я пишу тебе из места, где ты никогда не был и куда ты вряд ли однажды поедешь. И всё же здесь есть люди, которые тебя знают и тобой восхищаются. Странно, не так ли?
В июне, когда Супермен вышел на экраны, плакаты с тобой были на каждом углу, такие огромные, как Гуливер в стране лилипутов. Твое лицо было даже на коробках от попкорна! Как ты справляешься с этим? Я бы наверное не смогла.
Пару дней назад (по моему времени, разумеется) я смотрела премьеру твоего фильма в Токио. Не стоило так волноваться, ты был великолепен.
Меня восхитило, как несмотря на хаос вокруг, ты находишь силы улыбаться и быть вежливым с поклонниками, особенно с людьми вроде того парня из аэропорта. Я бы точно ему врезала. Просто невероятно, что ты сдержался.
Забавно, что, когда ты получишь это письмо, пройдут месяцы с этого дня. К тому времени миллионы детей посмотрят выпуск "Улицы сезам" с тобой. Я уверена ты справишься. Уже сейчас миллионы детей хотят быть на тебя похожими - и это много значит, когда ребенок доверяет тебе, не потеряй это. Быть героем значит иметь большую ответственность.
Не позволяй славе и деньгам испортить тебя. Люди любят тебя не только за твою красоту, но, главное, за доброе сердце.
Не слушай любые сплетни, не бойся критиков. Забудь имена тех, кто тебя обидел.
Доверься своей судьбе. Ночью посмотри на небо и увидишь миллиарды созвездий. Где-то среди них есть и твоя звезда, яркая и неповторимая. Верь в свою счастливую звезду.
Не опускай руки. Я не сомневаюсь, что Ты достоин быть здесь и сейчас, ты заслужил право быть в прожекторах славы.
И , пожалуйста, чаще улыбайся. Я заметила, каким хмурым ты выглядел в течение месяцев перед премьерами , но, поверь мне, все будет хорошо. А если однажды захочешь всё бросить, запомни: ты зашел так далеко не чтобы тебя остановили глупые стечения обстоятельств.
Мы все в тебя верим.
С уважением,
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I am writing to you from a place where you've been and where you're hardly one day you will go. And yet there are people who know you and you admire. Strange, is not it?
In June, when Superman came out,posters have been with you at every corner, such as big as Gulliver in Lilliput. Your face was not even on the box of popcorn! How do you deal with that? I probably would have failed.
A couple of days ago (in my time,of course), I watched the premiere of your film in Tokyo. Should not have to worry, you were great.
I was delighted, as despite the chaos around, you find the strength to smile and be polite with fansespecially with people like that guy from the airport. I'd have punched him. It's amazing what you refrained.
It's funny that when you get this letter be months from this day.By that time, millions of children will look issue of "Sesame Street" with you. I'm sure you can handle it. Already, millions of kids want to be just like you - and that means a lot when a child trusts you, do not lose it.Being a hero is to have a great responsibility.
Do not let fame and money to spoil you. People love you not only for your beauty, but, more importantly, for his kind heart.
Do not listen to any rumors, do not be afraid of the critics.Forget the names of those who have offended you.
Trust your destiny. At night, look up at the sky and see billions of constellations. Somewhere among them are your star, bright and unique. Believe in your lucky stars.
Do not give up.I have no doubt that you deserve to be here and now, you've earned the right to be in the spotlights of fame.
And please smile more. I saw how you looked gloomy for months before the premiere, but, believe me,all will be well. And if one day you want to give up, remember: you've gone so far to stop you silly coincidence.
We all believe in you.
Sincerely, Catherine
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
, I am writing to you from a place where you have never been and where you're unlikely to go one day. And yet there are people who you know and you admire. Strange, isn't it?
in June, when Superman was released, posters were with you at every corner, such huge as Guliver in Lilliput. Your face was even on boxes of popcorn! How do you deal with that? I would probably never could.
a couple days ago (in my time, of course) I watched the premiere of your film in Tokyo. It was not worth it to worry you were magnificent.
I delighted, as despite the chaos around you find strength to smile and be polite to fans, especially with people like this guy. I would definitely it embedded. It's amazing what you created ....
funny thing is that when you get this email, there will be months from that day. By that time, millions of children will look at the issue of "Sesame Street" with you. I'm sure you can do it. Already, millions of children will want to be on you like-and it means a lot when a child confides in you, don't lose it. Be the hero does have a lot of responsibility.
don't let fame and money spoil you. People love you not only for your looks, but, above all, for the good heart.
does not hear any gossip, don't be afraid of the critics. Forget the names of those who offended you.
Trust their fate. At night, look at the sky and see the billions of constellations. Somewhere among them and your star, bright and unique. Believe in my lucky star.
does not lower the hands. I have no doubt that you are worthy to be here and now, you have earned the right to be the projection of Fame.
and please smile more often. I noticed how dull you looked for months before premieres, but, believe me, all will be well. And if one day you all quit, remember: you went so far not to be stopped by silly circumstances.
we all believe in you ...
regards, Catherine
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
'Hello,lord i am writing you from the place, where you have never been, and where you are unlikely to get there one day. And all same here there are people that you know and you admired. It is odd, isn't it?
in June, when their pseudonyms out on screens,Posters with you were at each corner, such enormous, as Gulliver's order in the country. Thou hast a person was even on boxes of popcorn! As you справляешься with this? I would probably have not been able to.
a couple of days ago (in my time,Of course) i glared preelectoral film in Tokyo. Do not worry about the cost, you have been just great.
me directly supervises, as despite the chaos around, you barrack force smile and be polite with the stillness,Especially with people like the guy from the airport. I would like to accurately врезала to him. It is simply incredible that you've stopped short.
Lark, that, when you get this letter, will be months from that day.By the time millions of children would be enjoyed the issuance of "Sesame Street" with you. I am sure you'll manage it. Now millions of children want to be on you similar - and this means many things, when a child trusts you, it's not.Be assured we have a great responsibility.
do not bother glory and money spoil you. People like you not only for thy beauty, but, more importantly, for the kind heart.
does not hear any gossip, fear not critics.Forget the names of those who have offended thee.
trust their fate. Look at the night sky and see billions constellations. Where the among them there is and your star, bright and unique. Believe in its happy star.
not hips lifted while lowering your hands.I have no doubt that you deserve to be here and now, you've earned the right to be in flood lights of fame.
AND, please, keep it simple more frequently. I noticed, how shook his head glumly you look like it was in the months before the stadiums, but, believe me,All will be well. And if one day all right?" all cast, remember: you're gone so far is not to ensure that you have stopped foolish circumstance.lord we all in you believe.Lord with respect,
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