Действие происходит в программе «Доисторические путешествия». Гость пр перевод - Действие происходит в программе «Доисторические путешествия». Гость пр английский как сказать

Действие происходит в программе «До

Действие происходит в программе «Доисторические путешествия». Гость программы Ричард Робертс, археолог из университета Воллогонге и участник исследовательской команды. Эта команда совершила удивительное археологическое открытие. Они нашли останки маленьких людей, которые жили на острове в Индонезии 18 000 лет назад. Ведущий спросил, что именно было найдено в экспедиции. Ричард ответил, что австралийские и индонезийские исследователи обнаружили женский скелет миниатюрного человека и некоторые каменные инструменты в пещере на острове Флорес недалеко от Австралии. Эти существа были названы хоббитами, потому что были похожи на героев книги властелин колец. Ведущий поинтересовался, как же выглядели хоббиты в реальной жизни. Ученый ответил, что они были размером с трехлетнего ребенка, но размером головы в три раза меньше. У них зубы похожие на наши, но у них более узкий лоб, толстые брови и нет подбородка. Затем ведущий попросил рассказать об их образе жизни. Гость сказал, что некоторое из их поведения было удивительно людским. Они разжигали костер для того чтобы приготовить еду, охотились на животных, особенно на стегодон, который был для маленьких людей настоящим испытанием. они также включали в свой рацион: рыбу, лягушек, змей, черепах, птиц и грызунов. Ведущий программы удивило то, что они были так малы. Ричард Робертс объяснил, что скорее всего этот вид стал меньше из-за условий окружающей среды острова, что потребовало более маленький размер тела. Но нет абсолютных доказательств того, что это было то, что действительно случилось с этими маленькими существами. И в конце программы ведущий попросил рассказать, почему настолько важно это открытие. Ричард ответил, что эти люди представляют собой увлекательную проблему в эволюционной биологии. Эта находка показывает нам как много нам нужно узнать о человеческой эволюции.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The action takes place in the "Prehistoric journey." Guest of Richard Roberts, an archaeologist from the University of Vollogonge and member of the research team. This team made a surprising archaeological discovery. They found the remains of the little people who lived on the island in Indonesia 18000 years ago. Presenter asked what exactly was found in the expedition. Richard replied that Australian and Indonesian researchers found women's skeleton of a miniature man and some stone tools in a cave on Flores Island, near Australia. These creatures were called hobbitami, because they were similar to the characters of the book the Lord of the rings. Presenter asked how the Hobbits look in real life. The scientist replied that they were the size of a three-year-old child, but the size of the head three times less. Their teeth are similar to ours, but narrower forehead, thick eyebrows and no Chin. Then the interviewer asked about their lifestyle. Guest said that some of their behavior was surprisingly human. They built a bonfire to cook food, hunted animals, especially the stegodon, who was the real test for the little people. They also included in their diet: fish, frogs, snakes, turtles, birds and rodents. Host of the program were surprised that they were so small. Richard Roberts explained that most likely this was less due to the environmental conditions of the island, requiring smaller body size. But there is no absolute proof that this was what really happened to these little creatures. And at the end of the program host asked why it is so important to this discovery. Richard replied that these people represent a fascinating problem in evolutionary biology. This find shows us how much we need to learn about human evolution.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The action takes place in the "Prehistoric Journey '. The guest of Richard Roberts, an archaeologist from the University of Vollogonge and member of the research team. This team made an amazing archaeological discovery. They found the remains of the little people who lived on the island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago. The host asked what was found in the expedition. Richard said that the Australian and Indonesian researchers discovered a female skeleton miniature human and some stone tools in a cave on Flores island near Australia. These creatures were called hobbits, because they were like the heroes of the book Lord of the Rings. Leading asked how hobbits looked in real life. The scientist said that they were the size of a three year old child, but the size of the head three times less. Their teeth are similar to ours, but they have a narrow forehead, thick eyebrows and no chin. Then the leader asked to tell about their way of life. Guest said that some of their behavior was remarkably human. They light a fire to cook food, hunted animals, particularly Stegodon, which was for young people a real challenge. they also include in your diet: fish, frogs, snakes, turtles, birds and rodents. Presenter was surprised that they were so small. Richard Roberts explained that most likely this species has become smaller because of the environmental conditions of the island, which required a smaller body size. But there is no absolute proof that it was something that really happened to these small creatures. And at the end of the program presenter asked to tell why it is so important to this discovery. Richard replied that these people are a fascinating problem in evolutionary biology. This finding shows us how much we need to learn about human evolution.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The action occurs in the program "prehistoric journey". Guest program Richard Roberts, an archaeologist from the University of Воллогонге and party research team.This command is carried out an amazing archaeological discovery. They had found the remains small people, who lived on the island in Indonesia 18 000 years ago. Drive asked what that was found in the expedition.Richard responded that the Australian and Indonesian researchers found women's skeleton miniature rights and some stone tools in the cave on the island of Flores close to Australia.These creatures have been identified as хоббитами, because that were similar to the heroes book lord of the rings. The leading asked, as well as same look background, looking attentively, in real life. The scientist responded,That they were the size of a three-year-old child, but size of the head in three times less. They have teeth similar to our, but they have a more narrow forehead, thick eyebrows and no chin.Then the drive has asked to tell about their way of life. Guest said that some of their behavior has been surprisingly human. They have inflamed Brome in order to prepare a meal, from preying on animals,Especially at the стегодон, which was for small people to the test. They also included in their diet: fish, frogs, snakes, turtles, birds and rodents. The program was surprised that they were so small.
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