Exercise 3. Translate into English, using the to-infinitive or the bar перевод - Exercise 3. Translate into English, using the to-infinitive or the bar английский как сказать

Exercise 3. Translate into English,

Exercise 3. Translate into English, using the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive. 1. Я чувствовал/ что его рассказ правдив. 2. Я почувствовал, что кто-то тронул меня за плечо. 3. «Вы выглядите утомленным, вы бы лучше пошли домой». «Нет, я бы предпочел закончить работу». 4. Почему бы не поговорить с деканом? 5. Ему ничего не оставалось делать, как признать свою вину (to admit one's fault). 6. Она только и делает, что ворчит. 7. Я не могу не согласиться с вами. 7....Степан Аркадьевич тонко (subtly) улыбался. Левин тоже не мог не улыбнуться. (Л. Толстой)8. Надевайте же коньки, и давайте кататься вместе. (Л. Толстой)9. Что ж, он прекрасный жених (match)... Зачем не выдти за него?... (Пушкин)10....Я три дня занимался только тем, что... наслаждался чтением какого-нибудь романа... (Л. Толстой)11. «Ты опять заснешь, Николенька? — говорит мне maman. — Ты бы лучше шел наверх». (Л. Толстой)12. Я никогда не видел (to know), чтобы ты сказал неправду. (Л. Толстой)13. Я не мог не подивиться странному сцеплению (chain) обстоятельств. (Пушкин)
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Exercise 3. Translate into English, using the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive.<br> <br>1. I feel / that his story is truthful. 2. I felt that someone touched my shoulder. 3. "You look tired, you'd better go home." "No, I'd prefer to finish the job." 4. Why not talk to the dean? 5. He had no choice but to admit his guilt (to admit one's fault). 6. She only does that grumbles. 7. I can not disagree with you. 7 .... Stepan Arkad'evich finely (subtly) smiling. Levin, too, could not help but smile. (Tolstoy) 8. Put on your skates, and let us skate together. (L. thick) 9. Well, he's a lovely bride (the match) ... Why not vydti for him? ... (Pushkin) 10 .... I worked three days only because ... enjoyed reading some novel ... ( Tolstoy) 11. "You go to sleep again, Nicholas? - he tells me maman. - You'd better go upstairs. " (L. thick) 12. I've never seen (to know), you to tell the truth. (L. thick) 13. I could not help but marvel at the strange linkage (chain) circumstances. (Pushkin)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Exercise 3. Translate into English, using the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive.<br> <br>1. I felt/that his story was true. 2. I felt that someone had touched my shoulder. 3. "You look tired, you'd rather go home." "No, I'd rather finish the job." 4. Why not talk to the dean? 5. He had no choice but to admit one's fault. 6. All she does is grumble. 7. I can't disagree with you. 7....Stepan Arkadyevich smiled subtly. Levin couldn't help but smile. (L. Tolstoy)8. Put on your skates, and let's skate together. (L. Tolstoy)9. Well, he's a great suitor (match)... Why don't you ask for it?... I spent three days only doing what... enjoyed reading a novel... (L. Tolstoy)11. "Will you fall asleep again, Nikolenka? maman tells me. "You'd better go upstairs." (L. Tolstoy)12. I've never seen you tell a lie. (L. Tolstoy)13. I couldn't help but marvel at the strange clutch of circumstances. (Pushkin)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Exercise 3. Translate into English, using the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive.<br>1. 1077 thinks his story is true. 2. I feel someone touch my shoulder. 3. "You look tired. You'd better go home." 10535, I'd rather finish the work. 4. 10555, may I speak to the dean? 5. 1055-o.o.o. has nothing to do, how to admit your fault)( 6. 1054.0.0 only 7. I can't disagree with you. 7... 1057 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °. 1051 Soviet Military Anthem can't help laughing. (1) 10511; Ibid., P. 8. 10535 with the same skates, let's ride together. (1) 10511; Ditto. He is a beautiful fiance é) match... Can you give it to him? ... 10.1077 days of study is just... Like to read some novels... (1) 10511; Ditto. You'll fall asleep again, 10535 -Tell me. -10585 better go upstairs. " (1) 10511; NSW Never seen you lie) (1) 10511; NSW 1077 is unlikely not to cause a strange chain situation. Next: 10555<br>
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