn that Narumov not an engineer, and the Horse Guards (horse-guardsman), she regretted that ... expressed her secret to the volatile Tomsky. (Pushkin), 10. All the while roads and Lemm and Lavretsky said little to each other: each of them took his own thoughts, and everyone was glad that the other does not bother him. (Turgenev)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. "Hello, hello, my i'm соusin! - Garment it ... - As soon as I am happy to see you!" (listening)2. "As soon as I am happy that you are here", - said Betsy. (L. Thick)3. It Dolly] will be so pleased to see you. She is one,Lean (L. Thick)4. Gerasim ... it seemed, was more than happy with that, it was to someone услуживать (to wait upon). (L. Thick)5. I congratulate you, my angel, a new way of life. Rejoicing that he liked. (Пушкин)6 ....He was simply stunned brother d'affaires a.i. of his; and Levin was happy to talk about themselves, because it could not to talk fool your friends into thinking. (L. Thick)7. "And I am satisfied that посказал you this log", - said Лаврецкии ... (Dmitry Savin)8."I am very pleased that he could not tolerate me", - she said it [Левине]. (L. Thick)9. To learn that, Нарумов is not an engineer, and, polychrome painting over glaze (horse-guаrdsmаn), she regretted that ... expressed its secrets ветреному This decision led. (Pushkin)10.In all the time and all roads and Лаврецкии little talked with each other: each of them had their own thoughts, and each was happy that the other is not worried. (Listening)
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