Для тех, кто хочет и обожает расслабляться, предаваясь шалостям, здесь будет очень весело. Многие из таких опытных посетителей торжества специально надевают наряд, который не жалко будет выбросить после праздника. Именно поэтому людям, которые боятся испачкаться, выглядеть смешно и нелепо, лучше держаться подальше от этой традиции.Как завершается ХолиК сожалению, ничто не длится вечно, в том числе, такой замечательный праздник как Холи. Уничтожив злых духов, задобрив всесильных богов, вдоволь навеселившись, жители Индии начинают возвращаться к своему привычному ритму жизни.На третий день гуляний примерно в четыре часа дня они уставшие, но весёлые и довольные бредут домой, вспоминая все самые интересные мгновения. Возможно, им придётся отмываться не один час, но масса положительных эмоций, полученных в результате, того стоит.Да, замечательный праздник подошёл к концу. Но повеселившиеся на славу участники мероприятия не унывают. Получив энергию на весь год, они зарядились позитивом и ещё долго будут преисполненными надеждой на исполнение заветных желаний
Результаты (
английский) 1:
For those who wants and loves to relax by indulging in pranks, there will be a lot of fun. Many of these experienced visitors wear special celebration outfit, which is not a pity to throw away after a holiday. That is why people who are afraid to get dirty, to look ridiculous and absurd, it is better to stay away from this tradition. <br><br>How to finish the Holy <br>Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, including such a wonderful holiday like Holi. Destroying the evil spirits and appease the all-powerful gods, tipsy enough, the people of India are beginning to return to its usual rhythm.<br><br>On the third day of festivities around four o'clock in the afternoon they are tired, but cheerful and happy wander home, remembering all the most interesting moments. They may have laundered more than one hour, but a lot of positive emotions, resulting, well worth it. <br><br>Yes, a wonderful holiday came to an end. But fun for all participants of the event do not lose heart. Get energy for the whole year, they have a positive charge, and for a long time will be filled with hope for the fulfillment of the cherished desires
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
For those who want and adore to relax, indulging in pranks, there will be a lot of fun. Many of these experienced visitors of the celebration specially put on an outfit, which is not sorry to throw away after the holiday. That is why it is better for people who are afraid to get dirty, to look ridiculous and ridiculous, it is better to stay away from this tradition.<br><br>How Holi Ends<br>Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, including such a wonderful holiday as Holi. Destroying evil spirits, having appeased all-powerful gods, quite a lot of fun, the people of India begin to return to their usual rhythm of life.<br><br>On the third day of the festivities at about four o'clock in the afternoon they are tired, but cheerful and happy wander home, remembering all the most interesting moments. They may have to wash away more than one hour, but the mass of positive emotions resulting are worth it.<br><br>Yes, the wonderful holiday has come to an end. But the participants of the event who have fun in glory are not discouraged. Having received energy for the whole year, they are charged with positivity and for a long time will be full of hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
For those who want and like to relax, it will be very happy here. Many of these experienced spectators are dressed in costumes and will not regret losing their clothes after the festival. That's why people are afraid to get dirty and look ridiculous. It's better to stay away from this tradition.<br>How to end a holiday<br>Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, including a wonderful holiday like a holiday. The Indian people have eliminated the evil spirits, summoned up powerful gods, enjoyed themselves and began to restore their normal way of life.<br>The third day of the walk was about four o'clock in the afternoon. They were tired, but they came home happy and satisfied, thinking about the most interesting moment. Maybe they don't have to wash for an hour, but many positive emotions are worth it.<br>Yes, the great festival is coming to an end. However, participants with fun are not discouraged. They have gained a year's energy, are full of positive, and will be full of hope and realize their wishes for a long time.<br>
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