Человек изобрел компьютеры, которые используются почти во всех областях человеческой деятельности. Многие люди думают, что в будущем компьютеры смогут заменить рабочих, учителей и многих других. Но другие люди думают, что компьютеры не приносят пользу человеку.
В первую очередь, компьютер позволяет очень быстро найти любую информацию, это экономит много времени. Раньше пришлось бы идти в библиотеку. Во вторых, люди находящиеся далеко друг от друга могут поддерживать связь на расстоянии. В третьих, компьютеры позволяют решать сложные научные задачи, во многих областях производства заменяют человека.
С другой стороны, многие люди думают, что компьютеры приносят много вреда. Прежде всего компьютер заменяет живое общение между людьми. Люди читают меньше книг, снижается грамотность. Возникает зависимость от компьютера. Днями и ночами человек может сидеть в компьютере, бросив все свои дела.
Подведем итог, люди не представляют жизнь без компьютера. Я думаю, что компьютер приносит больше пользы человеку, чем вреда. Если бы не было компьютеров, наука развивалась бы намного медленнее. Вред, который приносит компьютер можно ограничить силой воли человека.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Man invented the machines that are used in almost all areas of human activity. Many people think that in the future computers will be able to replace workers, teachers and many others. But other people think that computers are not beneficial to the person. First of all, your computer allows you to very quickly find any information, it saves a lot of time. Before you would have to go to the library. Secondly, people are far apart can communicate at a distance. Thirdly, computers allow you to solve complex scientific problems, in many areas of production replace man. On the other hand, many people think that computers bring much harm. First of all the computer replaces the live communication between people. People read fewer books, literacy declines. Dependence arises from the computer. Days and nights people can sit at a computer, abandoning all his chores. To summarize, people do not imagine life without a computer. I think that the computer brings more benefits than harm to a person. If there were no computers, science has evolved much slower. Harm that brings computer can limit human willpower.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Man invented the computers, which are used in almost all areas of human activity. Many people think that in the future computers will be able to replace workers, teachers and many others. But other people think that computers will not benefit a person.
First of all, the computer allows you to quickly find any information, it saves a lot of time. Previously, it would have to go to the library. Secondly, people are far apart can communicate at a distance. Third, computers solve complex scientific problems in many areas of production replaced by man.
On the other hand, many people think that computers bring a lot of harm. First of all, the computer replaces the live communication between people. People read fewer books, reduced literacy. There is a dependence on the computer. Days and nights can sit on your computer, drop everything.
To sum up, people do not represent life without a computer. I think that the computer is more beneficial to man than harm. If there were no computers, science would have developed more slowly. The harm that brings the computer, you can limit the power of the will of man.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
man invented the computers that are used in almost all fields of human activity. many people think that in the future computers will be able to replace workers, teachers and many others. but other people think that computers do not benefit the people.first of all, the computer allows very fast to find any information, it saves a lot of time. before i had to go to the library. secondly, people are far away from each other may communicate at a distance. third, the computers can solve complex scientific challenges in many areas of production with rights.on the other hand, many people think that computers bring a lot of harm. first, the computer replaces the live communication between people. people read fewer books, declining literacy. the dependence on the computer. day and night, people can sit at the computer and all its works.to summarize, people cannot imagine life without computers. i think that the computer is more good than harm a person. if it were not for computers, science develops much more slowly. the harm that brings the computer can limit the power of the will of man.
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