Цена на билет – это зачастую решающее условие поездки, и иногда то сам перевод - Цена на билет – это зачастую решающее условие поездки, и иногда то сам английский как сказать

Цена на билет – это зачастую решающ

Цена на билет – это зачастую решающее условие поездки, и иногда то самое ограничение, которое существует в авиаперелетах. Однако, если готовиться заблаговременно и заранее заказать авиабилет, дешево получиться тоже может. В этом плане дальние поездки по цене в поезде и самолете отличаются не слишком сильно, особенно если условия Вы хотите купить хорошие. Тогда оценивать стоимость можно по дополнительным тратам, которые определяются примерно так: Вы знаете точное место куда направляетесь и по карте можете сравнить, что же к нему ближе – аэропорт или же железнодорожный вокзал. Учитывая то, что иногда на месте прибытия приходится пользоваться дополнительным транспортом, который обходится недешево, лучше предусмотреть вариант, где Вам не придется нанимать дорогостоящие такси или сделать это для преодоления минимального расстояния. Еще можно узнать о стоимости билетов на соседние города, а также о возможности добраться оттуда маршрутным автобусом до пункта Вашего назначения.Иногда покупка билетов по такому принципу обходится дешевле.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The ticket price - is often crucial for the trip, and sometimes that same limitation that exists in the flights. However, if you prepare ahead of time and pre-book a ticket,can also get cheap. In this regard, long-distance travel at a price of train and plane do not differ too much, especially if you want to buy the conditions are good.Then you can estimate the cost for additional expenses, which are defined like this: Do you know the exact place where going on the map and can compare,what is closest to him - the airport or the railway station. Given the fact that sometimes in place of arrival have to use additional transport, which is expensive, it is better to provide an optionwhere you do not have to hire a taxi or costly to do so in order to overcome the minimum distance. You can learn more about the cost of tickets to the nearby towns,as well as the possibility to get a shuttle from there to the point of your naznacheniya.Inogda purchase tickets for this principle is cheaper.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The price of the ticket is often a decisive condition for travel, and sometimes the same limitation that exists in air travel. However, if prepared well in advance and pre-order ticket cheap produce too. In this regard, long-distance travel costs on the train and plane are not too hard, especially if you want to buy good. Then you can estimate the cost of additional expenses, which are defined as something like: you know where you're going, and the exact location on the map can compare, What does closer to airport or railway station. In view of the fact that sometimes the place of arrival has to use additional transport which is not cheap, it is better to have the option, where you don't have to hire expensive taxis or make it to overcome the minimum distance. You can learn more about the cost of tickets to the neighboring city, as well as the possibility to get from there by bus to your destination may purchase tickets on this principle is cheaper.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The price for a ticket is often crucial condition for travel, and sometimes the same limitation, which exists in air travel. However, if you prepare well in advance and pre-book a flight ticket,Cheap able can also. In this regard long-haul travel and costs in the train and plane are not too tight, especially if the conditions you want to buy good.Then you can evaluate the cost of the additional cash outlay, which are defined as: You know the exact place where to more places and on a map can compare,That same to it as close as possible - the airport or railway station. Bearing in mind the fact that, sometimes, the place arrival have to use additional transport, which is expensive, it is best to provide an option,Where you do not have to hire expensive taxis or to do this is to overcome the minimum distance. Yet you can learn about the cost of tickets to the neighboring city,As well as the reach from there waypoints by coach to the point of your destination.Sometimes buying tickets on such a principle is less expensive.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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