Я хотела написать тебе перед концертом маленькое письмо. Я думаю ты пр перевод - Я хотела написать тебе перед концертом маленькое письмо. Я думаю ты пр английский как сказать

Я хотела написать тебе перед концер

Я хотела написать тебе перед концертом маленькое письмо. Я думаю ты прочитаешь его утром, когда будешь пить кофе ..

Tы знаешь --я долго живу одна, и чувствовала себя одинокой здесь . Вокруг родственники, друзья - можно сказать ты не одна ! НО..
Когда я жила в турции и германии - я много работала, я жила в других странах и городах- и я снова чувствовала себя одиноко.
Я видела людей в германии - у них было все для комфортной жизни.Они жаловались на их одиночество и пустоту в душе Но они не имели самого главного ..Они жили в одной квартире друг с другом , одном доме- но как будто на разных планетах. ТОгда я поняла что самое важное чтоб рядом был человек- родной , и тогда где бы ты не жил даже на луне - ты будешь счастлив. И самое далекое может стать очень близким .

Я напишу тебе подробнее позже, после концерта. У нас будут костюмы- украинские и крымско-татарские . Я постараюсь сделать фотографии ..
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]

I wanted to write you a little letter before the concert. I think you read it in the morning when you're drinking coffee ..

Thou know - I long live alone and feel lonely here. Around relativesfriends - you can say you're not alone! BUT ..
When I lived in Turkey and Germany - I worked a lot, I have lived in other countries and cities, and again I felt lonely.
I saw people in Germany - they had everything for a comfortable zhizni.On complained about their loneliness and emptiness in my soul But they did not have the most important thing .. They lived in the same apartment with each other,one house-but like on different planets. Then I realized that the most important was a man to be near-native, and then where you would not even lived on the moon - you will be happy. And the furthest can become very close.

I'll write you more later, after the concert. We will have costumes, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar. I will try to take photos ..
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

I wanted to write to you before the show's a little letter. I think you can read it in the morning, when you drink coffee.

You know-I live alone and feel lonely here. Around relatives friends-you can tell you are not alone! BUT. ..
When I lived in Turkey and Germany, I worked a lot, I have lived in other countries and cities-and I again felt lonely.
I saw people in Germany-they had everything for comfortable life they complained about their loneliness and the emptiness in my heart But they were not the most important thing. ..They lived in the same apartment with each other, one House-but as if on different planets. Then I realized that the most important thing that a man near-native, and then where would you not lived even in the Moon-you'll be happy. And the most distant can become very close.

I will write you more later, after the show. We have costumes-Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar. I will try to make pictures.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

I would like write you before the concert the small letter. I think you've read it this morning, when thou shalt drink coffee ..lord Tы know --i long live one, and feel lonely here. Around the relatives,Friends - you can say you are not alone ! But..
when I lived in Turkey and Germany - I have worked, I have lived in other countries and cities, and again, I feel lonely.
I saw people in Germany - they were all for comfortable life.They complained about their loneliness and void in the shower but they did not have the main ..They have lived in the same apartment with one another ,One house, but as if it were on different planets. Then I realized that was the most important temple next to the people of the mother tongue, and then where would you not lived even on the moon - you'll be happy. And the most distant could become very close friends.

I'll write you more at a later date, following the concert. We will be costumes- Ukrainian and Crimean Tartar . I will try to make your photos ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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