The study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their wants and needs is called economics. Wants and
needs refer to people’s desires to consume certain goods and
services. In economic terms, a good is a physical object that
can be purchased. A record, a house, and a car are examples
of a good. A service is an action or activity done for others
for a fee: Lawyers, plumbers, teachers, and taxicab drivers
perform services. The term product is often used to refer to
both goods and services.
The people who wish to buy goods and services are called
consumers and the goods that they buy are called consumer
goods. The people who make the goods and provide services
that satisfy consumers’ wants and needs are called producers.
Economists generally classify as needs those goods or
services that are necessary for survival. Food, clothing, and
shelter are considered needs. Wants are those goods or serv¬
ices that people consume beyond what is needed for su rvival.
The need for making choices arises from the problem of
scarcity. Scarcity exists because people’s wants and needs are
greater than the resources available to satisfy them. Thus
people must choose how best to use their available resources
to satisfy the greatest number of wants and needs.

А resource is anything that people use to шакв их obtain
what they want or need. Resources that can be used to pro¬
duce goods and services are called factors of production.
Economists usually divide these factors of production into
three categories: (1) natural resources, (2) human resources,
(3) capital resources. Today many economists have added
technology and entrepreneurship to this list.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Unit 1. READING AND TRANSLATION PRACTICETHE BASICS OF ECONOMICS.The study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their wants and needs is called economics. Wants andneeds refers to people's desires to consume certain goods andservices. In economic terms, a good is a physical object thatcan be purchased. A record, a house and a car are examplesof a good. A service is an action or activity done for othersfor a fee: Lawyers, plumbers, teachers, and taxicab driversperform services. The term "product" is often used to refer toboth goods and services.The people who wish to buy goods and services are the so-calledconsumers and the goods that they buy are the so-called consumergoods. The people who make the goods and provide servicesthat satisfy consumers ' wants and needs are called producers.Economists generally classify as needs those goods orservices that are necessary for survival. Food, clothing, andshelter are considered needs. Wants are those goods or serv ¬ICES that people consume beyond what is needed for su rvival.The need for making choices arises from the problem ofscarcity. Scarcity exists because people's wants and needs aregreater than the .resources file available to satisfy them. Thuspeople must choose how best to use their available .resourcesto satisfy the greatest number of wants and needs.A resource is anything that people use to obtain them šakvwhat they want or need. .Resources file that can be used to pro ¬Duce goods and services are called factors of production.Economists usually divide these factors of production intothree categories: (1) natural resources, (2) human resources,(3) capital resources. Today many economists have addedtechnology and entrepreneurship to this list.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Of The study of the choices the people in the make an-effort to Satisfy Their Wants and Needs is Called economics ACTUALITY. And Wants
Needs to refer to people's Desires to the consume Certain the Goods and
services. Economic terms with In, a good is a Physical That the object
CAN Purchased the BE. Record A, a house, and a-car are the examples
of a good. Service, is an A the action or activity done The for: others
for a fee: Lawyers, the plumbers, teachers Insider, and taxicab drivers
the perform services. TERM is product product of The often the USED to refer to to
Both the Goods and services.
Of The people the who wish to the buy the Goods and services are Called
Consumers and the the Goods That the buy for They are Called the consumer
the Goods. The who people the make of The the the Goods and services Provide
That Satisfy Consumers' Wants and Needs are Called Producers.
Economists Generally The classify as with Those Needs the Goods or
services That are Necessary for of survival. Food Food, clothing, and
shelter are Considered Needs. Those are the Goods Wants serv¬ or
ices That people the consume to beyond what is needed for the su rvival.
Of The need for the choices-making Arises from the problem of
scarcity. Because people the exists Scarcity's Wants and Needs are
is greater than the resources available to Satisfy Them. THUS
people from list choose how of a must: best to use available Their resources
to Satisfy the Greatest number of Wants and Needs.

A resource is anything that people use to their Sakva Obtain
what for They want or need. That the BE CAN the Resources USED to pro¬
duce the Goods and services are Called Factors of a production.
Economists Usually the divide of a production for These Factors Into
a three categories: (1) natural resources, (2) human resources,
(3) capital resources. MANY Economists have the Today added
technology and entrepreneurship to the this list.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
unit 1. READING and translation PRACTICEBASICS of ECONOMICS.the study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their wants and needs is called economics. wants andneeds refer to people"s email to consume certain goods andservices. in economic terms, a good is a physical object.can be purchased. a record, a house and a car are examplesof a good. a service is an action or activity done for othersfor a fee, lawyers, plumbers, teachers, and taxicab driversto perform services. the term "is often used to refer toboth goods and services.the people who wish to buy goods and services are calledconsumers and the goods that they buy are called consumergoods. the people who make the goods and provide servicesto satisfy consumers" wants and needs are major producers.Economists generally classify as those goods or servicesservices that are necessary for survival. food, clothing, andshelter are considered. wants are those goods or serv¬ices that people consume beyond what is needed for its rvival.the need for making choices arises from the problem ofknob. Scarcity exists because people"s wants and needs aregreater than the resources available to satisfy them. thuspeople must choose how best to use their available resourcesto satisfy the greatest number of wants and needs.a resource is anything that people use to шакв them obtainwhat they want or need. resources that can be used to pro¬duce goods and services are called the factors of production.Economists usually divide these factors of production intothree categories: (1) the natural resources, human resources, (2)(3) the capital resources. today many economists have addedtechnology and entrepreneurship to this list.
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