Румыния богата различным рельефом. На севере Румынии расположены карпа перевод - Румыния богата различным рельефом. На севере Румынии расположены карпа английский как сказать

Румыния богата различным рельефом.

Румыния богата различным рельефом. На севере Румынии расположены карпатские горы, где берет свое начало река Дунай и впадает в Чёрное море. Это удивительный край, в котором сливается прошлое и настоящее, дикая нетронутая природа и цивилизация. Край, с множеством редких вымирающих животных и растений. здесь есть современные города, которые сами производят электричество, и есть деревни в которых до сих пор живут без электричества, где люди добывают пищу ходят на охоту или рыбалку. Но постепенно человек вмешиваться в природу, вырубает леса и истребляет животных. Чтобы сохранить природу не тронутой и защитить её, создают заповедники, в которых запрещена охота на диких животных и вырубка лесов. Но в это же время есть попытки браконьерства, которые к сожалению успешны.
В Карпатах ходит легенда, привлекающая туристов со всего мира, согласно которой господарь Влад Цепеш был Графом Дракулой. Но правда это или нет, до сих пор остаётся загадкой.
Так же в Карпатах находятся средневековые здания, которые со временем начали разрушаться, некоторые удаётся реконструировать. Многие люди выступают за то, чтобы как можно долге сохранить эти здания, но, к сожалению, на это требуется много денег.
Карпаты богаты своими виноградными полями. Традиции виноделия передаются из поколени я в поколение. Виноделием занимаются целыми династиями.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Romania is rich in various terrain. In the North of Romania are the Carpathian Mountains, where the Danube River originates and flows into the Black Sea. This wonderful region, which merges past and present, wild untouched nature and civilisation. Edge, with lots of rare endangered animals and plants. There are modern cities, which themselves produce electricity, and there are villages that still live without electricity, where people produce food go hunting or fishing. But gradually people interfere in nature, cut down forests and killing animals. To keep nature untouched and protect her, create nature reserves, which prohibit the hunting of wild animals and deforestation. But at the same time, there are attempts at poaching that unfortunately successful.In the Carpathians runs legend, attracting tourists from around the world, according to which the ruler Vlad the Impaler was Count Dracula. But true or not, still remains a mystery. In the same way in the Carpathians are medieval buildings, which eventually began to crumble, some manage to reconstruct. Many people advocated that debt as possible to save these buildings but, unfortunately, it takes a lot of money. The Carpathian Mountains are rich in their bean fields. Winemaking traditions are handed down from generation to generation, I. Winemaking involved in whole dynasties.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Romania is rich in a variety of terrain. In the north of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania are located where originates the Danube River and empties into the Black Sea. This wonderful land, which merges past and present, wild untouched nature and civilization. Edge, with many rare endangered animals and plants. There is a modern city, which themselves produce electricity, and there are villages which still live without electricity, where people gather food go hunting or fishing. But gradually people interfere with nature, cutting down forests and destroys animals. To preserve nature intact and protect it, creating reserves, which banned the hunting of wild animals and deforestation. But at the same time there are attempts to poaching, which, unfortunately, are successful.
In the Carpathians, is a legend, which attracts tourists from all over the world, according to which the ruler Vlad Tepes was Count Dracula. But it's true or not, still remains a mystery.
It is also in the Carpathians are medieval buildings, which eventually began to collapse, some manage to reconstruct. Many people are in favor of that as long as possible to preserve these buildings, but unfortunately, it takes a lot of money.
The Carpathians are rich in their own grape fields. Winemaking traditions handed down from generation to generation, I. Engaged in winemaking whole dynasties.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
romania is rich in various topography. the romanian carpathian mountains are located in the north, where the danube river originates and flows into the black sea. it's a wonderful edge, which blends the past and the presentwild untouched nature and civilization. edge, with many rare and endangered plants and animals. there are modern cities, which themselves produce electricityis the village which still live without electricity, where people get food go hunting or fishing. but gradually the person involved in the nature, the knock out forest and exterminates animals.to preserve the nature untouched and protect her, to create reserves, which prohibited hunting of wild animals, and deforestation. but at the same time, there are attempts to poaching, which unfortunately successful.
in the carpathians is a legend, attracting tourists from around the world, according to which the master vlad tepes was count dracula. but it's true or not, is still a mystery.as in the carpathians are the medieval buildings that eventually began to unravel, some manage to reconstruct. many people advocate that duty to preserve these buildings, but, unfortunately,it takes a lot of money.
the rich their vines fields. the tradition of wine making are transmitted from поколени i generation. winemaking are all династиями.
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