Я поджарила на гриле цукини и лук..потом смешала со свежими помидорами и огурцами...с оливковым маслом..добавила петрушку! И все это поела! Очень вкусно
I podžarila Grilled Zucchini and onion. then mixed with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. with olive oil ... added parsley! And she eats it all! Very tasty
I fried grilled zucchini and luk..potom mixed with fresh tomatoes and cucumber with olive ... maslom..dobavila parsley! And all this is eaten! Delicious
I поджарила the grilled zucchini and onions..then cure with fresh tomatoes and lettuce ... with olive oil..added parsley! And all of this sinned! It is very yummy