Tara Fashions is a relatively new fashion merchandiser who sells new a перевод - Tara Fashions is a relatively new fashion merchandiser who sells new a английский как сказать

Tara Fashions is a relatively new f

Tara Fashions is a relatively new fashion merchandiser who sells new and innovative clothing worldwide. Its main office is located in Cordoba, Spain though the company has many offices located all over the world. Tara Fashions has its largest number of stores located in Spain and other European cities although they also operate in large cities located in North America, South America, Asia, and North Africa.
In total, Tara Fashions operates in 57 countries and has 25 stores located in Spain and another 42 stores located in other European cities. The number of stores that operate outside of Europe is approximately 52. Most of Tara Fashions customers are people who belong to the middle class or upper middle class income levels of various countries. Tara Fashions does not target the middle class or lower class levels of the market though some of their consumers do in fact belong to these classes. Most people who choose to purchase clothing from Tara Fashions are those who are extremely fashion conscious and want to wear the latest fashion trends from Europe.
In addition, Tara Fashions does not have a distributor. Instead the company chooses to distribute its clothing only through its own stores. It does not sell its clothing to retail companies. Tara Fashions is the producer and final distributor of its own clothing.
Tara Fashions is a relatively new company that has only been in business for the past ten years now. The annual net profits of the company average around $12,000,000 a year but recently there has been a sharp increase in production costs so the annual profits of the company have suffered. Last year’s annual net profit for the company was only $9,000,000 as a result of these changes in the marketplace and a high turnover rate. Due to changes in the employment market and a surge of older employees retiring Tara Fashions also recently encountered a record high turnover rate for the company. The turnover rate for employees was approximately 10 percent. Due to these factors, company profits also suffered this past fiscal year.
Tara Fashions is aware that it will face many more changes in the marketplace but it is a company with various strengths. The company has found itself to be sustainable and popular among consumers for the past ten years and has built a reputation as being one of the most fashionable clothing producers in the world and many of the companies’ consumers are extremely loyal to the clothing Tara Fashions produces. Tara Fashions has also managed to secure one of the cheapest material distributors in the world and has limited its production costs more so than other companies. In addition, Tara Fashions has been able to make multiple deals with transportation companies that have enabled them to ship more goods to their stores with less expense being incurred to them.
In the future, Tara Fashions plans to extend its product line and start producing clothing accessories as well. The company is particularly interested in producing such items as belts, purses, and jewelry. The company plans to sell these new products in their stores along with their clothing products.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Tara Fashions is a relatively new fashion merchandiser who sells new and innovative clothing worldwide. Its main office is located in Cordoba, Spain, though the company has many offices located all over the world. Tara Fashions has its largest number of stores located in Spain and other European cities although they also operate in large cities located in North America, South America, Asia, and North Africa. In total, Tara Fashions co-operates in 57 countries and has 25 stores located in Spain and another 42 stores located in other European cities. The number of stores that operate outside of Europe is approximately 52. Most of the customers are people Fashions Tara who belong to the middle class or upper middle class income levels of various countries. Tara Fashions does not target the middle class or lower class levels of the market, though some of their consumers do in fact belong to these classes. Most people who choose to purchase clothing from Tara Fashions are those who are extremely fashion conscious and want to wear the latest fashion trends from Europe. In addition, Tara Fashions does not have a distributor. Instead the company chooses to distribute its clothing only through its own stores. It does not sell its clothing to retail companies. Tara Fashions is the producer and the final distributor of its own clothing. Tara Fashions is a relatively new company that has only been in business for the past ten years now. The annual net profits of the company average around $ 12,000, 000000 a year but recently there has been a sharp increase in production costs so the annual profits of the company have suffered. Last year's annual net profit for the company was only $ 9,000, 000000 as a result of these changes in the marketplace and a high turnover rate. Due to changes in the employment market and a surge of older employees retiring Tara Fashions also recently encountered a record high turnover rate for the company. The turnover rate for employees was approximately 10 percent. Due to these factors, company profits also suffered this past fiscal year. Tara Fashions is aware that it will face many more changes in the marketplace but it is a company with various strengths. The company has found itself to be sustainable and popular among consumers for the past ten years and has built a reputation as being one of the most fashionable clothing producers in the world and many of the companies ' consumers are extremely loyal to the clothing Tara Fashions produces. Tara Fashions has also managed to secure one of the cheapest material distributors in the world and has limited its production costs more so than other companies. In addition, Tara Fashions has been able to make multiple deals with transportation companies that have enabled them to ship more goods to their stores with less expense being into to them. In the future, Tara plans to extend Fashions its product line and start are clothing accessories as well. The company is particularly interested in are such items as belts, purses, and jewelry. The company plans to sell these new products in their stores along with their clothing products.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Tara Fashions is a relatively new fashion merchandiser who sells new and innovative clothing worldwide. Its main office is located in Cordoba, Spain though the company has many offices located all over the world. Tara Fashions has its largest number of stores located in Spain and other European cities although they also operate in large cities located in North America, South America, Asia, and North Africa.
In total, Tara Fashions operates in 57 countries and has 25 stores located in Spain and another 42 stores located in other European cities. The number of stores that operate outside of Europe is approximately 52. Most of Tara Fashions customers are people who belong to the middle class or upper middle class income levels of various countries. Tara Fashions does not target the middle class or lower class levels of the market though some of their consumers do in fact belong to these classes. People who choose Most to purchase clothing from Tara Fashions are those who are extremely fashion conscious and want to wear the latest fashion trends from Europe.
In addition, Tara Fashions does not have a distributor. Instead the company chooses to distribute its clothing only through its own stores. It does not sell its clothing to retail companies. Fashions is the Tara producer and distributor of its final own clothing.
Tara Fashions is a relatively new company that has only been in business for the past ten years now. The annual net profits of the company average around $ 12,000,000 a year but recently there has been a sharp increase in production costs so the annual profits of the company have suffered. Last year's annual net profit for the company was only $ 9,000,000 as a result of these changes in the marketplace and a high turnover rate. Due to changes in the employment market and a surge of older employees retiring Tara Fashions also recently encountered a record high turnover rate for the company. The turnover rate for employees was approximately 10 percent. To these factors Due, company profits also suffered this past fiscal year.
Tara Fashions is aware that it will face many more changes in the marketplace but it is a company with various strengths. The company has found itself to be sustainable and popular among consumers for the past ten years and has built a reputation as being one of the most fashionable clothing producers in the world and many of the companies' consumers are extremely loyal to the clothing Tara Fashions produces . Tara Fashions has also managed to secure one of the cheapest material distributors in the world and has limited its production costs more so than other companies. In addition, Tara Fashions has been able to make multiple deals with transportation companies that have enabled them to ship more goods to their stores with less expense being incurred to them.
In the future, Tara Fashions plans to extend its product line and start producing clothing accessories as well. The company is particularly interested in producing such items as belts, purses, and jewelry. The company plans to sell these new products in their stores along with their clothing products.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Fashions. tara is a relatively new fashion merchandiser who sells new and innovative clothing worldwide. its main office is located in cordoba, spain. though the company has many offices located all over the world. tara Fashions has its largest number of stores located in spain and other european cities but they also operate in large cities located in north america, south america, asia.and north africa.
in total, tara Fashions operates in 57 countries and has 25 stores located in spain and another 42 stores located in other european cities. the number of stores that operate outside of europe is around 52. most of the tara Fashions customers are people who belong to the middle class or upper middle class income levels of various countries.tara Fashions does not target the middle class or lower class levels of the market, but some of their consumers do in fact belong to these classes. most people who choose to purchase clothing from tara Fashions are those who are extremely fashion conscious and want to wear the latest fashion trends in europe.
in addition, tara Fashions does not have a distributor.instead the company chooses to distribute its clothing only through its own stores. it does not sell its clothing to retail companies. tara Fashions is the producer and final distributor of its own clothing. Fashions. tara is a relatively new company that has only been in business for the past ten years now. the annual net profits of the company average around $12000.000 a year, but recently there has been a sharp increase in production costs, so the annual profits of the company have suffered. last year 's annual net profit for the company was only $9000000 as a result of these changes in the marketplace and a high our rate.due to changes in the employment market and a surge of older employees retiring tara Fashions also recently were a record high price for our company. the rate for our employees is around 10 percent. due to these factors, the company profits also suffered this past fiscal year.tara Fashions is aware that it will face many more changes in the marketplace and it is a company with various strengths.
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