О гибели Титаника писать достаточно трудно – с одной стороны, нет чело перевод - О гибели Титаника писать достаточно трудно – с одной стороны, нет чело английский как сказать

О гибели Титаника писать достаточно

О гибели Титаника писать достаточно трудно – с одной стороны, нет человека, который не знал-бы о этой трагедии, с другой – есть масса любопытнейших фактов. К сожалению, придется смириться с тем, что исчерпывающая правда о гибели “Титаника” уже не будет известна никогда. Несмотря на два расследования, проведенных сразу же после того, как плавучий дворец поглотили волны, многие детали так и остались невыясненными. Это породило многочисленные домыслы и спекуляции, а также самые невероятные легенды. Часть из них настолько укоренилась, что бытует и сегодня. В различных материалах приводятся противоречивые данные о “Титанике”, о количестве его пассажиров, о числе спасшихся и погибших.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
About the sinking of the Titanic is quite difficult to write - on the one hand, there is no man who does not know, this tragedy would have on the other - there are a lot of interesting facts. Unfortunately, it is necessary to accept the factthat the comprehensive truth about the death of "Titanic" will not be known for ever. Despite two investigations conducted immediately after the floating palace absorbed waveMany details remained unclear. This has given rise to numerous conjectures and speculations, as well as the most incredible legends. Some of them are so ingrained that There is today.Different materials are conflicting reports of the "Titanic" as the number of its passengers, the number of survivors and victims.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The loss of the Titanic disaster to write is hard enough on the one hand, there is no man who does not know about this tragedy, on the other hand, there are lots more facts. Unfortunately, will have to accept the fact the full truth about the Titanic's death will not be known for ever. Despite the two investigations conducted immediately after being swallowed by the waves, floating Palace many details remained unclear. This has given rise to numerous conjectures and speculation, as well as the most improbable legend. Some of them are so entrenched that there is today. The various materials contained conflicting data about the Titanic, on the number of its passengers, the number of survivors and the dead.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
On the death of titanic write difficult enough - on the one hand, there is no human rights, which was not aware of the tragedy, on the other hand, there is a weight любопытнеиших fact-finding mission. Unfortunately, will have to accept the fact thatThat the exhaustive truth about the death of "Titanic" will no longer be known never. In spite of the two investigations, held immediately after the floating palace absorbed waves,Many of the parts have remained outstanding. This has created numerous speculations and speculation, as well as the most amazing legend. Some of them are so deeply entrenched that there is today.The various materials are conflicting data on the "Ten Days", on the number of its passengers, including those who escaped the and the dead.
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