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Мы предлагаем провести международну

Мы предлагаем провести международную конференцию по экологическому и экономическому воздействию на устойчивое развитие Environmental Impact 2017 в Санкт-Петербурге.
Санкт-Петербург - один из самых красивых городов России и Европы, бывшая царская столица российской империи. Город славится сочетанием лучших идей европейской и русской архитектуры.
Сегодня Санкт-Петербург называют культурной столицей России. Здесь располагаются лучшие музеи в России (все знают известный музей Эрмитаж), здесь располагаются лучшие театры России (Мариинский театр, балетные школы).

Почему мы планируем провести Environmental Impact 2017 летом?
Лето - самое прекрасное время года в Санкт-Петербурге. Летом есть возможность посетить пригороды Санкт-Петербурга: Петергоф с его знаменитыми фонтанами и Петродворцом, погулять по Екатерининскому саду в Пушкине и насладиться архитектурой Екатерининского дворца, покататься на речном трамвайчике по рекам и каналам наслаждаясь видами Санкт-Петербурга, лето - это время «белых ночей» в Санкт-Петербурге и разводных мостов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We propose the holding of an International Conference on environmental and economic impacts on sustainable development Environmental Impact 2017 in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg-one of the most beautiful cities of Russia and Europe, former imperial capital of the Russian Empire. The city is a combination of the best ideas of European and Russian architectures. Today St. Petersburg called the cultural capital of Russia. Here are the best museums in Russia (everyone knows the famous Hermitage Museum), here are the best theatres of Russia (Mariinsky Theatre, ballet schools).Why we are planning to conduct Environmental Impact in summer 2017?Summer is the best time of year in St. Petersburg. In the summer there is a possibility to visit the suburbs of Saint-Petersburg: Peterhof, with its famous fountains and Peterhof, walk in Ekaterininskomu garden in Pushkin and enjoy the architecture of the Catherine Palace, take a ride on a river boat on the rivers and canals while enjoying views of St. Petersburg, summer is a time for "White Nights" in St.-Petersburg and drawbridges.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We propose to hold an international conference on the ecological and economic impact on the sustainable development of Environmental Impact 2017 in St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg - one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and Russia, the former royal capital of the Russian Empire. The city is famous for its combination of the best ideas of European and Russian architecture.
Today, St. Petersburg is called the cultural capital of Russia. It has the best museums in Russia (everyone knows the famous Hermitage Museum), where are located the best Russian theaters (Mariinsky Theatre, ballet school). Why do we plan to conduct Environmental Impact 2017 summer? Summer - the best time of year in St. Petersburg. In the summer there is the opportunity to visit the suburbs of St. Petersburg: Peterhof with its famous fountains and Petrodvorets, walk in Catherine garden in Pushkin and enjoy the architecture of the Catherine Palace, take a ride by boat on the rivers and channels enjoying the sights of St. Petersburg, summer - this time the "white nights "in St. Petersburg and drawbridges.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
we propose the convening of an international conference on environmental and economic impacts on the sustainable development environmental impact 2017 in st. petersburg.st. petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities of russia and europe, the former royal capital of the russian empire. the city is famous for the combination of the best ideas of russian and european architecture.today, st. petersburg, russia"s cultural capital. here are the best museums in russia (everyone knows the famous hermitage museum), here are the best theatres in russia (mariinsky theatre ballet school).why we plan to conduct environmental impact 2017 summer?summer is the most beautiful season in st. petersburg. in summer, there is the opportunity to visit the suburbs of st. petersburg (peterhof palace with its famous fountains and петродворцом, walk in the garden and enjoy the architecture екатерининскому pushkin ekaterina palace, riding on a swan boat in the rivers and channels of st. petersburg, the summer is a time of "white in st. petersburg and разводных bridges.
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