Орест Адамович Кипренский (1782-1836) родился в деревне Нежново в Ле­н перевод - Орест Адамович Кипренский (1782-1836) родился в деревне Нежново в Ле­н английский как сказать

Орест Адамович Кипренский (1782-183

Орест Адамович Кипренский (1782-1836) родился в деревне Нежново в Ле­нинградской области. Он знаменитый русский художник, оставивший значительный след не только в русской, но и в мировой живописи.

Знаменитый портрет А. С. Пушкина нарисован в 1827. Барон Дельвиг, который был другом Пушкина, заказал этот портрет .
Поэт изображен в пол-оборота к зрителю. Его взгляд направлен куда-то вдаль. Часть лица, обращенная к зрителю, ярко освещена светом горящей свечи. Другая половина в тени. Создается впечатление, что поэт вглядывается во что-то , что видно только ему.

Внутренний свет излучают и глаза, и лицо, и весь облик поэта. Картина проникнута необыкновенной одухотворенностью. Строгая темная одежда и клетчатый плед, небрежно наброшенный на плечи лишь усиливают это впечатление. А его мысли унеслись далеко.Обращает на себя внимание то, что поэт невесел. В его взгляде читается настороженность, губы напряженно сжаты, и их излом свидетельствует о богатом жизненном опыте Пушкина. Однако изящные руки поэта спокойно сложены на груди. Его африканские корни ярко проступают в его чертах. Но что-то в нем привлекает внимание, заставляет внимательно вглядываться в его черты, задуматься о чем-то важном, о вечном и прекрасном.
На портрете Пушкина работы Кипренского, поми­мо изображения самого поэта, запечатлена скульптура одной из муз — в правом верхнем углу. В руках у неё музыкальный инстру­мент кифара. С кифарой в руках традиционно изображалась муза любовной поэзии — Эрато.

Сегодня мы можем составить впечатление о внешности Александра Сергеевича Пушкина только по существующим портретам поэта. Мне кажется, Кипренский ближе других художников подошел к решению сложной проблемы - показать душу великого русского поэта средствами живописи.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1782-1836) was born in the village of Nežnovo in the Leningrad region. He is the famous Russian painter, left a significant imprint not only in Russian but also in the world of painting. The famous portrait of Alexander Pushkin painted in 1827. Baron Delvig, who was a friend of Alexander Pushkin, ordered this portrait. The poet is depicted in a half-turn to the Viewer. His mind is somewhere far away. Part of the face turned to the spectator, brightly lit by candlelight. The other half in shadow. It seems that poet peers into something that is visible only to him. Inner light radiate and eye and face, and the whole image of the poet. The painting is suffused with extraordinary spirituality. Strong dark clothing and Plaid, sloppy nabrošennyj on the shoulders of only reinforces this impression. But his thoughts uneslis′ far. Noteworthy that the poet is not something joyful. In his view, his lips hard alertness is compressed, and their fracture shows about the rich experiences of Pushkin. However, graceful hands folded peacefully on the chest of a poet. His African roots clearly show through in its terms. But something in it attracts attention, makes to peer into his features, think about something important, of the eternal and wonderful.In the portrait of Pushkin's work, in addition to image the Kiprensky poet, is a sculpture of a Moose is in the upper right corner. In the hands of a musical instrument with a cithara. With cithara in the hands of traditionally depicted the Muse of love poetry, Erato.Today we can gain an impression of the appearance of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin only on existing portraits of the poet. It seems to me, Kiprensky closer other artists stepped up to address the complex problem-show the soul of the great Russian poet means of painting.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1782-1836) was born in the village Nezhnova in the Leningrad region. He's a famous Russian artist who left a significant mark not only in Russian, but also in the world of painting. The famous portrait of Pushkin painted in 1827. Delvig Baron, who was a friend of Pushkin, ordered the portrait. The poet is shown in a half-turn to the viewer . His gaze is directed into the distance. Part of the face, facing the viewer, brightly lit candlelight. The other half of the shade. It seems that the poet gazes into something that is visible only to him. The inner light is emitted and the eyes and face, and the whole complexion of the poet. The painting is imbued with an extraordinary spirituality. Strict dark clothes and plaid, carelessly thrown over the shoulders of only reinforce this impression. And his thoughts sped daleko.Obraschaet the attention that the poet cheerless. In his view, it reads alertness, lips compressive stress and fracture indicates a rich life experience of Pushkin. However, the poet quietly graceful hands folded on his chest. His African roots show through clearly in his features. But something it attracts attention, causes carefully look into his features, think about something important, about the eternal and the beautiful. The portrait of Pushkin Kiprensky work, in addition to the image of the poet, the sculpture depicts a musical - in the upper right corner. In the hands of her musical instrument cittern. With cithara traditionally depicted in the hands of the muse of love poetry - Erato. Today, we can make an impression on the exterior of Alexander Pushkin's only existing portrait of the poet. It seems to me closer Kiprenskiy other artists approached the complex problem - show the soul of the great Russian poet means of painting.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
B. Torvaldsen Paper Type: Linen (1782-1836) was born in the village in Le got Нежново нинградскои area. He was a famous Russian artist, leaving significant trail not only in Russian, but also in the world of painting.

the famous portrait as well. With the.
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