В мире существуют десятки тысяч различных продуктов питания. Кроме иск перевод - В мире существуют десятки тысяч различных продуктов питания. Кроме иск английский как сказать

В мире существуют десятки тысяч раз

В мире существуют десятки тысяч различных продуктов питания. Кроме искусственных, созданных человеком из натуральных продуктов (вино, хлеб, кисломолочные продукты и пр.), в естественном виде в природе не встречающихся: в последнее столетие появилось много синтетических продуктов, которые изготовлены на основе органических веществ. К ним относятся и пищевые добавки, которые вносят в продукты питания для придания аромата, вкуса и цвета, создания необходимой структуры, а также для полной или частичной замены натурального сырья. Чаще всего это химически обработанные природные или синтетические вещества.
Многие вещества добавляют, чтобы сделать продукт более привлекательным для покупателя, замаскировать горечь или иной неприятный вкус. Пищевые продукты иногда подкрашивают, чтобы они выглядели аппетитнее. Покупая различные продукты в красивых упаковках, мы часто даже не задумываемся об их составе. Однако во многих случаях его знание помогло бы избежать отравления или заболевания, вызванных чрезмерным содержанием красителей, загустителей, содержащихся в том или ином продукте.
Пищевы́е доба́вки — вещества, добавляемые в продукты питания для придания им желаемых свойств, например определённого аромата (ароматизаторы), цвета (красители), длительности хранения (консерванты), вкуса, консистенции.
Для классификации пищевых добавок в странах Евросоюза разработана система нумерации (действует с 1953 года). Каждая добавка имеет уникальный номер, начинающийся с буквы «E».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
There are tens of thousands of different foods. In addition to the artificial, man-made from natural products (wine, bread, dairy products, etc.), in its natural form in nature is not to be found: in the last century there were many synthetic products, which are manufactured on the basis of organic substances. This includes nutritional supplements are foods to add flavor, taste and colour, creating the necessary structures, as well as for full or partial replacement of natural raw materials. Most often it is chemically processed natural or synthetic substances. Many substances are added to make the product more attractive to buyers, disguise the bitterness or any unpleasant taste. Sometimes colored with food so they look appetizing. Buying various products in beautiful packages, we often do not even think about their composition. However, in many cases, his knowledge would help avoid poisoning or disease caused by excessive content of dyes, thickeners, contained in a product. Pishhevýe dobávki — substances that are added to foods to give them the desired properties, such as specific flavour (flavourings), color (dyes), duration of storage (preservatives), taste, consistency.To classify food supplements in the EU developed a numbering system (since 1953). Each additive has a unique number beginning with the letter "E".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the world there are tens of thousands of different foods. Besides man made from natural products (wine, bread, dairy products, etc.), In its natural form not found in nature: in the last century, there are many synthetic products, which are made on the basis of organic substances. These include food and additives which make the food to impart flavor, taste and color, creating the necessary structure, as well as full or partial replacement of natural raw materials. Most often it is chemically treated natural or synthetic substances.
Many substances are added to make the product more attractive to the buyer, to mask the bitterness or other unpleasant taste. Food sometimes stained to make them look more appetizing. Buying a variety of products in beautiful packaging, we often do not even think about their composition. However, in many cases, his knowledge would help to avoid poisoning or a disease caused by excessive content of dyes, thickeners, contained in a given product.
Dietary supplements - substances added to foods to impart desired properties such as certain flavor (flavorings), color (dyes), storage duration (preservatives), taste, consistency.
For the classification of food additives in the European Union developed a numbering system (effective from 1953). Each supplement has a unique number, starting with the letter «E». caused by excessive content of dyes, thickeners, contained in a given product. Dietary supplements - substances added to foods to impart desired properties such as certain flavor (flavorings), color (dyes), storage duration (preservatives), taste, consistency. For the classification of food additives in the European Union developed a numbering system (effective from 1953). Each supplement has a unique number, starting with the letter «E». caused by excessive content of dyes, thickeners, contained in a given product. Dietary supplements - substances added to foods to impart desired properties such as certain flavor (flavorings), color (dyes), storage duration (preservatives), taste, consistency. For the classification of food additives in the European Union developed a numbering system (effective from 1953). Each supplement has a unique number, starting with the letter «E». For the classification of food additives in the European Union developed a numbering system (effective from 1953). Each supplement has a unique number, starting with the letter «E». For the classification of food additives in the European Union developed a numbering system (effective from 1953). Each supplement has a unique number, starting with the letter «E».
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the world there are tens of thousands of various food products. in addition to artificial, man-made from natural products (wine, bread, its products and etc.) in the naturally occurring in nature: in the last century, there are a lot of synthetic products, which are manufactured on the basis of organic substances. include nutritional supplements, which provide food for a flavor, taste and color, the establishment of the necessary structures, as well as for the full or partial replacement of natural raw materials. most often it is chemically treated natural or synthetic substances.many substances are added to make the product more attractive to the buyer, to mask the bitterness or other unpleasant taste. food, sometimes just a spray job to look аппетитнее. buy various products in attractive packages, we often don't even think about it. however, in many cases, this knowledge would help to avoid poisoning or illness caused by the excessive content of pigments, загустителей contained in a product.пищевы́е доба́вки substances added to food products to provide the desired properties, such as a flavor (flavor), color (coloring), duration of storage (preservatives), taste it.for the classification of food additives in the eu countries is the numbering system (operating since 1953). each additive has a unique number, beginning with the letter "e".
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