Но есть самый популярный способ, которым могут воспользоваться все, это жертвовать деньгами на то, что необходимо страдающим людям. И если вы не знаете, как помочь, то пожертвование это для вас, ведь это очень удобно.
But there are the most popular way can take advantage of all this is to donate money to suffering people. And if you don't know how to help, the donation is for you, because it is very convenient.
But there is the most popular method, which is available to all, it is to donate money that is necessary to suffering people. And if you do not know how to help, the donation is for you, because it is very convenient.
but is the most popular way, which can take advantage of all this is to donate money to be with people. and if you don't know how to help, the donation is for you, this is very convenient.