Любимое место на земле для меня - это, наверное, бабушкина квартира. Я перевод - Любимое место на земле для меня - это, наверное, бабушкина квартира. Я английский как сказать

Любимое место на земле для меня - э

Любимое место на земле для меня - это, наверное, бабушкина квартира. Я больше всего люблю там просыпаться. Бабушка живет на 4 этаже, и поэтому по утрам за окном туман, свежесть. И, вообще, из окна там всегда открывается красота. Летом и весной - это волны зелени, кроны деревьев, зеленые газоны, лес. Осенью зелень сменяется охрой, багрянцем, яркой желтизной берез. Зимой кругом чистый белый снег, и на его фоне нарядные, светлые стены современных домов. Это так отличается от скучных, серых улиц в центре, где я живу. Там чувствуешь себя зажатым домами, машинами. А здесь, у бабушки, тоже город, но просторный, чистый. Свежий воздух, тишина.

У меня там всегда хорошее настроение. У бабушки я бываю в праздники или в каникулы, примерно, раз в месяц. И всегда это как праздник. Рядом кинотеатр, близко лес . И в доме у бабушки всегда празднично, интересно. Может быть потому, что я успеваю отвыкнуть от книг, обстановки. И все здесь для меня каждый раз заново. И бабушке всегда приятно, что к ней приехали. Она замечательно готовит, а иногда печет вкусные-вкусные пироги. И тогда по всей квартире расплывается особенный аромат свежего хлеба. От одного этого запаха весело становится. А как красиво вечером за окном - сотни огней в домах, а в небе мерцают звезды. Особенно красиво бывает в дни салюта.

Я очень люблю бывать у бабушки, люблю эту квартиру. Может быть, еще потому, что здесь я вырос. Сюда принесли меня совсем маленьким, здесь я научился различать предметы, людей, сделал первые шаги. Это для меня родной дом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Favorite place on Earth for me-it's probably Grandma's apartment. I love waking up there. My grandmother lives on the 4 floor, and so in the morning the mist, freshness. And, in General, from the window there's always a beauty. Summer and spring are waves of greenery, trees, green lawns, forest. Autumn foliage gives way to ochre, bright yellow birch bagryantsem. In terms of pure white snow, and on the elegant, bright walls of modern houses. It's so different from the boring, drab streets in the Center, where I live. There you feel boxed in houses, cars. And here at Grandma 's, too, but clean. Fresh air, silence.

I have there's always in a good mood. The grandmother I am on holidays or vacations, about once a month. And always it's like a holiday. Number of cinema, closely. And in the House of the grandmother always festive, fun. Could it be because I have time to grow out from the books. And everyone here is for me every time. And my grandmother is always nice that it came. It's wonderful cooks and bakes tasty-tasty pies. And then spread out throughout the apartment special aroma of fresh bread. From one of the smell becomes fun. And how beautiful the night outside the window-hundreds of fires in homes, and in the sky Twinkle Star. It is especially beautiful in the days of the fireworks.

I really love to visit at Grandma 's, love this apartment. Maybe because I grew up here. This brought me quite a little, here I have learned to distinguish between objects, people, took the first steps. That to me is the native home.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Favorite place on earth for me - it's probably my grandmother's apartment. I most love to wake up there. Grandmother lives on the 4th floor, and therefore outside the window in the morning mist, freshness. And, in general, there is always a window of beauty opens. Summer and spring - is the wave of greenery, the trees, green lawns, woods. Autumn foliage is replaced by ocher, crimson, bright yellow of birches. Winter range of pure white snow, and on the background of elegant, light walls modern houses. It's so different from the boring, gray streets in the center, where I live. There feel squeezed houses, cars. And here, my grandmother, too, the city, but spacious, clean. Fresh air, silence. At me there is always a good mood. Grandma I'm on holidays, vacation, about once a month. And it's always like a holiday. Near theater, close forest. And in the house his grandmother always festive, fun. Maybe because I have time to grow out of books environment. And everything here for me every time anew. And my grandmother always pleased that it arrived. She is a wonderful cook, and sometimes bakes delicious, delicious cakes. And then spreads throughout the apartment special flavor of fresh bread. From one of the odor becomes fun. And how beautiful evening outside - hundreds of fires in homes and in the sky twinkling stars. Is especially beautiful during the salute. I love to visit my grandmother, I love this apartment. Maybe also because I grew up here. This brought me to a little boy, here I learned to recognize objects, people, took his first steps. This for me is a family home.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Your favorite place on earth for me - this is, perhaps, the phone the apartment. I no longer just love waking up there. Grandma on the 4 floor, and therefore in the morning for the window mist, fresh. And, in general,From the window there always opens the beauty. In summer and spring - this wave of herbs, tree crown, green lawns, the forest. In autumn herbs flips, багрянцем, bright convulsion was bustling with. In winter range of pure white snow,And the background making bets, bright walls of modern houses. This is so different from Kramnik, gray street in the center, the place where I live. There feel pinched houses, machines. And here, the grandmother, is also the city, but it is spacious and clean.Fresh air, tranquility. Lord i have there is always a good mood. The grandmother I vist the holidays or in the summer holidays, approximately once a month. And it is the same as the holiday. Next to theater, close to a forest.And in the house the grandmother is always festive, it is interesting. It may be because I'm trying Putin from books, environment. And all of us here for me every time again. And grandmother it is always a pleasure to come to it.It is remarkable, and sometimes specially tasty-tasty pies. And then throughout the headquarters erasure was forgotten flavor fresh bread. From this one smell becomes fun.As well as nicely in the evening for the window - hundreds of lights in the houses, and in-the-sky flicker star. Particularly nice is the days monuments. Lord I love i'm a grandmother, i love this apartment. May be, because here I grew up.Here brought me quite a small, here I have learned to distinguish between objects, people, made the first steps. This is my home.
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