ты остановился у друзей или в гостинице? Он гостил у нас неделю. Где в перевод - ты остановился у друзей или в гостинице? Он гостил у нас неделю. Где в английский как сказать

ты остановился у друзей или в гости

ты остановился у друзей или в гостинице? Он гостил у нас неделю. Где вы остановились, когда были в Киеве?

Блэкхит - окраина Лондона. Редакция этой газеты находится на окраине города. Семья Браунов живет в Гринфорде на окраине Лондона. На пригородных улицах дома в основном одноэтажные. Я живу на окраине города в 10 километрах от центра города.

Почему ты не ладишь с сестрой? Анна решила искать себе комнату, так как у нее не складывались отношения с двоюродной сестрой, у которой она остановилась.

Я решила остановиться у друзей, так как до них добираться было десять минут. Сколько времени занимает у твоей мамы дорога на работу? Я добираюсь до университета за 20 мину. Я ехала от гостиницы до аэропорта полтора часа. Путешествие от Йорка до Лондона занимает два часа, не так ли?

Анна попросила сегодня выходной. У тебя ведь свободный день по четвергам, не так ли? Мама хочет взять выходной в пятницу, чтобы мы могли отправиться за город на три дня. Я попросила у директора разрешения не выходить утром на работу Вы ведь вчера не работали? Почему управляющий предоставил персоналу выходной?

Анна взяла выходной и отправилась искать себе квартиру. Когда они отправились в путешествие по Европе? Мы отправились к озеру. Почему Анна направилась в редакцию местной газеты?

Вы вчера поздно добрались до дому? Когда вы прибыли в Лондон? - Во вторник 15 сентября. Девушки прибыли на станцию в 10 часов. Мы добрались до гостиницы,где остановилась Сьюзен, поздно ночью.

Вы много платите за квартиру? Сколько вы платите за квартиру? Они сдают комнату за 8 фунтов в неделю. Анна искала комнату за приемлемую для нее плату. Они задолжали квартплату за месяц.

Плата за квартиру сейчас 35 фунтов в неделю. Сколько часов в день вы занимаетесь английским? Дважды в год она отправляется в горы. Она упражняется на скрипке три часа в день. Сколько раз в неделю вы ходите в бассейн?

Анне очень понравилась идея остановиться в пригородной гостинице. Я очень рада, что ты решила остановиться у нас. Надеюсь, тебе здесь понравится. Почему ты решила уехать отсюда? Тебе здесь не понравилось? Хотя мы живем на окраине города, тебе ведь здесь нравится, не так ли?

Откуда она родом? Слово furniture пришло из французского языка. Эта цитата из Байрона. Она родом из Шотландии или Уэльса. Анна так хорошо говорила по-английски, что Сьюзен удивилась, что она была родом из Германии.

-Мама, познакомься. Это Анна. Она из Германии, но очень хорошо говорит по-английски. - Здравствуйте. Меня зовут миссис Бонд. Очень рада с вами познакомиться. - Здравствуйте. Какой у вас замечательный домЮ миссис Бонд. Мне очень здесь нравится.

Могу я видеть мистера Брауна? - Боюсь, что сейчас нет, он вышел, но скоро будет. Есть сейчас кто-нибудь дома? Как долго не будет директора? - Дня три. Вам придется зайти попозже.

Я всегда хотела иметь такую квартиру. У вас такая хорошая мебель! У них так много картин в доме. Эта лестница такая крутая. Я всегда хотела иметь такое же большое окно, выходящее в сад. Такой маленький холодильник не удобен. Мне не нравятся уличные фонари. Мне не нравятся такие дома. Я никогда не встречала такого замечательного человека. Она говорила со мной так любезно. Они так дружно живут. Мы так хорошо провели у них время.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
you stopped with friends or in a hotel? He stayed with us each week. Where you left off when you were in London?Blackheath-London suburb. The Editorial Board of this newspaper is located on the outskirts of the city. Browns family lives in Grinforde on the outskirts of London. On suburban streets of houses mainly single storey. I live on the outskirts of the city in 10 kilometers from the city center.Why did you not ladiš′ with my sister? Anna decided to look for a room because she did not have relations with the cousin, which she stopped.I decided to stay with friends, so as to reach them had ten minutes. How long does it take to have your mom's road to work? I get to the University for 20 min. I went from the hotel to the airport an hour and a half. The journey from York to London took two hours, right?Anna requested today off. Because you have a free day on Thursday, isn't it? Mom wants to take a day off to Friday so we can go out of town for three days. I asked the Director permission not to go to work in the morning you today not to work? Why the Manager gave the staff the day off?Anna took a day off and went to look for an apartment. When they went on a trip to Europe? We went to the Lake. Why Anna went to the editor of the local newspaper?You got to late on House? When you arrive in London? Tuesday September 15 in. The girls arrived at the station in 10:00. We got to the hotel, where stopped Susan, late at night.You pay for the apartment? How much did you pay for the apartment? They rent a room for 8 pounds in a week. Anna was looking for a room for it. They owe rent for the month.Rent now 35 pounds in a week. How many hours a day do you do English? Twice a year she goes to the mountains. She excelled in violin three hours a day. How many times a week do you go to the pool?Anna really liked the idea of staying at a suburban hotel. I am very glad you decided to stay with us. I hope you enjoy it here. Why have you decided to leave? You don't like here? Although we live on the outskirts of the city, because here you like, isn't it?Where does it come from? The word furniture came from the French. This quote from Byron. She hails from Scotland or Wales. Anna is so well spoken English that Susan was surprised that she was originally from Germany. -Mom, meet. This Is Anna. She is from Germany, but very good. -Hello. My name is Mrs Bond. Very glad to meet you. -Hello. What is your wonderful home Mrs Bond. I really like it here.Can I see Mr Brown? -I am afraid that now no, it came out, but will be soon. There are now anybody home? How long will not be the Director? -Day three. You will have to visit later.I always wanted to have such an apartment. You have such a good furniture! They have so many paintings in the House. This stairway is such a cool. I always wanted to have the same great window facing the garden. Such a small refrigerator is not convenient. I don't like street lights. I do not like such houses. I have never met such a wonderful person. She talked with me so kindly. They live together. We had a good time.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
are you staying with friends or in a hotel? He stayed with us a week. Where are you staying, when we were in Kiev?

Blackheath - London suburb. The editors of this paper is on the outskirts of the city. Browns Family lives in Greenford on the outskirts of London. On the streets of suburban homes in mainly single-storey. I live on the outskirts of the city 10 kilometers from the city center.

Why do not you get along with your sister? Anna has decided to look for a room, since she did not develop a relationship with a cousin, which she stopped.

I decided to stay with friends, as it was up to them to get ten minutes. How much time does your mom get to work? I get to the university for 20 mine. I was driving from the hotel to the airport half an hour. Travel from York to London takes two hours, does not it?

Anna asked for the day off. You got a day off on Thursday, is not it? Mom wants to take a day off on Friday, so that we can go out of town for three days. I asked the director of the resolution not to go in the morning because you have not worked yesterday to work? Why is the control output provided? Personnel

Anna took off and went to look for an apartment. When they went on a trip to Europe? We went to the lake. Why Anna went to the editor of the local newspaper?

Are you late last reached home? When you arrived in London? - Tuesday, 15 September. The girls arrived at the station at 10 o'clock. We got to the hotel where he stayed Susan, late at night.

You pay a lot for an apartment? How much you pay for an apartment? They rent a room for 8 pounds a week. Anna was looking for a room for a reasonable fee for it. They owe rent for the month.

The fee for the apartment is now 35 pounds in a week. How many hours a day do you study English? Twice a year, she goes into the mountains. She trains the violin for three hours a day. How many times a week do you go to the pool?

Anna really liked the idea to stay in a suburban hotel. I am very glad that you decided to stay with us. I hope you like it here. Why did you decide to go from here? You do not like it here? Although we live in the suburbs, because you like it here, do not you?

Where did it come from? The word furniture comes from the French language. This quote from Byron. She is originally from Scotland or Wales. Anna so well spoken in English that Susan was surprised that she was originally from Germany.

-Mom, Meet. This is Anna. She is from Germany, but very fluent in English. - Hello. My name is Mrs. Bond. Very glad to meet you. - Hello. What is your wonderful domYu Mrs Bond. I really like it here.

Can I see Mr. Brown? - I'm afraid not today, he left, but soon will be. There is now anybody home? How long will be the director? - Three days. You'll have to come back later.

I always wanted to have the apartment. You have such good furniture! They have so many pictures in the house. This stairway is so cool. I always wanted to have the same large window facing the garden. This small refrigerator is not convenient. I do not like street lights. I do not like such houses. I have never met such a wonderful person. She spoke to me so kindly. They live together. We are so good at their time.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
are you staying with friends or in the hotel? he stayed with us for a week. where are you staying when you were in kiev?блэкхит - the outskirts of london. this paper is on the outskirts of the city. the family lives in гринфорде browns on the outskirts of london. suburban streets of houses in the main story. i live on the outskirts of the city, 10 kilometers from the city center.why don"t you get along with your sister? anna decided to look for a room, as she had not had a relationship with his cousin, at which she was staying.i decided to stay with friends, so as to them it was ten minutes. how long does it take your mother is at work. i go to university for 20 min. i was on my way from the hotel to the airport an hour and a half. the journey from york to london takes two hours, isn"t it?anna asked for a day off. you have a free day on thursday, isn"t it? mom wants me to take the day off on friday, so we could go to the city for three days. i asked for the permission to work in the morning you yesterday didn"t work? why the manager gave the staff a day off?anna took off and went looking for a flat. when they went on a trip to europe? we went to the lake. why anna went to the local newspaper?you arrived home late last night? when you arrive in london? tuesday, 15 september. the girls arrived at the station at ten o"clock. we got to the hotel, where are you staying out late at night.you pay the rent? how much did you pay for the apartment? they rent a room for 8 pounds in a week. anna was looking for a room for a reasonable fee for it. they owe the rent for a month.the apartment is now 35 pounds a week. how many hours a day are you english? twice a year, she goes into the mountains. she"s at it on the violin for three hours a day. how many times a week do you go swimming?anna really like the idea of staying in a suburban hotel. i"m really glad you decided to stay with us. i hope you"ll like it here. why did you decide to leave? don"t you like it? although we live on the outskirts of the city. do you like it here, don"t you?where did she come from? the furniture comes from the french language. this quote from byron. she was born in scotland or wales. anna spoke english so well that susan was surprised that she was originally from germany.- mom, i want you to meet. it"s anna. she"s from germany, but speak much english. - hello. my name is mrs bond. very glad to meet you. - hello. you have a wonderful домю mrs bond. i really like it here.can i see mr. brown? - i"m afraid not now, he came out, but soon will be. is anybody home? how long will the director? - three days. you"re going to have to pop
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