Прошлым летом я собирался в отпуск и не мог выбрать на каком транспорт перевод - Прошлым летом я собирался в отпуск и не мог выбрать на каком транспорт английский как сказать

Прошлым летом я собирался в отпуск

Прошлым летом я собирался в отпуск и не мог выбрать на каком транспорте мне ехать. Я думал над самолётом, над водным транспортом, над машиной. Но всё же остановился на поезде. Я подумал, что путешествие на поезде горазбо лучше, чем любой другой вид транспорта. Я собрал свой чемодан и отправился за билетами на вокзал. Там было много людей, много поездов, разных цветов и размеров. В одном из поездов я увидел машиниста. Он помахал мне рукой и локомотив тронулся. Так же я увидел почтовый поезд, который вёз посылки и письма в разные страны. Вагоны были очень красивые и большие. Люди ехали в них по своим делам. Я подошел к кассе и купил билет в скором поезде до России в оба конца. Зайдя в поезд, я положил свой чемодан в богажную полку. Время в зале ожидания пролетело незаметно, и вот я уже еду на поезде в другую страну. По пути я видел множество разных поездов. Экспрессы, скорые поезда, сидячие поезда, пригородные поезда, товарные поезда. Я проголодался и пошёл в вагон ресторан. Там было много вкусной еды и приятных людей. Наш поезд двигался точно по расписанию. После вкусного обеда я пошёл в своё купе и уснул. Вечером я проснулся, покушал и снова уснул. Утром мы уже были на месте. Я был очень рад приезду в эту страну. Много нового и непонятного. Много новых людей и впечатлений, я был в восторге. Я прошел в справочное бюро и узнал нужную информацию. Неделя, которую я провел в России на долго останется в моей памяти, как и поездка на самом лучшем в мире транспорте - поезде. Через неделю я уехал обратно в свой город. Так же на поезде. Это поезда была незабываемой
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Last summer I was on vacation and could not choose what transportation I ride. I thought over the aircraft over the waterway over the machine. But still stopped on the train. I thought train travel gorazbo better than any other form of transport. I gathered my suitcase and went to the entrance to the station. There were a lot of people a lot of trains, different colors and sizes. In one of the trains I saw the driver. He waved me hand and moving locomotive. So I saw a mail train which took the parcel and letter in different countries. The carriages were very beautiful and big. People were going about their business in them. I walked up to the box office and bought a ticket to Russia, centenarian. By train, I put your suitcase in the charge. Time in the waiting room flew by unnoticed, and here I have food on the train in another country. Along the way I've seen a lot of different trains. Express trains, express trains, trains, commuter trains, freight trains. I'm hungry and went into the wagon restaurant. There has been a lot of delicious food and nice people. Our train was moving right on schedule. After a delicious dinner, I went to my compartment and fell asleep. Last night I woke up to eat and again fell asleep. In the morning we were already in place. I was very excited to visit this country. Many new and incomprehensible. Lots of new people and experiences, I was thrilled. I went to the information desk and learned the necessary information. The week I spent in Russia for a long time will remain in my memory, like a trip to the world's best transport-train. A week later I went back to his city. Also on the train. This train was unforgettable
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Last summer, I was going on vacation and could not decide on which transport me to go. I thought of the aircraft over water transport of the machine. Still focused on the train. I thought that traveling by train gorazbo better than any other form of transport. I collected my suitcase and went to buy tickets at the station. There were a lot of people, a lot of trains of different colors and sizes. In one of the train, I saw the driver. He waved to me and the locomotive started moving. I also saw the mail train, which was carrying parcels and letters to different countries. The cars were very nice and large. People went to them about their business. I went to the counter and bought a ticket to the fast train to Russia in both ends. Going into the train, I put my suitcase in bogazhnuyu shelf. in the waiting room time passed quickly, and now I'm on my way to the train in another country. On the way I saw many different trains. Express trains, express trains, sit the train, commuter trains, freight trains. I was hungry and went to the restaurant car. There has been a lot of great food and nice people. Our train was moving on schedule. After a delicious dinner, I went to his compartment and went to sleep. That night I woke up to eat and went back to sleep. In the morning we were already in place. I was very pleased with the arrival in the country. Many of the new and unknown. A lot of new people and impressions, I was delighted. I went to the information desk and learned the right information. The week that I spent in Russia for a long time will remain in my memory, like a trip to the best in the world of transportation - the train. A week later I went back to his city. Also on the train. This train was memorable
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
last summer, i was going to leave and could not decide on what transport me to go. i thought the plane over water transport on the car. but still staying on the train. i thought the journey on the train горазбо better than any other mode of transport. i packed my suitcase and went to get the tickets at the railway station. there was a lot of people, a lot of trains, different colors and sizes. in one of the trains, i saw the driver. he waved to me hand and locomotive"s moving. as i saw the mail train, carrying parcels and letters in different countries. the cars were very beautiful and big. people drove them to their business. i came up to the counter and bought a ticket to the high-speed train to russia in both ends. then on the train, i put your suitcase in the богажную shelf. the time passed quietly in the waiting room, and when i"m on the train in the other country. on the way, i saw a lot of different trains. ambulances can get, train and sit ins, trains, commuter trains, freight trains. i was hungry and went to a restaurant. there was a lot of good food and pleasant people. our train moved right on schedule. after a delicious dinner, i went to his room and fell asleep. night i woke up, i fell asleep again. in the morning we were already in place. i was very glad to come to this country. many new and arcane. lots of new people and experiences, i was thrilled. i walked into the office and find the information you need. a week that i spent in russia for a long time will remain in my memory, and a trip to the best in the world transport train. a week later, i went back to my city. so on the train. it was a memorable experience.
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