Новый эпизод анимационного ТВ сериала о Peppa Pig! Дети обожают следит перевод - Новый эпизод анимационного ТВ сериала о Peppa Pig! Дети обожают следит английский как сказать

Новый эпизод анимационного ТВ сериа

Новый эпизод анимационного ТВ сериала о Peppa Pig! Дети обожают следить за увлекательными приключениями Peppa Pig и её друзей! В этой серии Grandpa Pig rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! Но magic ointment попадает и на руку Grandpa Pig and his hand turns into an octopus tentacle too! Они приходят в госпиталь, там их встречает Покемон Пикачу. А Миньоны (Гадкий Я) помогают вылечить руки Grandpa and Suzy Sheep.

Peppa Pig is the best funny cartoon for kids! In this new episode, little Peppa Pig and Suzy Sheep come to school. Danny Dog running along the corridor and knocked Suzy. She falls and hits her hand. After that, Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep and Danny Dog goes to the hospital, but it is closed. Policeman decided to help them and rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! Peppa Pig and Danny Dog run away in fright! Will they be able to return the Suzy's arm? And what will happen with the policeman? Watch in this series "Peppa Pig"!

Их ждут:
волшебная мазь, которая превращает руку в щупальце осьминога;
George Pig обольет водой из ведра Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep и Danny Dog;
от машины полицейского отпадут колеса;
Suzy Sheep полетает на пузыре жевачки;
Peppa Pig будет ловить и фотографировать Покемонов (Pokémon GO);
Mummy Pig заставит Peppa Pig мыть полы
и многое другое

- это детский мультипликационный сериал о забавных приключениях Peppa Pig, её семьи и друзей.В этой серии Daddy Pig gives Peppa и её Peppa's little brother George Pig a ride в кафе поесть мороженное. Там они встречают Машу (мультфильм Маша и Медведь)и к ним присоединяется Nicole. Они заказывают много сладостей. Балованный George Pig начинает битву сладостями. Nicole, Маша и Peppa Pig забросали его в ответ мороженным. Кто победит в этой вкусной битве?

George Pig начинает бросаться в них сладостями
Они звонят Николь и она присоединяется к ним
мороженная война

в этом эпизоде
в этом эпизоде Пеппа и Джордж дерутся мороженным
Другие увлекательные эпизоды про Peppa Pig можно посмотреть здесь:
Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig's house!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
New episode of the animated TV series about Peppa Pig! Kids will love to follow the exciting adventures of Peppa Pig and her friends! In this series of Grandpa Pig rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! But magic ointment and falls into the hands of Grandpa Pig and his hand turns into an octopus tentacle too! They come to the hospital, where they meets Pokemon Pikachu. And minions (despicable me) helps to cure hands Grandpa and Suzy Sheep.Peppa Pig is the best funny cartoon for kids! In this new episode, Peppa Pig and little Suzy Sheep come to school. Danny Dog running along the corridor and knocked Suzy. She falls and hits her hand. After that, Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep and Danny the Dog goes to the hospital, but it is closed. Policeman decided to help them and rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! Peppa Pig Danny Dog and run away in fright! Will they be able to return the Suzy's arm? And what will happen with the policeman? Watch in this series "Peppa Pig"!They are:Magic ointment that turns your hand into the Octopus;George Pig obolet water from buckets, Peppa Pig, Suzy and Danny Sheep Dog;from police cars will disappear; Suzy Sheep fly on bladder ževački;Peppa Pig will catch and taking pictures of Pokemon (Pokémon GO);Mummy Pig make Peppa Pig wash floors and much moreis a children's animated series about funny adventures of Peppa Pig and her family and friends. This series of Daddy Pig gives Peppa and her little brother George Pig Peppa's a ride in the café to eat ice cream. There they meet Masha (cartoon Masha and the bear) and Nicole joins them. They bought a lot of sweets. Balovannyj George Pig begins to battle. Nicole, Masha and Peppa Pig threw his ice cream in response. Who will win this delicious battle?George Pig begins to rush into them sweetsThey call Nicole and she joins themfrozen warin this episodein this episode, Peppas and George fight ice creamOther fascinating episodes about Peppa Pig can be seen here:Peppa PigPeppa Pig's house!NicoleMinionsPeppa'sPeppa
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
A new episode of the animated TV series about Peppa Pig! Kids will love to watch the exciting adventures of Peppa Pig and her friends! In this series, Grandpa Pig rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! But the magic ointment, and falls into the hands of Grandpa Pig and his hand turns into an octopus tentacle too! They come to the hospital, where they were met Pokemon Pikachu. And Minions (Despicable Me) help cure hands and Suzy Sheep Grandpa's.

Peppa Pig is the: best funny cartoon for kids! In this new episode, little Peppa Pig and Suzy Sheep come to school. Danny Dog running along the corridor and knocked Suzy. She falls and hits her hand. After that, Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep and Danny Dog goes to the hospital, but it is closed. Policeman decided to help them and rubs Suzy Sheep's hand magic ointment. After that her hand turns into an octopus tentacle! Peppa Pig and Danny Dog run away in fright! Will they be able to return the Suzy 's arm? And what will happen with the policeman? ! Watch in this series "Peppa Pig "

They are waiting for:
a magic ointment that turns hand to tentacle octopus,
of George Pig obolet water from a bucket Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep and Danny Dog;
car police disappear wheels,
Suzy Sheep fly on the bubble chewing gum;
Peppa Pig will catch and photograph Pokemon (the Pokémon the GO);
Mummy is cause Pig Peppa Pig wash the floors
and more

- it is a children's animated television series about the amusing adventures of Peppa Pig, her family and the Friends of the series Daddy Pig gives Peppa and her Peppa's little brother George Pig a ride to the cafe to eat ice cream. There they meet Masha (cartoon Masha and the Bear), and they are joined by Nicole. They bought a lot of sweets. George Pig starts messing battle sweets. Nicole, Maria Peppa Pig and threw him back ice cream. Who will win this tasty battle?

Of George Pig begins to throw them sweets
They call Nicole and she joins them
frozen war

in this episode
in this episode Peppa and George fighting ice cream
Other fascinating about Peppa Pig episodes can be viewed here:
Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig's house !
by Nicole
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