The DebutanteWhen I was a debutante, I often went to the zoo. I went s перевод - The DebutanteWhen I was a debutante, I often went to the zoo. I went s английский как сказать

The DebutanteWhen I was a debutante

The Debutante

When I was a debutante, I often went to the zoo. I went so often that I knew the animals better than I knew girls of my own age. Indeed it was in order to get away from people that I found myself at the zoo every day. The animal I got to know best was a young hyena. She knew me too. She was very intelligent. I taught her French, and she, in return, taught me her language. In this way we passed many pleasant hours.

My mother was arranging a ball in my honour on the first of May. During this time I was in a state of great distress for whole nights. I’ve always detested balls, especially when they are given in my honour.

On the morning of the first of May 1934, very early, I went to visit the hyena.

“What a bloody nuisance,” I said to her. “I’ve got to go to my ball tonight.”

“You’re very lucky,” she said. “I’d love to go. I don’t know how to dance, but at least I could make small talk.”

“There’ll be a great many different things to eat,” I told her. “I’ve seen truckloads of food delivered to our house.”

“And you’re complaining,” replied the hyena, disgusted. “Just think of me, I eat once a day, and you can’t imagine what a heap of bloody rubbish I’m given.”

I had an audacious idea, and I almost laughed. “All you have to do is to go instead of me!”

“We don’t resemble each other enough, otherwise I’d gladly go,” said the hyena rather sadly.

“Listen,” I said. “No one sees too well in the evening light. If you disguise yourself, nobody will notice you in the crowd. Besides, we’re practically the same size. You’re my only friend, I beg you to do this for me.”

She thought this over, and I knew that she really wanted to accept.

“Done,” she said all of a sudden.

There weren’t many keepers about, it was so early in the morning. I opened the cage quickly, and in a very few moments we were out in the street. I hailed a taxi; at home, everybody was still in bed. In my room I brought out the dress I was to wear that evening. It was a little long, and the hyena found it difficult to walk in my high-heeled shoes. I found some gloves to hide her hands, which were too hairy to look like mine. By the time the sun was shining into my room, she was able to make her way around the room several times, walking more or less upright. We were so busy that my mother almost opened the door to say good morning before the hyena had hidden under my bed.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The DebutanteWhen I was a debutante, I often went to the zoo. I went so often that I knew the animals better than I knew girls of my own age. Indeed it was in order to get away from people that I found myself at the zoo every day. The animal I got to know best was a young hyena. She knew me too. She was very intelligent. I taught her French, and she, in return, taught me her language. In this way we passed many pleasant hours.My mother was arranging a ball in my honour on the first of May. During this time I was in a state of great distress for whole nights. I've always detested balls, especially when they are given in my honour.On the morning of the first of May 1934, very early, I went to visit the hyena."What a bloody nuisance," I said to her. "I've got to go to my ball tonight.""You're very lucky," she said. "I'd love to go. I don't know how to dance, but at least I could make small talk. ""There'll be a great many different things to eat," I told her. "I've seen truckloads of food delivered to our house.""And you're complaining," replied the hyena, disgusted. "Just think of me, I eat once a day, and you can't imagine what a heap of bloody p. 505 I'm given."I had an audacious idea, and I almost laughed. "All you have to do is to go instead of me!""We don't resemble each other enough, otherwise I'd gladly go," said the hyena rather sadly."Listen," I said. "No one sees too well in the evening light. If you disguise yourself, nobody will notice you in the crowd. Besides, we're practically the same size. You're my only friend, I beg you to do this for me. "She thought this over, and I knew that she really wanted to accept."Done," she said all of a sudden.There weren't many keepers about, it was so early in the morning. I opened the cage quickly, and in a very few moments we were out in the street. I hailed a taxi; at home, everybody was still in bed. In my room I brought out the dress I was to wear that evening. It was a little long, and the hyena found it difficult to walk in my high well-heeled shoes. I found some gloves to hide her hands, which were too hairy to look like mine. By the time the sun was shining into my room, she was able to make her way around the room several times, walking more or less upright. We were so busy that my mother almost opened the door to say good morning before the hyena had hidden under my bed.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Debutante of The

for When I of WAS a debutante, I of often the Went to the zoo. I went so often that I knew the animals better than I knew girls of my own age. Indeed it was in order to get away from people that I found myself at the zoo every day. The animal I got to know best was a young hyena. She knew me too. She was very intelligent. I taught her French, and she, in return, taught me her language. The this way we with In PASSED MANY pleasant hours.

The My mother WAS arranging a ball up my Honour in on the first of May. During this time I was in a state of great distress for whole nights. The always detested've I of balls, Especially for They are the when Given up my Honour in.

The On the by morning of the first of May 1934, very early, I of Went to visit the hyena.

"For What a bloody a nuisance," I of Said to HER. "I of've's got to! Go to up my ball tonight."

"You're very lucky," she Said. "I'd love to go. Do not the know I of how of to dance, But Could AT Least I of the make small to talk. "

" There'll the BE a great MANY Different things to eat, "I Told I of HER. "I of've the seen of truckloads of food Delivered to Our house."

"And you're Complaining," replied the hyena, disgusted. "The Just of think of me, I of a day eat once recording, and you CAN not imagine what a the heap of bloody rubbish I of'm Given."

I of HAD an Audacious: idea, and I of by Almost Laughed. "The All you have to do is to an INSTEAD! Go of me!"

"For We do not Resemble each OTHER enough, Otherwise I of'd gladly! Go," Said the hyena rather Sadly.

"The Listen," I of Said. "No one sees too well in the evening light. If you disguise yourself, nobody will notice you in the crowd. Besides, we're practically the same size . 're Up my only You friend E, I of beg you to do the this for me. "

She Thought the this over, and I of Knew That she really wanted to the accept.

" The Done, "she Said all of a Sudden.

There Were not MANY keepers about , it was so early in the morning . I opened the cage quickly, and in a very few moments we were out in the street. I hailed a taxi; at home, everybody was still in bed . In my room I brought out the dress I was to wear that evening. It was a little long, and the hyena found it difficult to walk in my high-heeled shoes. I found some gloves to hide her hands , which were too hairy to look like mine. By the time the sun was shining into my room, she was able to make her way around the room several times, walking more or less upright. We were so busy that my mother almost opened the door to say good morning before the hyena had hidden under my bed.
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