Я должен был дать ответ до двух часов дня.
Мы, должно быть, пропустили его; мы должны были придти пораньше, мы ждем его целый час.
Он должен был придти в 5, а он еще не пришел.
Не обязательно (не нужно) вам приходить самому, вы можете прислать кого-нибудь.
Он не так уж застенчив; возможно, ваш вопрос был неожиданным, и он не смог на него ответить.
Вы могли бы предупредить его заранее, что он должен был придти в 5.
Почему ее нет? Неужели она обиделась и решила не приходить?
Мне не пришлось долго искать твой дом, так как я встретил твоего соседа и мы пошли вместе.
Несмотря на шторм, он смог доплыть до берега.
Я должен был дать ответ до двух часов дня.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I had to answer to two hours a day. We must have missed it; We had come early, we are waiting for it the whole hour. He had come in 5, and he has not yet come. Not necessarily (need not) you come by yourself, you can send someone. He is not so shy; Maybe your question was unexpected, and he could not answer it. You could warn him in advance that he had come in 5. Why is it not? Surely she was mad and decided not to come? I don't have long to look for your home, since I met your neighbor and we went together. Despite the storm, he was able to swim to shore. I had to answer to two hours a day.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
I had to give an answer to two o'clock in the afternoon.
We must have missed it; we should have come earlier, we are waiting for him for an hour.
He was supposed to come in 5, and he has not yet come.
It is not necessary (no need) to come to you, you can send someone.
It is not too shy; perhaps your question was unexpected, and he could not answer it.
You could warn him in advance that he had come to the 5.
Why is it not? Was she offended and decided not to come?
I did not have long to find your house, since I met your neighbor and we went together.
Despite the storm, he was able to swim to shore.
I had to give an answer to two o'clock in the afternoon.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
i was supposed to give the answer to two hours a day.we must have missed it, we have to come in early, we are waiting for him for an hour.he was supposed to come in five, and he's not here yet.needn't (don't) you visit, you can send someone.he's not exactly shy; perhaps, your question was unexpected, and he couldn't answer it.you could warn him in advance that he had come in 5.why isn't she? she's upset and decided not to come?i don't have to look far to your house, because i met your roommate and we went together.despite the storm, he was able to swim to the shore.i was supposed to give the answer to two hours a day.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..