3. После смерти отца Бекки переехала в Чизик (Chiswick), в пансион мис перевод - 3. После смерти отца Бекки переехала в Чизик (Chiswick), в пансион мис английский как сказать

3. После смерти отца Бекки переехал

3. После смерти отца Бекки переехала в Чизик (Chiswick), в пансион мисс Пинкертон, которая взяла девушку для того, чтобы она говорила по-французски с ее ученицами. 4. Когда мисс Пинкертон услышала, как Бекки играет на рояле, она подумала, что было бы желательно, чтобы девушка учила ее воспитанниц также и музыке. 5. Мисс Пинкертон никогда не была добра к Бекки и всячески (in every way possible) старалась оскорбить и унизить ее. Она бы иначе относилась к девушке, если бы та была дочерью богатых родителей. 6. «Что бы Эмилия ни говорила,—думала Бекки, —я знаю, что мисс Пинкертон ненавидит меня. Она никогда не взяла бы меня, если бы моя работа не была для нее выгодна». 7. Бекки тоже ненавидела мисс Пинкертон и относилась к ней, как к своему злейшему врагу (worst enemy). 8. Бекки уехала бы из Чизика, но она прекрасно понимала, что для нее очень важно получить хорошее образование. «Какой бы несчастной я себя ни чувствовала у мисс Пинкертон, мне придется некоторое время здесь оставаться»,—думала Бекки. 9. Как ни выгодна была для мисс Пинкертон работа Бекки, она решила, наконец, что будет лучше, если девушка уедет из Чизика. Она понимала, что для того, чтобы Бекки не оказала плохого влияния на ее учениц, им лучше расстаться. 10. Когда Бекки выразила желание, чтобы мисс Пинкертон нашла ей место гувернантки, та немедленно нашла такое место н таким образом избавилась от девушки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
3. After the death of his father, Becky moved to Chiswick (Chiswick), the hotel Miss Pinkerton, who took the girl to she spoke French with her girls. 4. When Miss Pinkerton heard Becky plays the piano, she thought that it would be desirable for the girl her pupils and also taught music. 5. Miss Pinkerton has never been kind to Becky and strongly (in every way possible) tried to insult and humiliate her. She would have otherwise belonged to the girl, if she was the daughter of rich parents. 6. "no matter what is said, nor Emilija thought Becky — I know that Miss Pinkerton hates me. She never took me, if my job was not for her benefit. 7. Becky too hated Miss Pinkerton and referred to her as to its bitterest enemy (worst enemy). 8. Becky moved from Čizika, but it is understood that it is very important to get a good education. "No matter how miserable I felt myself Miss Pinkerton, I'll have to stay here for some time," Becky thought. 9. No matter how beneficial was for Miss Pinkerton job Becky, she decided, finally, that it would be better if the girl goes from Čizika. She understood that to Becky has not had a bad influence on her students, they had better leave. 10. When Becky had expressed the wish to Miss Pinkerton has found her place as a governess, she immediately found a place n thus got rid of girls.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

3. After the death of his father, Becky moved to Chiswick (Chiswick), the guesthouse Miss Pinkerton, who took her to she spoke French with her pupils. 4. When Miss Pinkerton heard Becky plays the piano, she thought that it would be desirable that she taught her pupils also music. 5. Miss Pinkerton has never been kind to Becky and in every way (in every way possible) tried to insult and humiliate her. It would otherwise belonged to the girl if she was the daughter of wealthy parents. 6. "What would Emily said no, -I think, Becky, I know that Miss Pinkerton hates me. She never would have taken me if my job was not for it beneficial. " 7. Becky, too, hated Miss Pinkerton and treated her as his worst enemy (worst enemy). 8. Becky went out to Chiswick, but she was well aware that it is very important to get a good education. "No matter how unhappy I felt myself nor Miss Pinkerton, I have to stay here for a while" - Becky thought. 9. No matter how beneficial was the work of Miss Pinkerton, Becky, she finally decided it would be better if she would leave Chiswick. She knew that to Becky did not have a bad influence on her students, it is better to leave. 10. When Becky expressed a desire to Miss Pinkerton found her a governess, she immediately found a place in this district to get rid of the girl.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

3. after his father's death, she moved to chiswick (Chiswick), boarding school miss pinkerton, who took the girl so she spoke french with her students. 4. when miss pinkerton heard becky plays the piano.she thought that it would be desirable to have a воспитанниц also taught her music. 5. miss pinkerton had never been good for becky and support in every way possible) tried to insult and humiliate her.she would have belonged to the girl if she was the daughter of wealthy parents. 6. "what are you thinking, becky, i know that miss pinkerton hates me. she never took meif my work was not for her выгодна». 7. becky also hated to miss pinkerton and treated her as his worst enemy (worst enemy). 8. becky out of чизика, but she was guessingthat it is very important to get a good education. "a miserable i feeling miss pinkerton, i'll have some time here оставаться», thought becky. 9.no benefit was to miss pinkerton is becky, she finally decided that it would be better if the girl leaves чизика. she understood that, in order to becky did not have a bad influence on her students.they should break up. 10. when becky had expressed the wish to miss pinkerton found her a position as a governess, she immediately found a place and thus away from the girl.
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